Lesson Planner

Date: / Grade/Class/Subject: COLONIAL AMERICA
Unit/Theme:Big Questions to display:
How has geography affected the exploration, development, and expansion of the United States?
How did economics influence exploration and growth of the colonies leading to the creation of the United States as a separate country?
What factors contributed to the creation of the United States as a national community and how does that affect the relationship the USA had with other countries during its development?
GO Identify economic and religious reasons for exploration and colonization of North America.
Performance Indicator(s): In a matrix, compare and contrast the Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia and South Carolina colonies: (re: the economic, political, and religious reasons people settled each, how the geography influenced the colonies and how each colony was governed).
Language Objective(s): Read, synthesize, and organize information from leveled reader into chart and share with class.
Key Vocabulary
Colony govern
Geography / Supplementary Materials
  • Colonial America National Geographic Teacher Guide
  • Colonial AmericaNational Geographic Theme Sets
  • Key Concept Questions Activity Master
  • Share Learning Organizers

SIOP® Features
__x_ Adaptation of Content
_x__ Links to Background
_x__ Links to Past Learning
_x__ Strategies Incorporated
Integration of Processes
_x__ Reading
_x_ Writing
_x__ Speaking
_x__ Listening / Scaffolding
__x_ Modeling
__x_ Guided Practice
__x_ Independent Practice
__x_ Comprehensible Input
___ Hands-on
_x__ Meaningful
_x__ Linked to objectives
_x__ Promotes Engagement / Grouping Options
_x__ Whole Class
___ Small Groups
_x__ Partners
_x__ Independent
_x__ Individual
_x__ Group
_x_ Written
_x__ Oral
Lesson Sequence
APK: Introduce the National Geographic Readers. (pg. 34-35 TG) Have students flip through their books, paying attention to titles, headings, pictures, maps.
Introduce vocabulary: What is a colony? (place ruled by another country)
What do we mean when we talk about geography? (the land and climate of a place)
What does it mean to govern a colony? (to make sure people obey the rules and laws made for them)
NI: Each student will read the reader pages 4-16 with a buddy and answer the Key Concept Questions in the Activity Master. (pg. 69 & 45 TG)
APP: Transfer answers to questions into Shared Learning organizer (pg. 68 & 43 TG).
In a whole class activity, using the jigsaw method, all students will complete the Share Learning organizer sharing information obtained from the readers. (pg. 54 TG)
GEN:People moved to the colonies for many reasons including to own land, make money and some came for religious freedom. The colonies were settled by a few people and then more came. They set up industries and farms and as the colonies grew, the colonists began to govern themselves.
Summative/Performance Indicator(s): Using a matrix, compare and contrast the colonies: the economic, political, and religious reasons people settled each, how the geography influenced the colonies and how each colony was governed.
