Alcohol & Drugs

No one affiliated with Arkansas State University-Jonesboro Club Sports programs shall be allowed to consume alcoholic beverages or drugs when participating in their sport activity; this applies to transportation, lodging, competitions, and practices. No matter your age, alcohol and drugs cannot be consumed while you are representing Arkansas State University Club Sports.

ASU has a zero tolerance towards alcohol and drugs in any activity related to Club Sports on or off campus.

Harassment & Hazing

No one affiliated with Arkansas State University Club Sports may at any discriminate against others on the basis of race, ethnic ancestry, national origin, religion, gender, age, physical or mental disability, or any other protected class.

No one shall be involved in any activity that requires the initiation or continued membership into their sports team to be conditional on “forced” activity which constitutes hazing. Any activity outside the normal parameters of practice, training, competition and the positive development of leadership and teambuilding is prohibited at ASU.

Arkansas State University has a zero tolerance policy for harassment and hazing and you will be held accountable.


Sportsmanship is mandatory and expected at all times in competition and practice.

As a Club Sports representative, you represent the integrity and spirit of the University

Treat athletic staff, coaches, teammates, officials, opponents, and spectators with respect at all times!

Social Media

Remember other people see what you put on social media sites. As long as you are participating in a Club Sport at ASU, you are representing the University. You are responsible for what you post and can be held accountable.


All Crimes such as rape, date rape, theft, assault, and hazing, must be reported to the University Police Department.


Students, coaches and instructors failing to adhere to the above Code of Conduct will be held accountable and face sanctioning including potential loss of University recognition for their Club Sport.

In addition, Employees participating in Club Sports must comply with all requirements of the applicable System Staff Handbook or Faculty Handbook as well as any policies, operating procedures, laws, rules, or regulations governing the Jonesboro campus. All student behavior issues related to Club Sports are subject to the Student Code of Conduct and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.

Please Sign Below

I, ______(print name), hereby acknowledge that I have read the Club Sports Code of Conduct and understand and accept its requirements. I also understand the disciplinary actions which may be taken for violating the Club Sports Code of Conduct.

Signature ______

Date ______