
In fifth grade social studies class, students will learn about the history and geography of the Western Hemisphere, from prehistory into modern times.

Marking Period Averages

The following assessments will contribute to marking period averages:

Unit Assessments– generally scheduled for the last week of each month

Independent practice –classroom activities & occasional outside of class responsibilities

Materials needed for 5th grade Social Studies class with Mrs. Robbins:

Pencils & erasers (throughout the school year)

One 3-ringed binder, 1 inch width, any color

Three binder dividers, any color (holed punch colored construction paper works fine )

Learning Portfolios

Each student will be responsible for keeping one section of their binders as their portfolio; the other two sections will be for their daily learning journal and study guides. Portfolios will be a collection of student accomplishments in social studies throughout the school year. Some of the essential questions that will guide studentportfolio work include: Where am I? (timelines & geography skills), Who lived here before me?, and What do governments do?

Some SS Topics: geography, Native Americans, European explorers, independence movements, Government, Economics, Cultural comparisons in the Eastern Hemisphere

Some SS Skills: using textual evidence, chronological reasoning & causation, geographic reasoning, gathering & interpreting evidence, persuasive & explanatory writing

Your partner in education,

Mrs. Robbins

E-mail address:

School phone: (607) 698-4225, ext. 1205


MrsMrs. Robbins’ Learning Scale

4 = Based on the assessment, it appears that the student completely understands the objective so well that they can apply it to previously learned or new knowledge and/or skills. Knowledge that is demonstrated is at the “knowledge utilization level”, meaning that the student is able to effectively make decisions, solve problems, experiment and/or investigate the related content and/or skills being assessed. Assessment was correctly completed and includes evidence of advanced understanding. An earned “4” will earn a 100 in the SchoolTool gradebook report. A.K.A. Lifeguard

3 = Based on the assessment, it appears that the student completely understands the big idea and is able to work independently with related content and/or skills. Knowledge that is demonstrated is at the “analysis level”, meaning that the student is able to analyze, generalize, specify, and classify content and/or skills being assessed. Assessment was completed correctly but may have a very minor error or missed opportunity for demonstrating deeper thinking and understanding. An earned “3” will earn an 80 (instead of a 75 [3/4]) in the SchoolTool gradebook report; reflecting a job well done but with room for improvement. A.K.A . Independent Swimmer

2 = Based on the assessment, it appears that the student understands the basic ideas, but has some questions or misunderstandings. Knowledge that is demonstrated is at the “comprehension level”, meaning that the student is able to explain critical components of the content and integrate that knowledge with the skill being assessed. Assessment was completed with several errors, may be somewhat unreadable, and may lack details. An earned “2” will earn a 60 (instead of a 50 [2/4]) in the SchoolTool gradebook report; reflecting the student has almost met the required knowledge and skills needed. A.K.A. I need a noodle.

1 = Based on the assessment, it appears that student does not understand much of the content and/or skill being assessed. Knowledge that is demonstrated is at the “retrieval level”, meaning that the student is able to recognize or recall some information that is related to the content and/or skill being assessed. Assessment may not be completed or completed was completed with several errors and lacks essential understanding and knowledge. An earned “1” will earn a 40 (instead of a 25 [1/4]) in the SchoolTool gradebook report. A.K.A. My lifejacket is buckled.

0 = Not readable, not complete, did not follow directions, or lacks understanding of content and/or skill being assessed. A.K.A. I’m not in the water yet…

5th Grade Social Studies

Food Permission Slip

Throughout the school year I, Mrs. Robbins, make & bring in various history related foods.

Yes my child, ______, has my permission to eat these foods.

Consenting Parent’s signature: ______date: ______

Classroom Volunteers

I am interested in having a couple classroom helpers join me in my classroom throughout the school year. Such volunteers would assist in various learning activities. Sometimes I simply like an extra set of eyes and ears when we go on an outside adventure. Sometimes I divide and conquer the class and would like someone to read with a student or small group of students. The duties and dates needed would vary but your efforts would always be appreciated.

Are you interested in volunteering in my classroom? If you are interested in helping…

What days of the week and times are you available?

______Mondays, from ______AM/PM until ______AM/PM

______Tuesdays, from ______AM/PM until ______AM/PM

______Wednesdays, from ______AM/PM until ______AM/PM

______Thursdays, from ______AM/PM until ______AM/PM

______Fridays from ______AM/PM until ______AM/PM

Your phone number? ______

Your email address? ______

Thanks! I’ll be in touch!

Mrs. Robbins