2009-2010 Cottage Grove Hockey Association

General Membership Minutes:

January 4th, 2009

Meeting called to order. Board members present: Chris Rudh, Adam Palodichuk, Jeff Miner, Scott Pierre, Colleen Gutwein and John Solberg

Approval of December 7th Minutes: Jeff Miner made a motion to approve minutes as written. Adam Palodichuk second the motion, motion carried

Call for New Business: None

Call for Old business: No old business

Member Attendance: A total of 6 members attended the January meeting.


Committee Reports:

Hockey Fest: Kelly Hein (Read by Adam Palodichuk)

We are on track with our planning for Hockey Fest on Sunday, January 31st. Keep selling those raffle tickets as there are only two more weeks before tickets need to be handed in to your Team Managers. All lost tickets are the responsibility of the ticket seller. There are some great incentives to the highest ticket seller with $250 ice credit going to first place, $150 to second and $100 to third. Silent auction items are being collected. If you would like to donate, please contact Eric Folsom or Kelly Hein. Schedules to be posted with in the next couple of days.

Fund Raising Manager: Chris Roeser (Read by Dan Severson)

Butter Braids dollar amounts for this year turned out to be $29,540.00 and the association sold about 100 more items then the previous year. Approximately $11,974.00 went back to the association/families.

Tournament Manager: Ron Coulter (Read by Adam Palodichuk)

Ron mention’s that he is working with Zac at the arena to plan for the upcoming tournaments. He hopes to have all the volunteers hours out soon to team manager. Ron is also looking for additional goal judges - if interested contact Ron.

Equipment Manager: Bryan Boreen / Jim Anderson:

No Report

District 8 Rep: Jackie Norbury

Make sure the A Bantam coach forwards his nominations for the Select 15’s (1995 birth year) to Bill McClellan.

Reminder to all team managers to follow proper Game Change procedures, 14 day advance notice is required. Forms are to be completed online.

The next Minnesota Hockey meeting is Jan 22-24 at Marriott West in St Louis Park. There are two items up for vote:

  1. New rule for participation, going back to residency based but leaving open the option for open enrollment.
  2. New Redistricting Proposal, realign District 8 and create District 9:

New District 8: Apple Valley, Cottage Grove, Eagan, Eastview, Farmington, Hastings, Inver Grove, Lakeville, Rosemount, Sibley Area, South St Paul, Woodbury, and possibly some of the St. Paul Teams (Highland Central, Johnson/Como).

New District 9: Albert Lea, Austin, Dodge County, Faribault, La Crescent, Mankato, Montgomery, New Prague, Northfield, Owatonna, Red Wing, Rochester, Waseca, Winona.

Ice Manager: Bruce Hill:

No Report

Green Line Editor: Andy Roeser

No report

ACE Coordinator / Player Development: Steve Morse

No Report

Board Member Reports:

President: Chris Rudh:

Chris gave an overview of last months meeting around tryouts. Chris mentioned that if anyone in the membership has specific ideas on how the tryout process should be improved to document exactly what they would like to see and get it to Chris. The board is looking for specifics rather then just suggestions.

Vice President-Adam Palodichuck:

Adam indicated that the pucks and stick handling balls are starting to go missing from the dry land area and ask’s that allcoach’s pay attention when using the area.

Budget Director: Colleen Gutwein

Current budget stands at $139,357.21 but the last ice bill that has been paid was October.

A/B Director: John Solberg

No Report

Mite/Termite Director – Kelly Hein: (Read by Adam Palodichuk)

Hockey Day Minnesota - Weather permitting, we will be having outdoor games at Peter Thompson Park on Saturday, January 23rd. Schedule to be posted within the next couple of days. If weather or ice conditions are not favorable, we will use the Studio ice times as posted for each team.

Girls Director –: Dan Severson

No report

C Director – Scott Pierre:

Scott is currently working with Ron to get out all volunteer hours to team manager.

Secretary / Registrar – Jeff Miner:

No report

General Membership Concerns / Discussion:

Sandy Quinn from the Girls Park Booster club mentioned to everyone in attendance that the girls will have some upcoming Jersey nights. Sandy will work with Kelly to get a message out to the membership.

There was also a discussion in regards to players practicing with a team they are not rostered on. This would specifically pertain to mites playing C squirts as well as what happens during the Goalie clinics. After the discussion, Chris has taken the action item to follow up with District 8 for clarification.

Motion to adjournmade by Chris Rudh. Second by Adam Palodichuk: Motion carried.