Book Talk/ Current Events Guidelines

Each student will bring in one book talk or current event article to present to the class every other week on their assigned day.

The current events article must be about one of the following topics:

1. Election News

2. Kids

3. School/Education

4. Sports (only one per month, please)

5. Community

6. Computers/Science

7. Historical Findings



You may be asked to show your article and note cards to your teacher for review on the morning of your presentation day. If the article is unacceptable, you will have to prepare to present a new article the following day. You may show your teacher your article before your presentation day to get prior approval.

Presentation Guidelines:

1.  You must have five paraphrased main points from the article. Each main point should be written on a separate note card.

2.  Your teacher may check your article and note cards on the morning of your presentation.

3.  Your presentation must be:

a. Audible (Can your audience hear you?)

b. Brief (Did you summarize your article with five main points?)

c. Clear (Can the audience understand what you are saying?

Are you pronouncing words clearly?)

4. You will maintain an audible voice level and will speak with


5. You will use fantastic body language. (No rocking back and forth, etc.)

6. You will have magnificent eye contact with the audience.

Book Talk/Current Events Schedule

Presentations will begin with

Week A on Tuesday, September 15th

Week B on Tuesday, September 22nd

Week A and Week B will alternate so that each student presents a current event every other week.

Week A Week B

Tuesday Hayda Al-isterbadi Julio Argueta Portillo

Anderson Avelar Nicholas Bratcher

Jacqueline Carachure Neha Chundru


Wednesday Megan Cumes Michelle Hinostroza Echaiz

Maya Eriksen Bardiya Gharipoor

Hannah Gilfedder Gabriel Herritt

Thursday Tyler Hutton George Khella Fayez

Daliah Minkara Sean Pandelides

Tatiana Guzman Ramos

Friday Erin Smith Jacob Smith

Gustavo Torres Cadence Welch

*Do not plan these in your calendar too far ahead as dates may change due to holidays and testing.

Name: ______Title of Article: ______

Current Events Grading Scale

4 = The student exceeds the standard for oral communication:

Audience can hear speaker at all times, speaker speaks clearly, high degree of eye contact with audience, speaker uses inflection in voice, speaker expresses ideas clearly, appropriate body language

3 = The student meets the standard for oral communication:

Audience can hear most of the time, moderate amount of eye contact with audience, speaker expresses ideas clearly, appropriate body language

2 = The student is progressing toward the standard of oral communication:

Audience has difficulty hearing , low degree of eye contact with audience, looking at visual most of the time, little inflection in voice, some ideas not clearly expressed

1 = The student is below standard for oral communication:

Audience has difficulty hearing, no eye contact with audience, looks at visuals all of the time, low inflection in voice, ideas not clearly expressed

Grade: ______Date: ______

Name: ______Title of Article: ______