I. The Islamic Heartlands in the Middle and Late Abbasid Eras

A. Imperial Extravagance and Succession Disputes

Identify Harun al-Rashid

What is The Thousand and One Nights

Identify al-Ma'mun

B. Imperial Breakdown and Agrarian Disorder

Describe the Civil unrest at the end of the Abbasid era

What occurred to cause civil unrest due to the Caliphs building lavishly?

C. The Declining Position of Women in the Family and Society

What happens to women at this time?

How did Polygyny contribute to the decline of the position of women?

D. Nomadic Incursions and the Eclipse of Caliphal Power

What threatenedAbbasids

How and why was bagdad taken?

Who were the Seljuk Turks

What were the sh’ia purges?

E. The Impact of the Christian Crusades

What were the crusades?

What was the intended outcome?

What actually occurred as a result of the crusades?

Who was Saladin and what does he do?

II. An Age of Learning and Artistic Refinements

Describe Urban growth during this time. What was the cause?

A. The Full Flowering of Persian Literature

What is Calligraphy?





Omar Kayyan


B. Achievements in the Sciences

Describe the Islamic achievement in Math

Describe the Islamic achievement in Chemistry


Identify Al-Razi

Identify Al-Biruni

What were some of the advances in medicine during this time?

C. Religious Trends and the New Push for Expansion

Who were the Sufis

What is mysticism?

Describe Ulama

Describe Al-Ghazali

D. New Waves of Nomadic Invasions and the End of the Caliphate

Who were the Mongols?

Why and how does Baghdad finally fall?

III. The Coming of Islam to South Asia

A. Political Divisions and the First Muslim Invasions

What led to the first interactions between muslims and south Asia in the 8th century

Who was Muhammad ibnQasim

What wasdhimmi?

B. Indian Influences on Islamic Civilization

How did India influence the Islamic world?

C. From Booty to Empire: The Second Wave of Muslim Invasions

Who was Mahmud of Ghazni and what did he do?

Who was Muhammad of Ghurand what did he do?

Describe the Delhi sultanate

D. Patterns of Conversion

Who predominately converted to islam?

Why did they convert?

E. Patterns of Accommodation

Why do Muslims often fail to integrate?

F. Islamic Challenge and Hindu Revival

Describe Bhakti

What are Mira Baiand Kabir?

G. Stand-off: The Muslim Presence in India
at the End of the Sultanate Period

Describe the conflict beween the Brahmins and the ulama

IV. The Spread of Islam to Southeast Asia

What was Shrivijaya?

A. Trading Contacts and Conversion

Describe the conversion of the people of southeast Asia.

Why were Sufis important?

Why were Coastal cities especially receptive to conversion?

B. Sufi Mystics and the Nature of Southeast Asian Islam

How does Sufi mysticism impact Southeast Asian Islam?

What was the position of women here?