Title (Times Bold 18 pt, centered)

Subtitle if any (Times Bold 16pt, centered)

Author A1, Author B2, etc. (Times 14 pt, centered, full names)

1 Affiliation – Country (Times 12 pt, centered)

2 Affiliation – Country (Times 12 pt, centered)

Keywords:five keywords describing the content of the paper (Times 10 pt, left, separated by commas)

1. Introduction (Times Bold 14 pt, left)

The paper should be written in one of the official languages of the conference (French or English). If you write it in French, please include an English abstract.

The main body of the paper should be written in Times font (or Times New Roman font), size 12 pt, justified and single-spaced, with no indentation at the beginning of paragraphs. There should be a blank line between each paragraph.

The paper must contain between 1,000 and 1,200 words (excluding the bibliographic references). In any case, the whole document (body of the paper +bibliographic references) should not exceed 5 pages.

The authors are requested to send an electronic version (in either .doc or .rtf format) by15 June 2005 to the following address:

2. Electronic styles

Please use this document as a model for the final version of the text. The sections should be numbered.

3. Sections

The title of sections should be written in Times Bold 14 pt.

3.1. Subsections

The title of subsections should be written in Times Italic Bold 12 pt.

3.1.1. Subsubsections

The title of subsubsections should be written in Times Italic 12 pt.

4. Bibliography

Bibliographic referencesin the textshould be included in parentheses. They should contain:

-the names of the authors (or "et al." if there are more than 2 authors; Note that “et al.” should be used only for references which are included in the text, while the “References” section at the end of the document should contain the names of all the authors);

-the year and the page number(s), with a colon separating the year and the page number(s).

The bibliographic referencesin the textshould be separated by semi-colon and ordered chronologically. Here are some examples:

-As noted by Davis et al. (1998a:26), ….

-…. (Davis et al. 1998a:27; Davis et al. 1998b; Smith Brown 1999:231; Carlon Johns 2000:180; Smith 2000:53).

Full bibliographic references (only those included in the main body of the paper) should appear at the very end of the document in the “References” section, which will remain unnumbered. They should be ranked in alphabetical order and written in Times 11 pt (see below). The style of the bibliographic references should conform to the examples below.


Carlon A. C. Johns (2000) Title of chapter in a book. In Some S. E. Editor (eds) Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, 145-193.

Davis T., A. Smith B. Brown (1998a) Title of article in conference proceedings. In Maybe M., S. Some E. Editor (eds) Proc. of IDKW’98 (5th I Don’t Know What), 24-33.

Davis T., A. Smith B. Brown (1998b) Title of technical report. Technical Report TR-123-99-332, The Institution.

Smith A. (2000) Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher.

Smith A. & B. Brown (1999) Title of article in a journal. The Journal Name vol.(nr), 123-345.

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