Father Albert J. Todd Council 12119
• 1005 Wilbon Road • Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 •

Monthly Business Meetings are held at St. Bernadette Church

On the Second Tuesday of Every Month at 7:30 pm

Meeting Minutes for: November 10th, 2009

Prepared by Bro. Steven Raedy, Recorder


The Meeting was called to order by GK Tommy Rosati at 7:34 PM.

2.Warden’s Report on Membership Cards (Bro. Anthony Convery, Warden):

All present are in possession of a current membership card.

3.Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

4.Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

5.Roll Call of Officers:

6.Opening Ode: Omitted

7.Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:

A Motion was made by Bro. Jim O'Donnell and seconded by Bro. Dave Peters to approve the minutes of the October meeting as published and distributed to the membership. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.

8.Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications:

GK Tommy Rosati read applications for the following candidates: Longo Nicola, Charlie Dyess, Albino Raulynaitis, and John Flanagan, as well as a re-application for John Karkoski.

9.Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, and reapplications):

A Motion was made by Bro. Jim O'Donnell and seconded by Bro. Dave Peters to accept the new applicants. The Motionpassed by unanimous verbal consent.

10.Reading of Notices of Application in other Councils: N/A

  1. Initiations:

GK Tommy Rosati suspended the meeting at 7:39. The exemplification of the First Degree was held forChris Flanagan, Charlie Dyess, Longo Nicola, and AlRaulynaitis, as well as Scott Zelenka from Monsignor Michael A. Carey Council #6650. The Business meeting was re-convened at 8:25.

  1. Grand Knight’s Report:

Worthy Brothers,

I wanted to take a minute to discuss the Dinner/Dance that was scheduled to take place on November 7th. As you all know, this event needed to be canceled due to a lack of participation. Was this the desired result? No. Should this get us down? ABSOLUTELY NOT! With all of the events we choose to get involved in, we are bound to have a couple of hiccups every now & then. I have asked the Deputy Grand Knight to debrief the members of the Dinner/Dance committee and to discuss among themselves what went right, what went wrong and where we go from here. I want to assure every member of Council 12119 we will bounce back from this & continue doing what we do best; serve our Church, Our Community & Our Order.

The Knight & Family of the Month:

Knight of the Month:

At this time, it's my honor & privilege to present the Knight of the Month Award to Brother Mike Zazzeri. On November 8th, our Council had our annual Council's Soccer Challenge & also helped with the District Soccer Challenge. This could not have been done without the leadership & dedication of our Worthy Youth Director, Brother Mike Zazzeri. Acquiring equipment, securing a location, signing up participants & dealing with rain delays are just some of what Brother Mike had to do. Thank you Brother Mike for a job well done!

Family of the Month:

At this time it is my honor & privilege to present the Family of the Month Award to the family of Council 12119. As you all know, this award usually goes to a specific family, however, I consider Council 12119 to be a family itself. We have worked together in so many events and have accomplished so much as a team…or better yet, a family. Thank you Council 12119 for your teamwork and tenaciousness.

My Brothers, sometimes things do not go as planned, but most of the time we achieve and we do that because we refuse to give up. We refuse to give up on our beliefs and we refuse to give up on each other.


13Chaplain’s Report (Fr. Mark Betti): omitted

14Treasurer’s Report (FS Wally Chaplin for Bro. Bob Mayen):

The current bank balance is $11,311.16, including the following fund allocations:

Life Memorial: $1975.02

Knights in need:$1000.00

Capital Campaign: $943.35

15Reading by Grand Knight of Receipts of Treasurer to Financial Secretary and Treasurer’s Voucher of Deposit:

R 444 (10/13/09) - Dues = $24.00
R 445 (10/13/09) - Kids Badges (2) = $14.00
R 446 (10/22/09) - Member & Ladies Badges = $57.25
R 447 (10/22/09) - Dues, reapplication fee and Capital Campaign = $128.50
R 448 (10/22/09) - October Pancake Breakfast Receipts = $919.24
R 449 (10/30/09) - October Social 50/50 Raffle = $109.00
R 450 (10/30/09) - Dues & Ladies Badges = $38.00

16Reading of Bills and Communications:

Bills (Warrants from Financial Secretary to Treasurer)
W 748 (10/13/09) - Bro. Raul Barbeito for October Pancake Breakfast supplies = $306.20
W 749 (10/13/09) - Bro. Michael Mroz for Life Memorial Slant Marker = $980.00
W 750 (10/13/09) - Bro. Jim O'Donnell for Yard Sale Expenses = $198.07
W 751 (10/13/09) - Bro. Andy Raulynaitis for September Social food supplies = $91.87
W 752 (10/13/09) - K of C Council 9880 for 3rd Degree Fees (4 Members) = $48.00
W 753 (10/13/09) - Bro. Wallace H. Chaplin, Jr. for reimbursement for purchase of Warden & FS robes = $266.00
W 754 (10/27/09) - Bro. Tommy Rosati, GK for Operation LAMB Pins (26) = $80.50
W 755 (10/27/09) - Bro. Tommy Rosati, GK October Social Steam Table Supplies = $24.42
W 756 (10/27/09) - Bro. Andy Raulynaitis for October Social food supplies = $385.99


Culture of Life Fund - Memorandum from Supreme Secretary to all Financial Secretaries dated November3, 2009. The delegates to the 127th Supreme annual meeting voted unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 314 resolving that the Culture of Life Fund be supported by an annual assessment of $2.00 per member. This will be assessed on the Council's Billing Statement from Supreme in January and July. Every member and every council is encouraged to make additional voluntary contributions to the fund.

A VIP certificate from Supreme was presented to Brother Ed Undercoffer for recruiting 2 members into the Council.

A note was sent from the Catholic Daughters thanking the Council for their help in the installation reception and the plaque.

17.Financial Secretary’s Report(Bro. Wally Chaplin, FS):

We currently have 147 Associate Members and 57 Insurance Members for a total of 204 Members. Our quota for this Fraternal Year is 14 new associate members and 5 Insurance members. Since the start of the Fraternal Year we have gained 3 new members (121.40% of quota). We have had one addition and two losses from our insurance numbers. To date, 19.61% (40) of our Council members have not yet paid their dues for the July 2009 - June 2010 Fraternal Year.

18Report of Auditors and Trustees (Bro. Dave Dillman):

The trustees are currently working to resolve issues related to delinquent dues payments.

19.Chancellor’s Report of Vocations (Bro. Dave Peters):

A certificate indicating a Rosary was recited by the officers was in honor of Fr. Betti was presented.

  1. Report of Service Program Committees
  • Pro-Life (GK Tommy Rosati for Mike Mroz, Director)

At the September meeting I discussed a program that is supported by the Knights called Room At The Inn. This Catholic oriented respect life program provides:

  1. An alternative to abortion for young college women with their College Outreach program;
  2. Classes in many areas and material assistance through their Community Outreach program; and
  3. Free housing, material assistance, classes, and peer groups for college students through their Residential program.

Please see me or any of the officers for more information regarding RATI. It is hoped that this Charlotte-based organization will eventually expand to include the Raleigh area and beyond.

You can also read details about RATI at their website:

Kof C is asking the membership to help with the RATI capital expansion. Unlike parish capital campaigns where parishioners are usually asked to pledge thousands of dollars, brothers are being asked for far less.

KofC is asking each member to pledge $20 per year for five years to RATI.

The Albert J. Todd council membership currently exceeds 200. If every brother contributes as requested, our council will have cumulatively donated over $20,000 to the project. Of course, you may choose to contribute more or less, pay over a different time period, or contribute a one-time payment. Every pledge counts!

Please use the pledge form that was emailed to all members, or see me for a copy, and mail with your check directly to:

Room At The Inn

PO Box 75384

Charlotte, NC 28275-0384

Checks are to be made payable to "Room At The Inn". Please include in the memo line "K of C for C.C.".

As brother Knights and Catholic gentlemen, we are pledged to honor the sanctity of life. From the Supreme Council website: "Every life is sacred, from the moment of conception till natural death. As Knights of Columbus, we are called to defend the dignity of each human being at every stage and work together in building a culture of life and a civilization of love." This is an excellent way to honor that pledge and to advance the cause of ending abortion.

  • Church Activities (Bro. Jim O’Donnell, Director)

The dedication of the new Education Building is scheduled for 11/22/09 at the 11:30 mass. Bishop Burbidge will be here to say mass and dedicate the building. He will also dedicate the life memorial. As I mentioned at the meeting last night, I would love to see a strong showing from the Knights for this event. The 4th degree honor guard will be participating in this event. If you are a 4th degree member with regalia and would like to be a part of the honor guard, please contact Tony Perna. If you do not have regalia, please wear your tux, social baldric and name badge. If you are a 1st thru 3rd degree member, I am asking that you dress in coat and tie and wear your name badge. Please bring your families. I am asking that the knights arrive no later than 11:10 so we can sit together as a group with our families. Honor guard needs to be there by 11am. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

I encourage all Knights to consider running for a Parish Council position; elections are upcoming in December.

  • LAMB – Whatsoever you do to the “Least Among My Brethren (LAMB)” (Bros. Chuck Byars):

No report

  • Family Activities (Bro. Chris Craney, Director):

1. November Family event this Saturday 9:00AM. Adopt a Highway clean up of Wilbon Road, starting at 9:00 a.m. Still looking for volunteers.
2. December Family event Saturday, December 5th, Carolina Hurricanes vs Vancouver Canucks. Game time is 1:30. Please send me an e-mail if your interested so can confirm ticket count.
3. Giving Tree Program - Will be supporting the Wake County Foster Care children this Christmas. Collecting gifts the last week of November and first week of December. Will need some help, plan to coordinate with Dave Onofrio.

  • Youth Activities(Bro. Mike Zazzeri, Director):

The Soccer Challenge was a big success.

ABIG THANK YOU! to Fr.Mark and Fr.Robert for allowing an announcement to be read at the 9:30 Mass. We had 4 of the 7 children sign up as a result! I really appreciate the shout-out!

THANK YOU brother Chuck for all of your help. Also a thank you to brother Bruce for coming out YESTERDAY to confirm that the field was, indeed, there.

WDD Bob, thank you for attending and overseeing the District event. If there was one down side to all of this is that #7186 could not attend to make things interesting. I'm confident that while it would have been a fine competition,our kids would have swept the good and worthy GK Chris' kids at District!!!

Finally, but not least, THANK YOU to the 7 youth that took time out to participate. 6 of the 7 are "professional" soccer players with the 7th (and oldest) being my son, who, while not a player, scored the most points at both the CouncilAND District events! Too bad brother Chris Eby's son couldn't make it, the 14 yr old age bracket would have been interesting to say the least.

Which reminds me...brother Chris Eby...I suppose we could not have done this without your SOCCER BALLS!! I'm grateful for the loan. Thank you!

  • Membership Activities (Dave Dillman, Director):

No report

21.Report of Standing Committees:

Pancake Breakfasts (Bro. Dave Dillman):

Results of last breakfast – Jim O'Donnell's team

Gross $785.00


Net Profit$478.26

Blood Drives (Bro. Dave Dillman):

The new time for blood drives is 3:30 – 6:30.

The remaining scheduled dates for 2009 are: Thursday – December 10th, 2009. The schedule for the blood drives in 2010 has been coordinated with the Rex Bloodmobile. The dates are:Thursday – March 18th, 2010;Thursday- June 17th, 2010;Thursday – September 16th, 2010; and Thursday – December 9th, 2010.

22. Unfinished Business: no unfinished business

  1. New Business:

The LAMB Chairman for the 2010 year will be Bro. Chuck Byars. Bro. Byars needs an assistant, please contact him if you are interested.

Fr. Betti would like to make the Council aware that the Respect Life bus will be leaving for the March For Life in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 22nd. Please see any of the officers for more information on how to participate.


GK Tommy Rosati is considering putting together a Parish Cookbook with all proceeds going to our Church's Capital Campaign. We may be able to sell these cookbooks for a 100% profit while keeping the price point fairly low. If things go as planned, I will be prepared to present this idea (formally) to the Council at our December Business Meeting, however, before I do so, I need your help.
I need Recipes! It doesn't matter where or who they come from. I would rather have too many than not enough, so please forward me any recipes you wish to share.
Especially through Thanksgiving, if you plan to not only submit a recipe but make the dish, please take a sharp close up picture of it and email it to me. There is a place in my software for pictures of the dishes.
If anyone has a friend, family member or business acquaintance who is in the printing industry, I would love to hear about them. Printing costs is going to determine how successful this project (if the Council decides to do it) will be, so if you know someone who can cut us a nice deal, please share with me their contact information.

24Report of Fourth Degree:

Fr. H. Charles Mulholland Assembly #2983 (SK Wally Chaplin, Faithful Navigator):

The 4th Degree Color Corp was in attendance for the funeral of former Garner Mayor Don Rohrbaugh. This was much appreciated by the family and friends of Mayor Rohrbaugh.

SK Wally Chaplin recognized 3 brothers who took their Fourth Degree. The new Sir Knights are: Dave Peters, Chris Craney, and Steven Raedy. Brother Raedy barely made it through the ND-BC game following the Degree.

25Insurance Field Agent’s Report(Bro. Michael Martin, FIC): N/A

26District Deputy’s Report (Bro. Bob Caron, District Deputy):

Greetings from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, State Deputy David Jones, and the State Board of Directors:

Congratulations to the new members. There are 3 things that you are encouraged to do:

1)Progress through the remaining Degrees.

2)Get involved with the Council.

3)Discuss insurance offerings with insurance field agent Bro. Mike Martin.

27Good of the Order: Prayers were requested for

  • All Clergy and Religious
  • Military at home and abroad
  • Wallace Chaplin, Sr.
  • John Sheehan
  • Cheryl Mauro
  • Lisa Kobrich

28Chaplain’s Summation:(Fr. Mark Betti): N/A

29Closing Prayer: The Closing Prayer was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

30Closing Ode: Omitted

31 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by GK Tommy Rosati at 9:22

32Attendance drawing:

The name of Ron Leblond was drawn. Bro. Leblond was not in attendance to collect the $20 attendance prize, which will roll over to next month. You must be current on your dues to be eligible for the prize.

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