Mr. Tallbacka

ConneautHigh School

Class Rules: Modern US History (regular and advanced)

  1. Follow all rules in the student handbook
  2. Follow all directions given to you by a teacher or a sub.
  3. Have the following materials with you every day: notebook, paper, pencil or pen, and your textbooks. Do not leave your book in my room.
  4. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
  5. Show respect to the teacher and others in the classroom and their property. Treat all equipment properly.
  7. DO NOT THROW ANYTHING EVER!!! This includes pens and pencils.
  8. You MUST be IN THE CLASSROOM when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.
  9. ** Never talk when the teacher is talking. The same applies to other students. Raise your hand if you have a problem or need help.**Along the same lines- please keep any comments, answers and questions appropriate to the topic being discussed.
  10. Follow the school policy concerning makeup work/ suspensions.
  11. When completing group assignments, discuss only the assigned topic. Study quietly when finished. Keep your voices down.
  12. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions!
  13. No candy, pop, gum, or food is permitted in room 1105.
  14. All Ipods, cell phones, and other electronic devices are prohibited (district policy). I will take them from you. Also, it is easy to tell when you are sending text messages. Don’t try it.
  15. No hall passes will be given for any reason except an emergency.This does not include getting your book, buying water, or any unnecessary errands. If you receive a pass, proceed immediately to your destination and return directly. Every attempt to use the restroom between classes should be made.
  16. When in the computer lab, use only the approved websites for the given assignment. If you finish early, shut the computer down and work on something else quietly.
  17. These rules are designed to create the best possible learning environment for all students. They will all be strictly enforced all year.