HONR 1027

Sustainability and the Modern World

Fall 2012


Organizer:Dr. Nanette Chadwick: 141 Funchess Hall, 844-8184,


Dr. Leonard Bell: 301H Poultry Science Building, 844-3272,

Dr. Liz Brite: 0303MHaley Hall, 844-7843,

Dr. Nathan Hensley: 0303H Haley Hall, 844-7758,

Dr. Norbert Wilson: 100C Comer Hall, 844-5616,

Dr. Wes Wood: 255 Funchess Hall, 844-3997,

The best way to reach us is by email, but feel free to also use telephone. Office hours by appointment.

Lecture Meeting Times:

Tuesdays at 12:30-1:45, Comer Hall207

Section Meeting Times:

Thursdays at 12:30-1:45: Thursdays at 2:00-3:15:
001: Funchess Hall 246, Dr. Bell & Dr. Brite 002: Comer Hall 307, Dr. Wilson & Dr. Hensley

003: Comer Hall 303, Dr. Wood & Dr. Hensley

DESCRIPTION and OBJECTIVES: This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of sustainability, with an emphasis on local, national, and global food and water systems. Students learn about the environmental and social impacts of the industrialization of these systems and explore solutions to problems associated with modern food and water patterns of use. The course exposes students to systems thinking and invites students to think critically about the interconnectedness of natural, technological, cultural, and economic issues of sustainability. They also develop an understanding of how individual and societal actions may work toward achieving sustainability.

REQUIRED READINGS AND FILMS:Weekly reading and film assignments will be postedon Canvas section websites, or through library reserve. All readings and film viewings must be completed before section each Thursday.


In-Class Participation 50 points

Ecological Footprint 30

Food Diary 30

Midterm Exam #1 75

Bioregional Map 30

Project Proposal 30

One Can Assignment 30

Midterm Exam #2 75

Water Diary 30

Project Report 100

Final Exam 120 (70 from final third of the semester, plus 50points synthetic)

Total points possible: 600

Points breakdown: 270 for 3 exams, 150 for 5 assignments, 130 for project, 50 for participation

Final gradesare on a 600-point scale: A= 540-600 points (90-100%), B= 480-539 points (80-89%), C= 420-479 points (70-79%), D= 360-419 (60-69%), F=less than 360 points (<60%).

Extra credit: Will be awarded for attendance at selected events during the semester (campus-wide lectures, films, etc.). Records of extra credit will be used to decide borderline course grades.

Exams: Exams will consist of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, and essay questions.

Short Assignments: Each student will complete 5short exercises: an ecological footprint analysis 2 short diaries to record your patterns of food and water use, a map of your bioregion, and a “one can” assignment analysis of food ingredients and social context.Assignment guidelines will be posted online.

Final Project: The final project is a semester-long assignment in whichyou will apply what you learn in class to a specific sustainability issue of your choice (subject to instructor approval; we will provide lists of possible topics). You will identify a local, regional, or worldwide issue about food or water sustainability, research relevant literature, possibly interview experts or collect data about the issue, and propose sustainable solutions. You will write a brief proposal with references about your topic, then investigate your topic, synthesize your findings, andwrite a final report.Specific project guidelines and other details will be posted online and discussed in section.

Class Participation

The success of this class depends in large part on the full participation of each student and the exchange of ideas and perceptions. Participation can take various forms and will be different for each person. Some examples of “participation” include: asking relevant questions, verbally examining a concept or perception, and listening actively. For those of you who feel insecure about speaking up in class, you can fulfill your class participation requirement by bringing to class relevant current event articles or emailing to the instructors questions and comments. Obviously, behavior like sleeping, texting, internet surfing, and chatting indicate a lack of attention and focus. Likewise, civility in the classroom is crucial to enlightened discussion. Students who show disrespect for the ideas and expressions shared during lectures and discussions will fare poorly in their discussion grade. Your participation grade will be evaluated based on your preparedness for class and the frequency and quality of your comments.We will gladly discuss with you, during office hours, our assessment of this aspect of your grade.

Attendance will be taken during each lecture and discussion period, in the first 10 minutes of class. Tardiness >10 minutes after class has begun will be considered ½ absence. Poor attendance and tardiness will affect your class participation grade. In addition,each week of unexcused absences greater than 1 week’s worth (i.e. 2 class sessions) will result in lowering of your course grade by one letter (ie: A to B, B to C, etc.).For example, 2 unexcused tardies (>10 minutes late each time) plus 1 full class unexcused absence (beyond the one week of “free” absences) will lower your course grade from a B to a C.


E-Mail and Telephone Communications:Auburn University recognizes e-mail as an official form of communication. BE SURE to regularly check yourTigerMail account for communications about this course. If the nature of a student e-mail is too complex to answer electronically, you will be asked to come during office hours or to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Late Assignments and Make-up Exams: Assignment due dates are rigid and all assignments are due at the start of class unless otherwise noted, or unless you have an excused absence. If you anticipate a problem turning an assignment in on time please discuss it with us in advance. Late submissions will receive 10% off per day late, including those turned in later than the start of class (ie: at the end of the class period when they are due). So, an assignment turned in at the end of class on the due date will be 10% off. Then 50% off after 5 days, and 100% off (no points awarded) after 10 days.

Make-up exams will be all essay format and will be givenonly with prior permission upon submission of a university-accepted excuse at least one week in advance. In case of sudden illness, a written excuse from a doctor on letterhead must explain that you were not able to attend class during the time of the exam, and must be turned in within 3 days after the exam. All other circumstances will result in a zero for the exam.

Attendance and Behavior: Attendance is mandatory and assumes that you have read required materials or viewed required films in advance, and participate. Cell phones must be silenced during class. Laptop and tablet computers may be used only to facilitate class participation; students who engage in other uses will be asked to turn off all devices during class.This class will include lots of discussion, and you will have many opportunities to share your opinions. However, you are expected to show respect for your classmates, instructors, and guest speakers by not talking amongst yourselves when we aren’t engaged in group discussion.

Honesty: Auburn University expects students to complete your academic work with honesty and integrity. The Academic Honesty Code is online, and explains actions considered to be cheating and the possible consequences. Violations of the Academic Honesty Code will not be tolerated in this course.

Students with Disabilities: Any student needing special accommodations should inform the instructors during the first week of class and contact the Program for Students with Disabilities in Haley Center 1244, 844-2099 (V/TT) or email: .


Week Date Activities [Note: Assignments and exams are highlighted in BOLD]

1 Aug 16 Section: Introductions, syllabus, pre-test questions,Values on the Line exercise

2 Aug 21 Lecture: What is Sustainability? (Nanette Chadwick)[Chapters 1 &2 PC Reader]

Aug 23 Section: Discuss reading, view Story of Stuff, receive project guidelines and topics

Turn in and discuss ecological footprint exercise

3 Aug 28 Lecture: Ecosystem Services (Dennis Devries) [Chapter 8 in PC Reader]

Aug 30 Section: Discuss reading, view “Why Trees”, do Tragedy of Commons exercise

Turn in list of project topic ideas

4 Sept 4 Lecture: Systems Thinking (Lisa Kensler)[Chapter on Dancing with Systems]

Sept 6 Section: Discuss reading, receive project topics, visit from Sustainability Librarian

Turn in and discuss food diaries in the context of systems thinking

5 Sept 11 Lecture: Bioregionalism andFoodsheds (Nathan Hensley)[Foodshed & Bioregion articles]

Sept 13 Section: Group exercise, Turn in and discuss bioregional map assignment

6 Sept 18 Lecture: Population Dynamics, Food, Soils, and Agriculture (Wes Wood)

Sept 20 Section: Midterm Exam #1 [covers material from weeks 1-5]

7 Sept 25 Lecture:Food case study: Alabama poultry (Wes Wood)[Soils chapter, Water film]

Sept 27 Section: Discuss soils chapter reading, and Film Poisoned Waters

8 Oct 2 Lecture: Food choices: culture, health, & safety (Leonard Bell)
Oct 4 Section: Campus Food Tour, Turn in project proposals

9 Oct 9 Lecture: Human equity: Food security in Alabama(Norbert Wilson)[view Food Film]

Oct 11 Section: Discuss food film and Alabama food issues

10 Oct 16 Lecture: Food processing and packaging (Leonard Bell)[Food Science article]

Oct 18 Section: Discuss reading,Turn in and discuss one can assignment

11 Oct 23 Lecture: Critical state of the nation’s water and issues on campus (Mike Kensler)

Oct 25 Section: Midterm Exam #2 [covers weeks 6-10]

12 Oct 30 Lecture: Economic and social costs: African food & water issues (Norbert Wilson)

Nov 1 Section: Campus Water Tour [Chapter on African Water Issues]

13 Nov 6 Lecture: Critical state of the world’s water (Liz Brite)

Nov 8 Section: Discuss African reading, ViewStory of Stuff: Bottled Water

Turn in and discuss water diaries in systems thinking context

Optional: Turn in project report drafts for instructor written comments

14 Nov 13 Lecture: International water case studies (Liz Brite)[View Chattahoochee film]

Nov 15 Section: Discuss film, Bring project report drafts to class and conduct peer reviews

15 Nov 27 Lecture: Hope for the future: day to day sustainable living (Nathan Hensley)[View Film]

Nov 29 Section: Discuss film, Turn in and discuss final project reports

16 Dec 3 Final exam at 12:00-2:30pm, Comer Hall 207

[focuses on weeks 11-15, plus comprehensive questions]