1. Qin built and extended this to keep out the Xiongnu.

Great Wall

2. A network of trade routes that extended from China to southwest Asia.

Silk Road

3. Philosophy that taught people needed harsh laws and punishment to live right. Legalism

4. They made sure government officials did their jobs.


5. The practice that requires children to respect their parents and older relatives. Filial piety

6. The river that flows from Mongolia to the Pacific.

Huang He

7. The dynasty that ruled over the Huang He valley.


8. Dynasty that used a large cavalry force to conquer neighbors and set up a new dynasty.


9. He drove the Xiongnu back into the Gobi Desert.

Han Wudi

10. Taught people to put family and community needs above their own. Confucius

11. Usually was the head of a Chinese family.

Oldest male

12. Three exports of China by the Silk Road. Silk, Tea, Spices

13. The period of violence that caused people to look for ways to restore order. Warring States

14. People could do this to their king if he was bad or brought bad fortune on his kingdom.

Overthrow him

15. The amount of China’s land that is good for farming.


16. The founder of Daoism.


17. The Chinese invention to help with pain that involves small needles.


18. The military leaders with their own armies.


19. Wu Wang led a rebellion against this dynasty because they were so cruel.


20. Zhang Qian brought back stories of this empire after he went west of China.



A. Most men failed the civil service tests given by the Han dynasty. If a young man did not pass, what could he do?

A man who failed the civil service exam could teach, assist government officials, or be supported by their families.

B. Describe some ways Qin Shihuangdi unified China.

Some ways Qin Shihuangdi unified China include the creation of one currency, building roads and a canal, making uniform laws and taxes, and standardizing weights and measurements.