APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Nick, Stephen & Gill.

Catriona Prynne was welcomed to the meeting and unanimously co-opted on to the committee.


Dick advised that Mike Brown had made repairs to the clubhouse door.

The annual payment for the Pavilion rental has been stopped and now we only pay when we need to hire the Pavilion.

Dick advised that he, Mike & Stephen met Russell Wood for discussions regarding his employment as the Club Coach. Subsequent to the meeting Dick sent him an email confirming all the matters relating to the agreement and Russell sent back an email confirming he accepted its contents. [the exchange of emails are in the Secretary's file]

CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Penny reported she had dealt with a complaint from a local resident about hearing bad language on court. Otherwise nothing to report.

SECRETARY'S REPORT: Dick reported he had been approached by Charlie Hume on behalf of the trustees who had wanted reassurances regarding a number of issues. Charlie sent a copy of the lease agreement between the trustees and Benenden Parish Council. Dick confirmed that the Club complied with the obligations under the lease but it was clear we were under insured for the clubhouse and courts. Dick immediately increased the insurance of the courts from £16,000 to £25,000 and the clubhouse from £18,000 to £36,000. The insurance premium increased by a modest amount to £273. The insurance policy demanded all ground level windows be locked or screwed shut and Dick checked that this was done. In addition photos of the door lock was sent to the insurers for confirmation that it complied with the policy. They accepted it and made it an exemption. Charlie wanted reassurance that our new coach Russell Wood was insured and had a police CRB check and was insured by the LTA. Dick confirmed that he was fully covered and CRB checked and sent the relevant documents to Charlie. Charlie was concerned about some of the wording in our Public Liability cover with respect to Child Protection. Dick discussed it with our insurers and confirmed that we fully complied and informed Charlie who was reassured.[Copies of emails are in the Secretary's file]. Copies of our insurance policies were sent to the trustees.

Dick pointed out that the sign in the car park was peeling badly. Penny said she would get a suitable permanent replacement made of plastic or other suitable material.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Stephen advised by email that C/A £7578, before payment of insurance premium of £273, and D/A £15,925. Nothing else to report.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY'S . Mike reported that the membership numbers were similar to when last reported. With the new membership year approaching Mike will update the Membership forms and will request that members email him when making payments by BACS advising him of what the payment is for eg adult membership or coaching.

TOURNAMENT SECRETARY'S REPORT: No report but it was agreed to have an early summer American Tournament with lunch. Date to be advised.

HEALTH & SAFETY REPORT: Dick had recently received complaints of moss on the courts from Angela Simmonds and her Ladies group. Dick had responded to her complaint and said the issue would be brought up at the meeting today. Dick had explained the difficulties in dealing with moss and advised that it was the responsibility of all members to look after their own safety when playing in adverse conditions.

The committee agreed for Dick to contact 4 Seasons to power wash the court nearest the road asap.

It was agreed that each winter we should get 4 Seasons to inspect the courts when moss was present and likely to cause a problem and follow their advice regarding management and treatment so the courts can be in good condition for the new season. The court near the road will need to be repainted in the next year or two and should have anti moss treatment in the paint/binder. This information will be given out at the AGM.

ADMIN OFFICER'S REPORT: Gill advised by email that she had nothing to report.


1. Ellie reported that the Christmas party at the Woodcock was well supported and went well. Ellie mentioned that the food was not so good this year but Dick thought we had paid a little less per head than last year. The Club subsidised at a cost of £1 50p per head.

2. Russell Wood new club coach: See above under 'matters arising'. The committee was not aware that coaching fees had been obtained and Mike elected to contact Russell to get up to date information.

3. Moss on courts : see under 'Health & Safety report'.

4. It was agreed that Ellie's amendment to Kent's motion regarding block booking should be rewritten with Dick. The motions will be circulated to all members prior to the meeting. Ellie would talk on behalf of the committee to the motion. It was agreed as Dick had all the information regarding the previous failed application for flood lights and had up to date estimates of the cost of putting them up that he should speak to the motion on behalf of the committee. The present day estimated cost was anything between £14,400 for inadequate lights to top of the range at £32,400. The estimate in 2008 was for £19,590.[Ellie left the meeting at this point].

5. Dick proposed and it was agreed that Stephen Cochrane be named Club personality of the year for his great support of the team and club sessions for many years.