Date: 30th September, 2013

To: Our Valuable Customers

From: “K” Line (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Re: Japan Customs 24 Hour Advanced Manifest Rule<updated on 30-Sep-2013>

We would like to remind that, Japan Customs 24 Hour Advanced Manifest Rule will take effect on

March 10th, 2014. Please find the updatedinformation as shown in highlight YELLOW.

Outline of the JP24H Rule –

  1. Electronic manifest submission must be done 24 hours prior to the vessel’s departure at POL.
  2. Together with electronic manifest, carriers must send Actual Time of Departure to Japanese Customs via EDI.
  3. Implementation date is to be March 10th, 2014. (Basis on data declaration)
  4. Risk assessment by the Japanese Customs will be carried out and warning messages will be issued

against any suspicious data.

  1. Failure to submit electronic manifest in time will be subject to penalty of JPY500,000. It is also possible that cargo is not allowed to be discharged.
  2. Short sea trade will be exempted from this rule and the deadline to file manifest will be

before the vessel’s departure.

  1. There will be no “Grace Period” upon the implementation.
  2. Same as US24 rule, a carrier is to file Master B/L information, and NVOCC is to file House B/L information. (Carrier can NOT file House B/L information on behalf of NVOCC.)
  3. Applicable cargo type “containerized” cargo only, no matter how the vessel type is. (e.g. Containers loaded to pure car carrier vessel will be subject to this advanced manifest filing rule.)

ROB, empty, and plat form container are exempted.

Cargoes to be transhipped in Japan fall into this advanced manifest filing rule as well.

  1. If DNL (Do Not Load)/HLD (HOLD) are issued by Japan Customs before loading and if it was not released in time,cargo must not be loaded.
  2. In case submission of S/I from the customer is delayed and resulted in a delay in manifest

submission, cargo must not be loaded.

The items must be specified in Shipping Instruction true and accurate –

Shipper / Consignee / Notify Party



TEL Number

UN Country Code(This will be extracted from Company Master, not needed in M/F.)

TO ORDER record is acceptable if Notify Party field shows above details.

Clear Commodity Name

Example of unacceptable commodity name;

Apparel, Auto Parts, Equipment, Foodstuffs, Machinery, General Cargo, FAK, etc.

6 digits of HS Code

UN Number and IMDG Code, in case of DG cargo

Important Note about House B/L Filing -

Responsible Party

As mentioned in “Outline of the Rule-VIII”, NVOCCs must file their House B/L by themselves and

UNLIKE US24H rule, a carrier can NOT file their House B/L on their behalf.

Failure to House B/L filing would result in DNU (Do Not Unload) and container(s) would possibly be

shippedback to the origin. Also this would cause penalty and/or unnecessary cost of rehandling

at POD.

Preparation for NVOCCs

In order for NVOCCs to file their House B/L to Japan Customs, they have 2 choices.

One is to file by own system, and another one is to file via Service Provider.

In case they would file by their own, they need to establish direct connection between

NACCS (JP Customs Clearance system) and their in-house system. This is only possible if the

system server is located in Japan. Therefore this will be the choice mainly for NVOCCs who have the base in Japan. They need to complete data transaction test between NACCS and the

in-house system before the rule implementation.

In another case that NVOCC would file via Service Provider (SP),

in this case, NVOCCs are required to obtain “Reporter ID” through NACCS centre website in advance and make a contract with SP. The issuance of Reporter ID has already started.

NACCS (Japan Customs Clearance System)Website :

“Reporter ID Issuance System”

 “List of Service Providers”

If you want more details of Japan Advance Filing rules, please visit the following website:

Japan Customs :

We would like to take this opportunity to thank for your valuable support and look forward to your continuous patronage. Should you have any further queries, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team at Hotline: (+852) 2861 5433, (+86-755) 8832 2090 or Email address:

Thanks for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,

Business Development Department

For and on behalf of “K” Line (Hong Kong) Ltd.