Suas Educational Development

Workers Beer Company Festival Bar Volunteer Application Form 2016

First Name


Date of Birth

Address 1

Address 2

Address 3






Next of Kin – Emergency Contact Name

Next of Kin – Emergency Contact Phone Number

I would like to volunteer at the following event(s):

Kilmainham - Sunday 26th June – Sigur Ros
Kilmainham – Tuesday 28th June – Disclosure
Kilmainham – Thursday 30th June – Stereophonics
Kilmainham – Saturday 2nd July - Faithless
Marley Park – Friday 8th July – Kodaline
Marley Park – Saturday 9th July – The Stone Roses
Marley Park– 15/16/17th – Longitude
Punchestown – Saturday 23rd July – Lionel Richie

What is your connection with Suas (please explain particularly how you heard about this opportunity. If you have a friend already volunteering please give name)

If you have any particular mobility issues we should be aware of please indicate in the box below. The Workers Beer Company work in temporary environments that are potentially hazardous:

Please tick the box if correct - I confirm that I have the right to work in Ireland

I have attached with my application a passport style photo (head & shoulders)

Suas Volunteers at Workers Beer Company Events - Terms and Conditions

I acknowledge that I will be representing Suas Educational Development, its ethos and values on the day of the event(s) I have volunteered for. I agree to conduct myself in an appropriate manner that will maintain the integrity of the organisation during this time and I take full responsibility for my behaviour whilst a Suas volunteer.

1. Volunteers are short term representatives of the organisation (Suas Educational Development) and should behave in the appropriate manner i.e. being courteous and polite to members of the general public at all times.

2. Volunteers are to refrain from drinking alcohol or engaging in anti-social behaviour of any kind throughout the duration of their shift with the Workers Beer Company.

3. Volunteers should take careful responsibility for ensuring their personal safety.

4. Volunteers are requested to be vigilant at all times and not to take any risks or stray from the bar area designated to them during their shift.

6. In the event of a volunteer being subjected to threatening behaviour from a member of the general public, the volunteer should seek assistance from the nearest member of security and/or Gardai.

7. Volunteers must not engage in aggressive behaviour, even if enticed.

I have read and accept the terms & conditions above (please tick if you agree)

Print Name: Date:

**Please note – places for all events are limited, based on a first come first served basis & at the discretion of Suas. If you have signed up for more than one event a place cannot always be guaranteed at each event.

Suas Educational Development is a Registered Charity CHY 14931 Company Registration Number 362631

Registered Office: 10 – 12 Hogan Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Tel: 01 662 1400 • Email: •