Iraq anti-government fighters block Euphrates: Opposition fighters affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant seize dam to break siege

April 11, 20145:00PM ET

Fighters in Iraq have added water to their arsenal of weapons after seizing control of a dam in the west of the country that enables them to flood certain areas and prevent government security forces from advancing against them.The dam helps distribute water from the Euphrates River on its course through the western province of Anbar, and is located some 3 miles south of the city of Fallujah, which was overrun by anti-government fighters early this year.Iraqi troops have since been surrounding Fallujah and shelling the city in an effort todislodge anti-government groups, including the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant(ISIL).

Iraq is a patchwork of desert and arable land. Its inhabitable areas are fed by the Tigris from Turkey, the Euphrates from Turkey and Syria, and a network of smaller rivers from Iran.The decline of water levels in the Euphrates has also led to electricity shortages in towns south of Baghdad, which rely on steam-powered generators that depend entirely on water levels.A spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity said the power supply from Mussayab power station had decreased to 90 megawatts from 170 megawatts.

Government officials and advisers warned that ongoing closure of the dam could affect irrigation of farms in many southern provinces that depend on the Euphrates, including Hilla, Kerbala, Najaf and Diwaniya."Iraq is close tonational elections, and it seems they want to force the government into a corner," said one senior security official on condition of anonymity.In February, ISIL took control of the Nuaimiya area where the dam is located and began fortifying their positions with concrete blast walls and sand bags, according to anti-government tribal groups who said ISIL claimed the dam on its own.The ISIL closed all eight of the dam's 10 gates one week ago, flooding land upstream and reducing water levels in Iraq's southern provinces, through which the Euphrates flows before emptying into the Persian Gulf.Anti-government fighters said ISIL's tactic was to flood the area around the city to force troops to retreat and lift the siege on Fallujah."Using water as a weapon in a fight to make people thirsty is a heinous crime," said OunDhiyab, a government adviser to the water ministry. "Closing the dam and messing with Euphrates water will have dire consequences."

By Thursday, anti-government fighters had re-opened five of the dam's gates to relieve some pressure, fearing their strategy would backfire by flooding their own stronghold of Fallujah, some 44 miles west of Baghdad.Iraqi security officials said flooding around the city had already forced many families to leave their homes and prevented troops from deploying or operating properly there in order to stop fighters encroaching on the capital."(The fighters) want to use the flood waters to make it difficult for the security forces to deploy in those areas, and this is their chance to move the battle outside Fallujah," said an anti-government leader inside the city.

The Fallujah dam is also key to a number of irrigation projects in the desert province of Anbar, which shares a border with Syria.In his weekly televised address, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who held off a full-on ground assault on Fallujah, vowed to exact revenge from the opposition for interfering with the water supply."The murderers took advantage of the government policy of utmost restraint in Fallujah ... But it seems the situation has become more complicated and necessitates confrontation," Maliki said.

Two army officers in Ramadi and Fallujah said preparations were underway to launch a quick attack to regain control of the Fallujah dam."We are carrying out aerial surveillance to spot militant positions near the dam," said one army officer whose regiment received orders to prepare for mobilizing from Taji, to the north of Baghdad, to Fallujah."A military operation could start very soon."


A new Turkish aggression against Syria: Ankara suspends pumping Euphrates’ water

By:SuhaibAnjarini PublishedFriday, May 30, 2014 Updated Aug 21 6:52pm

The Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River, threatening primarily Syria but also Iraq with a major water crisis.Al-Akhbarfound out that the water level in Lake Assad has dropped by about six meters, leaving millions of Syrians without drinking water.

Two weeks ago, the Turkish government once again intervened in the Syrian crisis. This time was different from anything it had attempted before and the repercussions of which may bring unprecedented catastrophes onto both Iraq and Syria.Violating international norms, the Turkish government recently cut off the water supply of the Euphrates River completely. In fact, Ankara began to gradually reduce pumping Euphrates water about a month and half ago, then cut if off completely two weeks ago, according to information received byAl-Akhbar.A source who spoke on the condition of anonymity revealed that water levels in the Lake Assad (a man-made water reservoir on the Euphrates) recently dropped by six meters from its normal levels (which means losing millions of cubic meters of water). The source warned that “a further drop of one additional meter would put the dam out of service.”“We should cut off or reduce the water output of the dam, until the original problem regarding the blockage of the water supply is fixed,” the source explained.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) controlling the region the dam is located in did not suspend the water output. Employees of the General Institution of the Euphrates Dam are running the lake under the supervision of al-Qaeda linked ISIS, but they don’t have the authority to take serious decisions, such as reducing the water output. In addition, such a step is a mere attempt to ease the situation, and it will lose its efficacy if the water supply isn’t restored to the dam by Turkey.The tragic repercussions of the new Turkish assault began to reveal themselves when water levels dropped in al-Khafsa in Aleppo’s eastern countryside (where a water pumping station from Lake Assad is located to pump water through water channels to Aleppo and its countryside).

The reservoirs are expected to run out of water completely by tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest.Meanwhile, water supplies in auxiliary reservoirs in al-Khafsa are close to being depleted and the reservoirs are expected to run out of water completely by tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest. This threatens to leave seven million Syrians without access to water. Also, Tishrin Dam stopped receiving any water which blocked its electricity generating turbines, decreasing the power supply in Aleppo and its countryside, further intensifying the already severe imbalance in the power supply.In Raqqa, the northern side of Lake Assad is today completely out of service. Two million Syrians living in the region covering the villages of Little Swaydiya to the east until al-Jarniya to the west could lose their drinking water supply. “Losing water supplies in the dam means that the silt in the lake will dry off which would pressure its structure, subjecting it to fissures and eventually total collapse,”Al-Akhbarsources warned, adding “it is crucial to shut down the dam to stop its collapse.”

However, shutting down the dam (if ISIS agrees) will only lead to a human and ecological (zoological and agricultural) catastrophe in Syria and in Iraq.According to information obtained byAl-Akhbar, Aleppo locals (who had already launched many initiatives to reach solutions for a number of local issues) began a race against time to recommend solutions for the problem, including putting the thermal plant at al-Safira back to work, which may convince ISIS to spare the Euphrates Dam turbines, and in turn preserve current water levels in the lake.In case it succeeds, such a step would only rescue whatever water and structures are left, and would ward off further repercussions of the crisis that has already started. A halt to the water supply is now inevitable and can’t be resolved unless the Turkish government takes the decision to resume pumping Euphrates water.In any case, it is worth mentioning that the water in the lake would take about a month, after resuming pumping, to return to its normal levels.

Top: "The decrease in water levels" Bottom: "Euphrates Dam" (Photo: Al-Akhbar)

A historical conflict

The Euphrates River has historically been at the center of a conflict between Turkey on the one hand and both Syria and Iraq on the other. Ankara insists on considering the Euphrates a “trans-boundary river” and not an “international river,” hence it is “not subject to international laws.” Also, Turkey is one of the only three countries in the world (along with China and Burundi) that opposed the Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1997.

In 1987, a temporary agreement between Syria and Turkey was signed to share the water supplies of the Euphrates during the period when the basin of the Ataturk Dam was being filled. In virtue of the agreement, Turkey pledged to provide an annual level of over 500 cubic meters of water a second on the Turkish-Syrian borders, until reaching a final agreement about sharing the water supplies of the river between the three countries. In 1994, Syria registered the agreement at the United Nations to guarantee the minimum amount of Iraq and Syria’s right to the water from the Euphrates River.

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.