You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING OF THE FULL PARISH COUNCILon Wednesday,October 11th2017at 7.30 pm in the Old School Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business. Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend.


138/17 / Apologies For Absence – Cllr Riddle in advance
139/17 / To Sign And Approve Minutes Dated September 13th – attached
140/17 / Matters Arising From Previous Minutes (for information only)
141/17 / A Councillor should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends. They must declare any interests and relationships.
Members’ Declaration Of Interest for items on the Agenda:
142/17 / Co-option to fill vacancies
Public forum – meeting suspended. If residents of Sawtry wish to speak on any item on the agenda (max 3 mins) the meeting will be suspended for a 10 minute open forum. If you wish to speak you must inform the Clerk or the Chairman at least 24 hours before the meeting.
143/17 / To Receive Reports From Representatives Of Outside Bodies
Sawtry Internal Drainage Board – Cllrs Riddle, Custance, Tuplin, Laxton
District Council – Cllr Tysoe
District Council – Cllr Tuplin
County Council – Cllr Bywater
144/17 / To Receive The Chairman’s Report
145/17 / To Receive And In So Far As Required, Ratify Recommendations Contained In The Minutes Of The Following Committees (attached to this Agenda as listed)
Amenities / September 20th – attached
Community / October 4th – minutes attached
Finance and General Purposes / No meeting
Planning / October 4th – verbal report
146/17 / To Report Any Changes To Committee Membership
147/17 / Financial Report:
1.To note summary of Receipts and Payments as at 30 September 2017 – attached
2.To note bank reconciliation at August 31st2017 – attached
148/17 / To Approve Payment And Signing Of Cheques:
To note cheque raised at F & GP following Full Council approval on September 13th to transfer money from the Co-op Bank.
Cheque no. 306424, Inv no 154 for £100,000 payable to the Public Sector Deposit Fund. The cheque was signed by Cllrs Riddle and Laxton.
No / Invoice No / Budget Heading / To / Amount / NET / VAT
306429 / 155
159 / Salaries and Wages for 5 members of staff / Admin / 4191.27 / 4191.27 / 0.00
306430 / 160 / Insurance / Zurich Municipal / 2828.29 / 2828.29 / 0.00
306431 / 161 / Parish Van / Alconbury Services / 132.91 / 110.75 / 22.16
306432 / 162 / Village Maint / Mason’s Mowers Ltd / 131.52 / 109.60 / 21.92
306433 / 163 / Property Maint / ESPO / 26.59 / 22.16 / 4.43
306434 / 164 / Property Maint / Plumb Right / 66.00 / 55.00 / 11.00
306435 / 165 / Grass Cutting / The CGM Group (East Anglia) Limited / 3286.08 / 2738.40 / 547.68
306436 / 166 / Property Maint / Camfire Protection Limited / 54.00 / 45.00 / 9.00
306437 / 167 / Rent – Land at Green End Rd / Sawtry Internal Drainage Board / 5.00 / 5.00 / 0.00
306438 / 168 / Fireworks / Cambridge Fireworks / 3300.00 / 3300.00 / 0.00
306439 / 169 / Village Maint – Doggy Bags / J R B Enterprise Ltd / 523.80 / 523.80 / 0.00
306440 / 170 / Property Maint / S G Electrical Services / 245.14 / 204.28 / 40.86
306441 / 171 / Property Maint / Grafton Projects Ltd / 80.33 / 66.95 / 13.38
306442 / 172 / Property Maint / RJC Commercial FE Ltd / 702.00 / 585.00 / 117.00
306443 / 173 / Highways Improvements – Pedestrian Crossings – High St and Fen Lane / Cambridgeshire County Council / 20000.00 / 20000.00 / 0.00
306444 / 174 / Sawtry Eye – Aug/Sep, Oct/Nov / CARESCO / 208.36 / 208.36 / 0.00
TOTAL / 35781.29 / 34993.86 / 787.43
149/17 / To Note Direct Debit Payments:
CCC Pension Fund – Pension Contributions – £1799.93
HMRC – Tax & NI Payments – £1330.18
HDC – St Andrews Rates - £69
Eclipse Internet – £17.94 (£14.95 net)
BT – £80.65 (£67.21 net)
Anglian Water – Old School Hall and House – £544.40
Anglian Water – Allotments – £43.09
British Gas – House – Electricity - £92.10 (£87.72 net)
British Gas – House – Gas - £30.03 (£28.60 net)
British Gas – Hall – Electricity - £123.04 (£117.19 net)
British Gas – Hall – Gas - £6.40 (£6.10 net)
150/17 / Letter from resident objecting to the Parish Council approval for a mobile catering van to trade from the Ex-Servicemen’s Club car park – attached
151/17 / From Cambs Police – Speedwatch – request for Parish Council to be involved – attached
152/17 / Local Council Public Advisory Service – Training Course to be held in Huntingdon on Data Protection Data Regulations – attached
153/17 / Correspondence:
For Information:
  1. HDC – Parking Survey Results
  2. Stagecoach – notice of changes to Route B and 46 between Stilton and Peterborough
  3. Sawtry Carnival – minutes of meeting held on September 12th
  4. HDC – Precept request due by 15th December
  1. Local Council updates September and October 2017
Local Press:
  1. Hunts Post – Plan for butcher’s shop is backed by council panel
  2. Hunts Post – Hundreds gather to show support for campaign to redress ‘crimes of the past’

154/17 / Exclusion Of Press & Public - To Resolve:
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting because the business to be transacted contains sensitive information.
155/17 / Staffing Matters:
Report on meeting of staffing committee held on October 4th – verbal report from Cllr Tuplin
156/17 / Next Meeting – November 8th 2017

Diane Davis

Clerk/Proper Officer

October 6th2017