August 27, 2015, Merrill Township Regular Board Meeting and Public Hearing for

Redetermination of Cost for the Transfer Station Special Assessment District No. 1

Merrill Township Community Complex, 1585 W. 11 Mile Road, Bitely, MI 49309

1.Call to orderBaldwin called the meeting to order at 7:06 P.M.

2.PledgeJackson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3.PrayerBaldwin offered opening prayer.

4.Roll callBoard members present: supervisor Barry Baldwin, clerk Marilyn Pembrook, treasurer Debra Fisher, trustee Frank Jackson, and trustee Gene Fisher.

Absent: none.

5.Approval of meeting agendaJackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, to approve the meeting agenda as presented with the following additions: add $2,200.00 bill from Alpine Tree Service to Approval of consent agenda, Approval to pay bills; add Transfer Station backup attendant and Amount supervisor may spend without board approvalto New business. Ayes all; motion carried.

6.Holly Moon, Newaygo County TreasurerSpoke regarding:

  • Public Act 502 and actions to combine small DNR and County foreclosed parcels to produce larger, more desirable properties, prior to the land auctions.
  • Foreclosure date—March 31; all listings are on the website by June 1.
  • Notification of tax sale parcels sent to adjacent property owners before the sale occurs.
  • September 17th Tax Foreclosure Sale and the three additional Merrill Township parcels listed, noting that there is a 90% success rate on extensions, these were added due to failure of the owners to meet extension deadlines.
  • Step Forward Michigan program that provides assistance to homeowners with delinquent taxes.

7.Public Hearing: Redetermination of cost for the Transfer Station Special Assessment District No. 1

Baldwin opened the public hearing at 7:26

  • Pembrook reviewed revenues compared to expenses for the last two years.
  • There was discussion as to thecost versus income from the other townships that use our facility. Baldwin explained that this use has been financially beneficial for our township and has provided a necessary service for the participating townships.
  • There was discussion regarding the tires at the transfer station. Baldwin responded that in the past the attendant has cut the tires so that they could be placed in the dumpsters, and that he believes this to be cost effective. He also noted that we have utilized some people who needed to do community service, and said that while we could hire a hauler to remove the tires,this would be expensive.
  • There was discussion regarding the current transfer station hours. Response indicated satisfaction with the summer hours.
  • Public comment was received stating how conscientious the attendant is.
  • There was a question as to what winter hours would be. Baldwin responded that perhaps we could be open for four short days for a reasonable cost.
  • Baldwin asked for input as to whether the transfer station attendant should be required to wear a shirt at all times, even during hot weather. Public consensus was that he should not have to do this.
  • Baldwin noted that we have a reciprocal agreement with Lilley Township regarding the transfer stations, that we will allow each other’s patrons use our facility when there is a problem.
  • There was public comment stating that the transfer station looks very messy—that there is a lot of junk lying about.

Baldwin closed the public hearing at 7:56

8.Approval of consent agendaG. Fisher moved, seconded by Jackson, to approve the consent agenda. Ayes all; motion carried.

a.Approval of July 20, 2015, board minutes

b.Receive correspondence (no board action required)

  • Leslie Auriemmo, Forest Service re: invitation to Board to attend the official opening of the new Baldwin/White Ranger District Office, 1 p.m., September 21, 2015
  • Bureau of Construction Codes re: Manufactured Home Community Licensing Requirements
  • Bureau of Construction Codes re: Electrical Codes

c.Approval to pay bills: checks #14427 - 14450, plus payroll direct deposit, general account, and $2200.00 to Alpine Tree Service, total $11,545.03; and checks # 3159 – 3163, Transfer Station account, total $6,127.44.

9.Lilley Twp. Fire Department report Pembrook read the July, 2015, report (copy filed).

10.Zoning Administrator’s reportNone presented.

11.Supervisor’s reportBaldwin reported on the following:

  • Cemetery bill, explaining that trees had been hit/split by lightning, and that limbs were down. While $1,600 was the amount allowed for the work, the job could not be done for that amount. Besides the storm damage work, some pine trees were trimmed, a tree outside the fence was removed, and all project wood was removed. The stumps were ground as donated work, and all work was completed by a company located within our township. The $2,200 cost was a reasonable amount for the work completed and the work had to be done as soon as possible.
  • An application received for a vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals; however, the person is not a Township resident.
  • Meeting with Wes Miller of the Freemont Area Community Foundation, noting that we had met our $5,000 commitment, and that we should soon be receiving the grant money.
  • Backup attendant is needed for the transfer station, as there is none at this time.
  • Meeting with Mark Bates and Gus Hopson regarding Lake Association purchase of additional buoys for the swimming area at the beach. They requested that more sand be placed on the beach area.
  • Bids received from the Road Commission for five different options of possible work on Grant Street. (copies filed). Still need bid for work to make road safer around the railroad tracks.

12.Clerk’s reportPembrook presented information about the November 3, 2015, election: White Cloud Schools operating millage renewal proposalschool election.

13.Treasurer’s reportThe board received the July 31, 2015, written report (copy filed). Cash balances: general fund, $150,511.04; road fund, $235,398.87; fire fund, $40,244.16; and transfer station fund, $74,623.72. Fisher also reminded people that Monday, September 14 is the last day to pay summer taxes without a late penalty being charged. She also noted that she will be in the office all day on the 14th, and that so far, one person has paid taxes with the new credit card system.

14.Planning Commission reportFisher reported that the planning commission has been continuing with the zoning ordinance revisions, including campers. Also that there will be a public hearing on September 17for the proposed Verizon wireless communication tower installation.

15.Public commentwas received regarding:

  • Camper complaints (sewage disposal, well placement, etc.)
  • Possibility of cable installation in Nichols Lake area, that people are working on this, and that government funds have been allocated for this.
  • Problem with improper trash disposal (dumping on grounds) at the park. (Baldwin will have someone monitor the trash situation).

16.Correspondence, board action required None.

17.Old businessRequest for sale of Township-owned property #06-09-443-009

Pembrook moved, G. Fisher seconded, to table until the September meeting in order to gather further information. Ayes all; motion carried.

18.New Business

a.Schoolhouse Committee re: Local Governing Body Resolution for Charitable Gaming Licenses The following resolution was offered: Moved by Frank Jackson and supported by Debra Fisher that the request from the Merrill Township Historical Society, Woodland Park Schoolhouse Committee of Bitely, County of Newaygo, asking that they be recognized as a nonprofit organization operating in the community for the purpose of obtaining charitable gaming licenses, be considered for approval. Yeas: Frank Jackson, Debra Fisher, Barry Baldwin, Marilyn Pembrook, Gene Fisher; nays: none; absent: none. The supervisor declared the motion adopted.

b.Redetermination of cost for the Transfer Station Special Assessment District No. 1

There was discussion regarding: clean-up week expenses, cost of waste haulage,

Frank Jackson moved, seconded by Gene Fisher, that

WHEREAS, the Township Board of the Township of Merrill, Newaygo County, Michigan, after due and legal notice, has conducted a public hearing upon redetermination of cost for the Transfer Station within the Special Assessment District No.1;

AND WHEREAS, comments were received from those present at such public hearing concerning said redetermination of cost;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the assessments in said Transfer Station Special Assessment District No. 1 shall be $ 25.00 per parcel payable annually.

Upon roll call vote on the adoption of the resolution, the following voted "aye": Gene Fisher, Marilyn Pembrook, Barry Baldwin, Debra Fisher, and Frank Jackson. The following voted "nay": none. The Supervisor declared the resolution adopted.

c.Accessible voting booth and voting chairPembrook explained that the State is covering the cost of an accessible voting booth for each precinct, with the Township paying the shipping cost of $49.G. Fisher moved, seconded by Pembrook, that the Board apply for the grant and obtain one accessible voting booth. Ayes all; motion carried.

d.Cancel one 2015 special assessment payment for Raymond Brenner Because There was an error (not Mr. Brenner’s fault) combining parcels, our assessor Earl Spalo recommends that we pay one of the special assessments for Mr. Brenner. Pembrook moved, seconded by G. Fisher, that the Township cover one of Raymond Brenner’s 2015 special assessment payments. Ayes all; motion carried.

e.Right of refusal for three foreclosed propertiesPembrook moved, seconded by Jackson, to refuse the three new foreclosed Township properties added to the September 17, 2015 auction. Ayes all; motion carried.

f.Sunrise Gas price capJackson moved, seconded by Pembrook that the Board accept the $1.549 rate per gallon, with the $99.00 price cap fee, for LP gas through April 30, 2016. Ayes all; motion carried.

g.Transfer Station backup attendantDale Osmolinski turned in his application to the board. Jackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, that Baldwin have authority to hire a backup attendant for the transfer station. Ayes: 4; nay: 1 ( Pembrook); motion carried. Motion to hire Dale Osmolinski to serve as a transfer station backup attendant. Ayes all; motion carried.

h.Amount the supervisor may spend without board approvalD. Fisher moved, seconded by Jackson, to table for further consideration until the next meeting. Ayes all; motion carried.

19.Public comment None received.

20.AdjournBaldwin adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M.

Marilyn L. Pembrook, Clerk


August 27, 2015, Merrill Township Board and Transfer Station Public Hearing Minutes