NSPE Council of Fellows Executive Committee (COFEC)
Report to the NSPE Board of Directors
January 5, 2008
In accordance with the process and continuous quality improvement guidelines/timelines established for the NSPE Fellows program, and in conjunction with OP. No. 83-Fellow Member Selection, the nomination process for the class of 2008 NSPE Fellow members has begun. The goal is to have all state societies participate, and for all qualified nominees to be selected as NSPE Fellow members.
The following actions have been taken:
1.September 28, 2007. Blast e-mail sent to Board of Directors, House of Delegates, state society presidents/presidents-elect, state society executive directors/primary contacts, NSPE Past Presidents and all current NSPE Fellows, announcing the 2008 Fellow member nomination process. Included in this communiqué was a link to the NSPE Web site all information/guidelines/forms pertaining to the 2008 nomination process can be found. This link has been updated to include modifications/changes made since last year. This communication also included the number of Fellow member nominations each state society is allowed in 2008. An effort is being made to inform all state societies of the criteria and qualities for choosing Fellow candidate nominees.
2.October 25, 2007. COFEC staff liaison participated in monthly SSEC conference call to go over nomination instructions with state society executives and answer any questions posed.
3.November 1, 2007. Follow up blast e-mail sent to the same group noted above with all information contained in September 28 e-mail.
4.Throughout November, December and January.
- The chairman of the COFEC and the staff liaison answer questions pertaining to the nomination process and provide assistance as needed/appropriate.
- Staff liaison begins to collect nomination packets checking to ensure all packets are complete.
- A final blast e-mail reminder will be sent on January 4, 2008.
- The deadline date for the submission of 2008 Fellow member nominations is February 1.
5.February, March, and April. The COFEC will conduct its review process and will present its recommendations for 2008 Fellow membership to the NSPE Board of Directors at its meeting in April 2008.
The COFEC is committed to a process that will encourage all state societies to nominate well qualified individuals for consideration for Fellow member status and is further committed to a continuous improvement program that will maintain and strengthen the nomination selection process.
Respectfully submitted,
Monte L. Phillips, Ph.D., P.E., F.NSPE
Chair, NSPE Council of Fellows Executive Committee
2007-08 NSPE Council of Fellows Executive Committee Members
Josephine L. Emerick, P.E., F.NSPE, North Central Region Representative
Angela R. Newland, P.E., F.NSPE, Central Region Representative
Bobby E. Price, Ph.D., P.E., F.NSPE, Southwest Region Representative
Robert F. Smith, Jr., P.E., L.S., F.NSPE, Southeast Region Representative
Calvin E. Weber, P.E., F.NSPE, Northeast Region Representative
R. George Zinckgraf, P.E., F.NSPE, Western & Pacific Region Representative