Chapter 9-Private Payers-Blue Cross & Blue Shield

Key Words

Administrative Services Only ASO-Contract under which an insurance carrier works as a Third Party

Administrator for a self-funded health plan

Blue Card-Provides benefits for plan members who are away from their local area

Blue Cross and Blue Shield-National organization

Cafeteria Plan-Choose from a wide variety of options for benefits

Capitation Plan-Monthly enrollment list of policyholders, eligible members, PCP, no pre-cert required

Carve Out-A part of a standard health plan that is changed under a negotiated Employee Sponsored Health

Plan, also refers to subcontracting coverage of benefits

Consumer Driven or Directed Health Plan CDHP-Empowers consumers to manage their use of healthcare

services and products. HRA, HAS, FSA, usually a PPO

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act COBRA-When leaving a job the right to continue health

coverage under employers plan for a limited amount of time

Credentialing-Done by health plans as they select doctors and hospital to join their networks

Creditable Coverage-Previous insurance coverage that must be counted by a new employer in enrolling into

a new employee health plan

Discounted Fee-for-Service-Payment structure PPO’s usually offer in their contract with providers

Elective Surgery-Performed on a scheduled basis. Usually require a preauthorization

Episode-of-Care-Pays doctor a flat fee to handle all services of a particular type of contract

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ERISA-Run by the Department of Labor and Pension and

Welfare Benefits Administration, protects companies which set up employee health and pension plans

Family Deductible-Type of deductible must be met by one or more enrollees on a contract within a family

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program-FEHBP-Largest employer sponsored health program. Covers

federal employees, retirees and their families

Flexible Blue-CDHP

Formulary-List of approved drugs, have smaller copays

Flexible Savings Account-FSA-Pretax money put into a fund to pay for medical expenses. Funded by


Group Health Plan-Employer buys from insurance company. Governed by HIPAA

High Deductible Health Plan-HDHP

Health Reimbursement Account HRA-Reimbursement plan set p and funded by employer

Health Savings Account HSA-Set up by individual

Home Plan-Blue Cross refers to community where subscriber has his coverage

Host Plan-Out of area from home plan-Blue Cross

Individual Health Plan IHP-Individual policy-expensive

Independent Practice Association IPA-Type of HMO that is made up of physicians

Individual Deductible-Type of deductible must be met for each enrollee

Late Enrollee-An individual when enrolls in a plan at a time other than the earliest possible enroll date

Managed Care Contract-Must be evaluated by practices from a financial standpoint

Monthly Enrollment List-Contains those eligible members of capitated plan who are registered with a

particular PCP

Open Enrollment Period-Time in which employee can choose a plan for coming benefits period

Participation Contract-Providers decide whether to participate in a managed care plan. Based on types of

patients served and financial arrangements

Pay-for-Performance P4P-Financial incentive program improvement in providers work

Plan Summary Grid-Contains payer’s names, plans, patient financial responsibility, co-pays, deductibles,

referrals, preauthorization requirements, covered and non-covered services, bill information and

participating labs

Pharmacy Benefit Manager PBM-Arrange for prescription drug benefits-inexpensive

Repricer-Company that works for the plan and sets the discount for each out of network providers

Rider-Document that modifies insurance contract “options”, added to insurance plan

Self Funded Plan-Regulated by ERISA

Silent PPO-Extends contractural discounts to plans with which the practice does not have participation

discounts (network-sharing arrangements)

Stop-Loss-Provisions intended to protect providers-provisions are included in capitation, rather than

indemnity participation. Protect providers against extreme financial loss

Subcapitation-When MCO hires another organization to provide certain medical services on a capitated bases

Summary Plan Description SPD-Describes benefits and legal rights

Third Party Claims Administrator TPA-Provides administrative services for medical insurance plans

Tiered Network-Encourage patient’s too see plans most cost effective highest quality provider

Utilization Review Organization URO-Hired by payers to review the appropriateness planned medical services

Waiting Period-Amount of time that must pass before an employee can enroll in a health plan. Time between

the date of hire and date insurance becomes effective