This information was originally on the web page which has been up on the net for a long time by Patricia Hanning. We thank her for letting us transfer the information to this site.

YACOLT CEMETERY, Yacolt, Clark County, WA

The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to

the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is

intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.

Location: From City Hall go towards center of town and turn left

on Railroad Ave. Go .5 miles, the cemetery is on the left. Look

for the white fence.

History: The Yacolt Cemetery was established in 1913. The land

was donated to the city by James McCutchen, whose house still

stands down the road. James McCutchen is my greatgrandfather

and his headstone is a foursided one and the tallest in the


Submitted by Leanne Bodewig. Recorded with the help of my sons

and mother, Helen Buell on August 18, 2001.

[Some of the additional records are from Clark County Cemetery Records, Vol. 5

by the Clark County Genealogical Society, 1989. The included records here with

no markers had been compared with records at the Yacolt City Hall. All of these additional records are in brackets to identify them.]

Name of Deceased BIRTH DEATH INSCRIPTION (Comments)

Allen, Brandy Marie 1998 2000 (metal funeral marker) Layne's Funeral Home

Allen, Patricia A. 2161939 331990 In Loving Memory

Allison, Mrs. [no marker, no dates]

Altama, Mr. [buried October 1915, no marker]

Anderson, Peter 1872 1952

Baggett, William J. 1897 1984 US Navy World War I

Baker, Ellis[buried 8 May 1962, no marker]

Barrzer ?, John P. [buried 23 May 1941, no marker]

Beebe, Thomas C. 1885 1952 Husband and Father

(second stone) At rest

Borovikov, Ivan 8151914 231997 (Russian writing)

Butterfield, Edwin A.B.1870 1946 [name is Alfred in records]

Cahoon, Arthur J. 1121922 181975 S1 US Navy

Cahoon, Darrell J. Jr. 5271971 9191974

Our Baby

And the angels will

watch over him

Cahoon, Larry D. 1947 1980 Love Endures

Campbell, Baby[buried 14 June 1916, no marker]

Campbell, John Hartman 1902 1925 [He is John Harley in records.]

Cantzler, Frank Arthur 2281924 261991 Momm2 US Coast Guard WWII

Christoffer, Elsie 1917 1973 Mother

Trust in the Lord

Christoffer, Genevieve O.561940 Thou shalt call

Christoffer, Shirley C.7171944 7171997 In Memory Of

Coffey, Anna J. 1862 1938

Collison, Mildred F. 5251935 9251991 "Midge"

Thank you for the love

and understanding as a

wife, mother, and

grandmother that only

you could give.

Courtney, David[no marker, no dates]

Courtney, Elizabeth Ann[buried 5 Apr 1919, no marker]

Cox, Emma L. 16 Dec 1890 – 11 Dec ____

Curtice, George H. 3111872 11261913

Dahlberg II, Albin P. 1962 1981

Dahlberg, Larry M. 1966 1988

Day, James William 6241836 8231923 Cpl Co E 3 Regt Minn Inf

DeJacimo, Charles A. 1947 1973 Son Brother

DeJacimo, Naomi D. 2161978 281980 Our Daughter (photo on stone)

Descloux, David John 1121989

Descloux, Helga 10171915 7201995 Remembering

(shares stone w/Mitch)

Descloux Sr., Joe C. 1940 2001 (metal funeral marker)

Layne's Funeral Home

Descoux, Mitch 1201915 971988 Remembering

(shares stone w/Helga)

Dittmar, Charles B. 1882 1941 Husband

Ells, Bernie Ann 1958 2000 (metal funeral marker)

Layne's Funeral Home

Evalt, Victor E. 1937 1939Husband

Ferguson, Frances 1905 1945 (metal funeral marker)

Vancouver Funeral Chapel

Finnegan, Darrel D. 1932 1987 Our Dad

Frick, Aina O. A. 7131897 3281990 Grandmother

Galloway, Dale S. Sr. 861908 12231987

Galloway, Doris G. 8271902 6151982

Goodner, Elisha Dayton 1241896 12271977 US Army World War I

Graham, William H. 1857 1937 Father

Granstrom, Clarence H.[buried 28 Jun 1918, no marker]

Greenlund, August 1881 1967 (shares stone w/Marie)

Greenlund, Marie J. 1897 1982 (shares stone w/August)

Greenup, Ollie E. 1887 1920 (metal funeral marker)

Vancouver Funeral Chapel

Gregory, Gwendolyn[buried 28 June 1918, no marker]

Hamilton, Mary E. 1871 1943 Mother

Hammel, Bradley L. 831 12211991

Hammond, William H.[buried 22 Feb 1926, no marker]

Harlan, Martin D. 1950 1994 US Army Vietnam

Respected and Loved by Many

Harp, Lewis B. [buried 16 Jan 1922] Co. A 61 Ill Inf.

Harp, Mary A.[buried 30 Oct 1915, no marker]

Harriman, Charlotte A. 1886 1938 In Loving Memory

Harriman, Lawrence J.[buried 7 Apr 1939, no marker

Harteloo, Tina Marie 11231964 11241964 Our Baby

Harter, George B. 1894 1972

Harter, Lois E. 1913 1974 In Loving Memory


Harvey, Lois E. 6171921 3261997 #1 MooHawMama Llama

Heflin, Annie Mae 1929 2000 (shares stone w/Truitt)

(metal funeral marker

in stone)Layne's Funeral Home

Heflin, L.D. Truitt 1928 1992 (shares stone w/Annie)

(metal funeral marker

in stone)Layne's

Funeral Home

scratched in concrete

between the two:

Barbara Luis Getty,

William, Richard, Jerry,

Kenneth, and Friends

We love you

Hewer, H.R.[no marker, burial permit 19 Oct 1915]

Hibbard, Clara E. 1889 1976 (shares stone w/Grover)

Hibbard, Grover L. 1888 1961 (shares stone w/Clara)

Hicks, M. [Margaret] Day 1903 1922

Hulshizer, Junice C. 1910 1975 (shares w/Theodore)

Hulshizer, Theodore 1903 1980 (shares stone w/Junice)

Husie, [Hussey] Velma 1902 1913 (metal funeral marker)

Hamilton Funeral Home

Jackson, James H. 1101918 411984 US Army World War II

Jackson, Lorene F. 3141919 551999 Most Devoted Wife & Mother

Jehnsen, Dorothy R. 11171910 321995 In Memory of

Jehnsen, Howard E. 371902 451974 In Memory of

Jones, Anne Minuth 1909 1976 Sister

Ka Dell, Christiper[buried 21 June 1948, no marker]

Kallio, William Anthony[buried 29 Oct 19975, no marker]

Klinski, Glenn E. 10191953 8301975 AW2 US Navy Vietnam

Lane, Anthony Duane [7-4-1970] 11 Aug 1970 broken (metal funeral marker)

Layne's Funeral Home

Larson, Joseph W. 1887 1929 At rest

Our Beloved Brother

Letcher, Daniel 9271893 5301971 WT2 USNR World War II

Letcher, Ida M. 1890 1969 Mother

Linderer, John[record of 1924 or 1925, no marker]

Lively, Clifford Dean 11241915 1281985 S1 US Navy World WarII

Logue, Idah C.[buried 26 Mar 1938, no marker]

Lozne, Wm. A.[buried 14 Nov 1921, no marker]

Luscius, Wilber 8121868 7181913 At Rest

Maguire, Chas. Co. A. I Wis. Inf. [no dates]

Mansfield, Chester LeRoy661944 10211944 Our Baby Lee

Mansfield, Franklin J. 6201966 10301984

Mansfield, Ruth A. 4251907 2271994 Together Forever

(shares stone w/Willis)

Mansfield, Willis G. 891908 1221993 (shares stone w/Ruth)

Marshall, John [Jack in records, died 1923, aged 55 years, buried 9 July 1923,

weathered paper marker has apparently disappeared]

Maury, Fred[buried 8 May 1062, no marker]

McCutchen, George A. 2271882 11221957 (my grandfather)

(shares stone w/J.M./

Mary & J. Calvin)

McCutchen, J.M. 5231835 5231922 (my great grandfather

and the man who

donated the land for

the cemetery)(JM=James

Monroe)(shares stone

w/George A./Mary &

J. Calvin)

McCutchen, J. Calvin 5111887 5121917 (shares stone w/George/

Mary & J.M.)

(first name=John)

McCutchen, Mary 3311854 7181924 (shares stone w/J.M./

J. Calvin & George A.)

McCutcheon, Donald Alson[buried 22 Dec 1928, no marker]

McDonald, H.B.[no marker, no dates]

Messer, Arlene M. 10231924 3141994

Michel, Antoine 1871 1916

Michel, Hubertine 1871 1947[1952 record book]

Miller, Janice Rae 1940 1992 (metal funeral marker)

Layne's Funeral Home

Minkler, F. Vivalda 7291932 11171984 Cpl US Army Korea

Minkler, Velma Teel 5191935 11181987 Running Deer

Moon, Nora 1870 1911

Moon, Ralph S. 1868 1939

Muncton, Charlie H. 1862 1929 (metal funeral marker)

Vancouver Funeral Chapel

Muncton, Elmer F. 1889 1975

Muncton, George Dewey[buried 5 July 1921, no marker]

Naujoks, David[buried 4 Oct 1929, no marker]

Naujoks, Leopoldine Q. [buried 10 Sept 1924, no marker]

Neuman, Anna 12281874 11241912

Newman, Mrs. Gus[no marker, no dates]

Nord, Josephine M. [Marie] 1902 1927 At Rest

Nyback, Reino A. 1914 1972 Son and Brother

Oatfield, Betty O. 1907 1966 Mother

(shares stone w/Thomas)

Oatfield, Thomas D. 1898 1973 Father

(shares stone w/Betty)

Olson, John E. 1241910 11111985 S Sgt US Army

World War I

Olson, Margaerite H. 1920 1989

Olson, Martin 1873 1962

Ovall, Lillian S. 2121929 3231992 (shares stone w/Victor)

Ovall, Victor E. 481925 8291992 US Army World War II

(shares w/Lillian)

Parish, Pearl 1918 1952 (metal funeral marker)

Vancouver Funeral Chapel

Patterson, Arthur B. 1081921 1151989 US Army World War II

In loving memory

Patterson, Perla K. 1894 1983

Patterson, Samuel A. 1890 1974

Pavola, Filna Nyback 1884 1975 Mother

Pearson, Amy[buried 24 Sept 1928, no marker]

Pearson, Ruby E. 1911 1978 Beloved Mother

Perez, Carmen O. 561919 5121998 Our Beloved Mother

Perry, Guy[buried 30 Jan 1916, no marker]

Perry, Mary Elizabeth[buried 20 Apr 1918, no marker]

Perry, Wilfield[no marker, no dates]

Peterson, Edward G. 1906 1965 "Pete"

Peterson, Margaret Loving Memories

Carrie Letcher 1021899 3101974 Husband Orvin,

Daughter Betty, Son

James, Grandson Jeff

Pfeiffer, George F.19001974

Pikkarratuen, Victor Emanuel[buried 9 Nov 1939, no marker]

Place, Freda R. 1903 1974 (shares stone w/Ralph)

Place, Marion A. 1928 1939

Place, Ralph C. 1901 1976 (shares stone w/Freda)

Plummer, Albert Clemmons3241929 9121995 US Navy Korea

Pond, Addie M. 1902 1989 (shares stone w/Emily)

Pond, Emily A. 1897 1976 (shares stone w/Addie)

Pratt, George [buried 4 Mar 1927, no marker]

Pratt, Mrs. George[no marker, no dates]

Proffitt, B. Don 1081933 Dad (shares stone w/Marianne)

Proffitt, Marianne M. 6161934 7201993 Mom (shares stone w/B. Don)

(also has metal marker)

Layne's Funeral Home

Proffitt, Marian M. 1934 1993 (metal funeral marker)

Layne's Funeral Home

Puller, J. Elton 1906 1977 Father

(shares stone w/Lelia)

Puller, Lelia I. 1913 1993 Mother

(shares w/J. Elton)

Rast, Alfred 1899 1962

Rast, Amalie 1899 1984

Rast, Mathilda 1915 (shares stone w/Henry)

Rast, Henry H. 1903 1965 (shares w/Mathilda)

Rodgers, Margaret MayBorn Sept. 191? [buried 14 Apr 1917, aged ? – carved wood]

Roman, Theresa 1878 1952 (metal funeral marker)

Hamilton Funeral Home

Ruiter, Elizabeth Mae 1890 1963 Mother

Ruiter, Russell Scott 1954 1975 Son

Schilling, Michael[buried 7 July 1923, no marker]

Schilling, Olive18711945

Schillings, Fred[buried 1 Feb 1938, no marker]

Schuller, Belle V. 4191896 1101995 Mom

Schuller, William V. 1889 1966 Father

Scott, Clifford A. 2131924 2182001 US Navy World War II

Scott, Douglas C. 12141962 10311977 Our Beloved Son & Brother

Scott, James Dean 1986 1986

Shannon, Wayne W. 2201936 961984 US Navy Vietnam

Shobe, Cynthia Leona 1872 1937 Beloved Wife and Mother

Shobe, John[buried 27 Dec 1954, no marker]

Sigler, Mr. Abe[no marker, no dates]

Sigler, Art[no marker, no dates]

Sigler, Floyd[no marker, no dates]

Simonsen, Mary 8311943 781999 (Funeral Cremation

Service on one stone

and Vancouver Granite

Works on second stone)

Smith, Daniel S.[buried 17 Mar 1950, no marker]

Snider, Clarence L. 1910 1928 (shares stone


Dewey & Gerald)

Snider, Dewey C. 1898 1931 (shares stone


Gerald & Clarence)

Snider, Gerald E. 1901 1940 (shares stone


Dewey & Clarence)

Snider, Grover C. 10221892 1251981 US Army World War I

Snider, Joseph Z. 1899 1990 (metal funeral marker)

(shares stone


Gerald & Clarence)

(stone has birth date only)

Snider, Louise E. 1261915 9221982

Snider, Lucious 1865 1943 (shares stone w/Lucy/


& Gerald)

Snider, Lucy 1874 1933 (shares stone


Gerald & Clarence)

Snider, Otis W. 9241903 7241994 US Army

Snively, Casper R.[buried 23 Jan 1945, no marker]

Springer, Kate 861897 4211996

Springer, William M. 621898 5241977

Spurgin, John E.[no marker, no dates]

Stassart, Henry D.[buried 2 Nov 1916, no marker]

Stassart, Joseph[buried 10 May 1922, no marker]

Stassart, Lawbertine H.[buried 10 May 1922, no marker]

Steigers, Myrtle E. McCutchen

771896 4221997 She Lived Life To The Fullest (my grandmother)

Stilts, Baby[buried 26 Oct 1917, no marker]

Stilts, Florence[buried 19 Nov 1940, no marker]

Stilts, Lonnie[buried 17 Oct 1968, no marker]

Stilts, Mrs. M.[no marker, no dates]

Stobbe, Jon D. 1955 1989 Husband

Strode, Charles Noble 9121859 4121946 Father

Strode, Cordelia J. 3191855 9231918

Strode, Lucy Noble 1896 1986

Sudan, Dorothy M. 1921 1993 Mother

Always in our hearts

Sund, Gordon Wymar 4101933 5101996 En2 US Navy Korea

Talbot, Minnie[buried 5 Apr 1917, no marker]

Taude, Ferdinand 4231849 10221927

Taude, Helene H. 581883 2121963

Taude, Otto Carl 11101878 481959

Taylor, Baby 2191939 2191939

Taylor, George Dewey 1899 1966 Husband

Taylor, Iva May 1901 1985 Wife

Taylor, James Westley 1871 1969 Father

Taylor, Rachel R. 991913 12301999

Taylor, Sarah Lucinda 1877 1940 Mother

Teel, Herbert L. 1151911 12151986

Teel, Jacqueline[buried 7 Apr 1946, no marker]

Thomas, Michael John 7241959 631996 I Love You

Amazing grace how

sweet the sound that

saved a wretch like

me... We've no less

days to sing God's

praise then when we

first begun.

Todd, Shepard 11151878 9151939 Beloved Brother

Torgerson, Marie H. 1900 1982 Mother

Tozier, Margaret Blanche 1898 1986 (shares stone w/Orin)

Tozier, Orin Waldo 1900 1941 (shares stone


Tozier, Orrin Waldo(2nd stone) 3211941 Oregon US Navy

Mach. Mate 3 Cl.

Valentine, Mary June Beebe

6301922 2241992

Van Allen, Robert W. Sr. Loving Memory

9111927 2151983 Husband & Dad

Walker, William L. 691931 171991 M Sgt US Army Korea

Watsy, Joe[buried 10 Apr 1917, no marker]

Wells, Jas 581915 Drowned

(broken stone,

no birth date)

Whittall, Beulah 451887 131937

Whybark, Jesse D. 1969 (metal funeral marker)

Layne's Funeral Home

Wilber, Amelia[buried 20 Nov 1951, no marker]

Wilber, David E. 1946

Wilber, Harry19051978

Wilber, Joyce Edwin “Bud” 9131920 12281967 Washington MM3 USNR

World War II

Wilber, John R. 1948 1979 SP4 US Army Vietnam

Wilber, Luscius 12 Aug 1868 18 July 1913 At Rest

Wilbur, Darrell Allen[buried 5 Aug 1930, no marker]

Wilbur, Huston[buried 1 July 1939, no marker]

Wile, Larraine[buried 7 May 1922, no marker]

Wilkerson, Elizabeth 1876 1936 (metal funeral marker)

Vancouver Funeral Chapel

Wilkerson, Infant[no marker, no dates]

Wilkerson, Lewis 1907 1923 (metal funeral marker)

Vancouver Funeral Chapel

Wilkerson, Mary19091909

Wilkerson, William 1875 1947 (metal funeral marker)

Vancouver Funeral Chapel

Witt, Alta M. 1891 1978 Mother

Witt, Annabelle 531926 (metal funeral marker

in stone)Layne's

Funeral Home

(shares stone w/Jack)

Witt, Jack 851918 681999 (metal funeral marker

in stone)Layne's

Funeral Home

(shares w/Annabelle)

Witt, Nicholas H. 1885 1958 Father

Witt, Nicholas H. Jr. 1916 1988 Son

York, Lillie[buried 24 Jan 1927, no marker]

York, Lloyd Marceau[buried 6 May 1919, no marker]

York, Morris A.[buried 30 Oct 1951, no marker]

There was one metal funeral marker that had been vandalized so

that it reads as follows:

Lawrieansta 89 16 Layne's Funeral Home

There was one stone that had lost its attachment.