Other Entities
Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement covers procurement by entities included in this Annex, subject to the following thresholds:
Goods US$ 250,000 List A
SDR 400,000 List B
Services US$ 250,000 List A
SDR 400,000 List B
Construction Services SDR 5,000,000
List of Entities:
1List A:
1.1.Tennessee Valley Authority;
1.2.Bonneville Power Administration;
1.3.Western Area Power Administration;
1.4.Southeastern Power Administration;
1.5.Southwestern Power Administration;
1.6.St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation;
1.7.Rural Utilities Service Financing (Note 1).
2List B:
2.1.Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (Note 2);
2.2.Port of Baltimore (Note 3);
2.3.New York Power Authority (Note 4).
Notes to Annex 3
1. The Rural Utilities Service shall not impose any domestic purchase requirement as a condition of its financing of any power generation or telecommunication project that exceeds the thresholds specified above. The Rural Utilities Service undertakes no other commitments with respect to its financing of power generation and telecommunications projects.
2. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey:
a. This Agreement does not cover:
i. procurement of maintenance, repair, and operating materials and supplies (e.g., hardware, tools, lamps/lighting, and plumbing); or
ii. procurement pursuant to multi-jurisdictional agreement (i.e., for contracts that have initially been awarded by other jurisdictions).
b. In exceptional cases, the Board of Directors may require the purchase of certain goods produced in the region. This Agreement does not apply to any procurement subject to such a requirement.
7 June 2014 (WT/Let/950)
APPENDIX I / UNITED STATES / ANNEX 3 / Page 1/23. Port of Baltimore: Procurement covered by this Agreement is subject to the conditions specified for the State of New York in Annex 2.
4. New York Power Authority: Procurement covered by this Agreement is subject to the conditions specified for the State of New York in Annex 2.
5. With respect to procurement by entities included in this Annex, this Agreement does not apply to restrictions attached to federal funds for airport projects.
7 June 2014 (WT/Let/950)