Troop 91 General Personal Equipment Checklist

Troop 91 always wears Class A uniforms while traveling to go camping. You must be wearing your Class A uniform when we assemble to leave for a camping trip.

The following list is a general camping list. You should be aware of any special requirements and you should check this list against the one in your Boy Scout Handbook. Read your permission slip for other items that are needed. Always check the weather report before packing. Remember to Label All Items (especially Clothing!) with YOUR NAME!

Be sure that you have eaten before the assembly time at the scout hut or that you have food to eat while traveling. When we meet at the Scout Hut you will be expected to help pack the vehicles. You will not eat while others pack for you!

Electronics: The only electronic equipment you may have in camp is a flashlight and camera. Gameboys or other electronic games and personal radios or CD players are not allowed in camp. You may have these items for the car trip to the camp-site so long as it does not disturb the driver. All songs and games must contain suitable lyrics and other material as approved by your parents. Choose your songs and games in accordance with the Scout Law ("A Scout is Clean"). Songs and games may not be shared with other Scouts (what you and your family think is appropriate may not be considered so by others). You are entirely responsible for the safety, security and welfare of your electronic equipment.

Equipment required:

___ sleeping bag (adequate for the season)

___ extra blanket (cold) or sheet (hot)

___ sleeping pad

___ 3 plastic trash bags (for bedding if it rains, for dirty clothes, etc.)

___ wash up kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, wash cloths/towels, comb or brush, deodorant, toilet paper)

___ eating utensils (cup, bowl, spoon)

___ towel (small for face, large if swimming)


____ Scout shirt (Class A)

____ Scout shorts/long pants

____ Scout socks

____ Official belt and buckle

____ Troop T-shirt

____ Raincoat or poncho

____ Wet weather headgear and footwear

____ Extra underwear (shirts and shorts)

____ Sweater, fleece, or jacket

____ Hiking socks (1 pair)

____ Extra socks (2 pair)

___ junky shoes (for wearing in the water)

____ long-johns #

____ stocking cap #

____ extra shoes

____ coat #

____ gloves #

____ Backpack, duffle, or something adequate for carrying all gear (ask before buying one)

___ Totin' Chip

___ Fireman's Chit

___ Hat or cap (for sun or warmth, depending on season)

___ nylon cord (for clothes lines, etc.)

___ Scout Book

___ Flashlight w/ extra batteries (and bulb)

___ waterproof matches

___ Sunscreen/Bug spray

___ medical supplies (if you have specific medication that you must take you must bring it to the attention of the Scoutmaster or adult unit leader).


___ swim trunks

___ sewing kit

___ camera & film

___ musical instrument

___ books (MB pamphlets, Religious material, bedtime reading, etc. Follow the Scout Law)

___ playing cards

___ chess set, backgammon, or checkers

___ Frisbee

___ camp stool

___ fishing gear

___ spending money (for snacks, patches, etc.)

___ snacks

# cold weather camping only