My Utopia
Civics Course Culminating Task
If you could live in a perfect society what would it look like? In groups of 3-4 your task is to create a utopia. The location and design is entirely your choice. As this is the course culminating task it is worth 30% of your final mark. Although this is a group effort an individual mark will be allotted. You will be given a maximum of ______work periods to complete the task. There are four parts to this assignment.
Part 1- The Map
Use a computer or draw by hand a bird’s eye view of your society. Plot the institutions that you deem necessary on your map. Design a flag and create a slogan. Be sure to include a legend. Use the “My Utopia Organizer” before beginning the map. Your society must be realistic, legal and be able to survive. You should be able to justify all your choices.
Part 2-The Brochure
Prepare a brochure that provides insight into your utopia. Your brochure must include but is not limited to the following criteria:
- Information on your system of government and the reason(s) for this choice
- A minimum of 5 rights and freedoms for your citizens
- A minimum of 5 laws
- Information on your utopia’s economic system
Part 3- The presentation
Prepare a video presentation or live skit to introduce your utopia to the class. Your presentation should be 10-15mins in length. The purpose of your presentation is to persuade the class in believing that your society is the best in which to live. Be creative and have fun. Here are some ideas:
- an infomercial
- a tv commercial
- a news broadcast
- a parliamentary debate
- a talk show
Part 4-a justified opinion paper
After listening to all presentations you will determine which society is a true utopia. You are required to write a minimum of a two page double spaced paper justifying your choice.
My Utopia Name______
Individual Vision statement
The vision statement will be used as a guide for your utopian society. Individually you are required to answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. This will be submitted for assessment and evaluation.
a) List a minimum of5 rights and freedoms of your society
b) List a minimum of 5 laws of your society
c) What will you name your society?
d) What is the ideal population of your society and why?
e) What characteristics make your society unique?
f) How will a system of government be established?
g) Draw a birds eye view of your society which includes key institutions ie) schools,
hospitals etc.
Category / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1Details / content /
- Vision statement is exceptionally clear, accurate to topic, relevant and detailed
- Vision statement is clear, accurate, relevant and detailed
- Vision statement is somewhat clear, accurate, relevant but need more details
- vision statement needs to be more clear, accurate, relevant and detailed
creativity /
- ideas are exceptionally original, creative and authentic
- most ideas are creative, original and authentic
- some ideas are creative but need to be more original and authentic
- lack of creativity and originality in ideas
organization /
- vision contains very organized ideas and timeline for completion
- vision has organized ideas and a clear timeline
- vision has some organization of ideas and timeline
- vision lacks any organized ideas and timeline
My Utopia Name______
Group Vision Statement
The group vision statement should be made by sharing and building on each member’s individual vision statement. Groups should spend time on the vision statement to ensure that the project is well organized and creative. As a group, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
a) List a minimum of 5 rights and freedoms of your society
b) List a minimum of 5 laws of your society
c) Describe the system of government
d) What makes your society unique?
e) What is the ideal population of your society?
f) Would immigration / emigration be permitted? Explain
g) What is the name of your society?
f) Design a flag to represent your society
g) Draw a birds eye view of your society which includes key institutions ie) schools,
hospitals etc.
Category / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1Details / content /
- Vision statement is exceptionally clear, accurate to topic, relevant and detailed
- Vision statement is clear, accurate, relevant and detailed
- Vision statement is somewhat clear, accurate, relevant but need more details
- vision statement needs to be more clear, accurate, relevant and detailed
creativity /
- ideas are exceptionally original, creative and authentic
- most ideas are creative, original and authentic
- some ideas are creative but need to be more original and authentic
- lack of creativity and originality in ideas
organization /
- vision contains very organized ideas and timeline for completion
- vision has organized ideas and a clear timeline
- vision has some organization of ideas and timeline
- vision lacks any organized ideas and timeline
My Utopia Organizer Name______
Name of society______
Name of Institution / Yes / No / Numberrequired / Location on map / Why do we need this institution?
elementary school(s)
High school(s)
Shopping mall
Places of worship
Police station(s)
Name of Institution / Yes / No / Number
required / Location on map / Why do we need this institution?
For each of the charts below, place a checkmark in the most appropriate column for each group member (including yourself) that represents their contribution to the project process. If necessary, provide any comments that justify your assessment of their contributions.
Group Vision Statement
Name / More than Equal / Equal / Less than Equal / Little / Nothing / Comments1
Birds eye view model
Name / More than Equal / Equal / Less than Equal / Little / Nothing / Comments1
Name / More than Equal / Equal / Less than Equal / Little / Nothing / Comments1
Quote of the day:
It is through cooperation, rather than conflict, that your greatest successes will be derived
Presentation Rubric Name______
Criteria / Level 4(80%-100%) / Level 3
(70%-79%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 1
Knowledge & Understanding / * the presenters demonstrate an excellent degree of understanding of concepts covered in civics ie) forms of government, decision making etc. / * the presenters demonstrate a very good understanding of concepts covered in civics ie) forms of government, decision making etc. / * the presenters demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of concepts covered in civics ie) forms of government, decision making etc. / * the presenters demonstrate little to no understanding of concepts covered in civics ie)forms of government, decision making etc.
Application / * presentation is clearly focused , and offers insight that is clearly understood by the audience / * presentation is clearly focused throughout and the audience understand the information / * focus of the presentation is somewhat easy to follow and is somewhat understood by the audience / * focus of the presentation is vague and or off topic at times and the information is not understood by the audience
Thinking/Inquiry / * critical thinking skills are applied with a high degree of effectiveness by thoroughly justifying the rights, laws, form of government etc. of the society / * critical thinking skills are applied with considerable clarity and effectiveness by justifying the rights, laws, form of government etc. of the society / * critical thinking skills have been applied with moderate effectiveness although more justification is needed when explaining the rights, laws, form of government etc of the society / * critical thinking skills have been used with limited clarity and effectiveness as little to no justification was given regarding the chosen laws, rights, form of government of the society
Communication / * Presenters are articulate, and displays a high level of enthusiasm for the topic
*presenters are engaging making effective use of tone, change of pace, and body language
*responses to questions asked by instructor/ peers show evidence of thorough understanding of the complexity of the topic and requires participants to think about the issue from a different perspective / * presenters are well spoken and display enthusiasm for the topic
* presenters are audible, and speak at an appropriate pace
* responses to questions asked by instructor/ peers / activity are thought provoking and highlight the most important aspects of the topic / * presenters are audible and they demonstrate some enthusiasm for the topic
* effort is made to speak clearly
* answers to questions asked by the instructor/peers are simplistic and do not do justice to the topic’s possibilities. It needs to be more insightful / * presenters are not well spoken, may not be audible, enthusiastic or animated as speakers
* notes are frequently used for reference
* answers to questions asked by the instructor/peers lack substance. The presentation is insightful and or engage the class
Map and Brochure Rubric Name______
Criteria / Level 4(80%-100%) / Level 3
(70%-79%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 1
Knowledge & Understanding / * the society is based on more than the institutions of society listed in the assignment
*information presented is informative, organized and original in content and scope reflecting a high degree of creativity
*the information presented is effective and is developed in a sophisticated / * the society is based on all the institutions listed in the assignment
*information presented is informative, organized, original in content and scope
*a significant message is evident in the perfect society / * the society is based on most of the institutions listed in the assignment
*information is presented clearly and supports the message
*the message is evident and fairly / * the society is based on only some of the institutions listed in the assignment
*information on the map and brochure is not focused
*the main message is not clearly focused
Application / * the map and brochure are clearly focused and offer insight into your utopia
*all available information is used, the significance of which is indisputably understood by the audience
*the utopia created addresses the needs of individuals based on the institutions of society / * the map and brochure are clearly focused and offer insight into your utopia
*the message is based on available information, which is then used correctly and placed in context
*all requirements of the assignment are met / * focus of the map and brochure is evident and easy to follow
*a variety of evidence is used in an attempt to illustrate the main ideas in the message
*most of the requirements of the assignment are met / * focus of the map and brochure is vague or off topic in places
* the message is inconsistent with available historical evidence
* the information used does not illustrate the main ideas of the society
* the society created is not realistic
*little to no requirements of the assignment are met
Thinking/Inquiry / *the rights and freedoms, and laws created illustrate an in depth inquiry into the basis of the society
*the flag has a unique design that relates to the theme of the society / *the rights and freedoms, and laws created illustrate an in depth inquiry into the basis of the society
*the flag has a unique and colourful design / *the rights and freedoms and laws created are connected to the basic requirements of a valid society
*a flag has been designed / *the rights and freedoms and laws created reflect that very little thinking or inquiry has gone into producing the finished product for this assignment
* no flag has been created or the design has been copied from an existing flag
Communication / * the map and brochure make effective use of colour, pictures / drawings, language and original slogans
*the map and brochure are organized in a highly effective manner / * the map and brochure are colourful containing several pictures /drawings and a catchy slogn
*the map and brochure are well organized / * the map and brochure contain colour, pictures / drawings
*the layout of the brochure or map are fairly well organized
*map and / or brochure do not display it’s creators’ enthusiasm for the topic / * the map and brochure contain little to no colour , pictures/drawings
*the layout of the map and brochure lacks organization
*map and brochure display a lack of enthusiasm for the topic on the part of the creators