Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Regular Session 1900Hours

Canby Fire Station Meeting Room


Board President Aaron BranumFC Ted Kunze

Board Vice President Buner Ellis IIIDC Tom O’Connor

Secretary Treasurer Dawn DepnerDC Robb Milano

Director Laura GreenBC Todd Gary

Director Steve ThoroughmanCFO Lori Fawcett

EA Kris Rocha

Also in attendance: Councilman Todd Rocha, Capt. Tighe Vroman, Capt. Matt Dale, Capt. Pat Fuge, Cap.t Jim Davis, Dr. Richard Davies, FF Marcus McLean, FF Bob Bunnell, FF Jordan Haag, FF Brad Frank, and Citizen Jeff Robinson.


The meeting was called to order by Board President Aaron Branumat 1901hours.


A motion to approve consent agenda and minutes from the March and April Board of Director Meetings with the exception of the recording of the times and motions for Executive session in the April 2014 minuteswas made by Vice President Buner Ellis III. The motion was seconded by Director Laura Green and unanimously approved.

CITIZEN INPUT (Agenda Items):



  • Bills: CFO Fawcett reported on the following:
  • Addupon,in the amount of $1,996.54.
  • Cat Tax, in the amount of $2,597.03
  • Pauly, Rogers & Co, in the amount of $2,270.00
  • CFD Volunteer Association, in the amount of $2,000.00
  • Financials: CFO Fawcett reported on the following:
  • State Pool Interestremained static at 0.54%
  • Local Investment Pool shows a total of $1,974,438.16
  • TAN shows a total of $17,814.10
  • Current Deposits & Earnings show a total of $207,253.32
  • Current Expenses show a total of ($338,191.73)
  • Total available to the District is $2,067,356.96
  • Current Year Taxes shows 97.94% received for FY14
  • Prior Year Taxes shows 98.82% received for FY14.
  • URD Fund shows a total of $120,745.18
  • Ambulance Service has received 96.09% of expected revenue.
  • Fees Income shows a total of $12,402.79 for FY14.
  • Payroll: CFO Fawcett reported the payroll costs for the month of March, as follows:
  • April 8, 2014 = $124,304.72
  • April 22, 2014 = $93,637.81


  • Canby Fire District Attorney Rod Beck sent notice to our Board of Directors of his pending retirement from law practice. He will be closing his office on June 30, 2014 and the CFD Board will need to retain new counsel to provide legal advice and assistance. Attorney Beck will be available through December 2014 to “provide whatever legal assistance is necessary to the District, pending the District’s selection of new legal counsel.”
  • Ms. Barbara Fifield sent a note of thanks to EA Kris Rocha for her assistance with her ambulance accounts.
  • CFD Interns Kelsie Kershaw and Leanna Bursell each sent their graduation announcements for the Canby High School Class of 2014.
  • Mr. Roy Josi sent a note of thanks for the excellent service he received from Captain Tighe roman and the A Shift Paramedics during his time of need.
  • Chris Flake and Travis Putney sent notes of thanks for their job shadow experiences at CFD.
  • Gratitude was expressed by Mrs. Katherine Losch for the quick response and care given her husband on 4-8-14.


CFD Volunteer Association (President Branum)

Chief Milano reported the volunteers discussed the completion of 1935 Fire Engine for use in the General Canby Day Parade on 7-4-14. They also discussed details regarding the upcoming MDA Fill The Boot event.

Canby City Council

No report. Director Depner did not attend.

Canby URD

Director Thoroughman did not attend the URD meeting. Director Thoroughman reported that he did speak with City Counsel Vice President Tim Dale and reported that funds are not available at this time. Councilman Dale advised City and CFD legal counsel meet together to discuss the details of CFD obtaining URD funds.


FCTed Kunze, DC Tom O’Connor, DC Robb Milano, BC Todd Gary and CFO Lori Fawcett reviewed their Staff reports. (*see attached reports for reference.)


Fire Chief/CEO Recruitment Process

President Arron Branum announced that a new executive session needs to be scheduled with Prothman in order to discuss applicants and continue to move the recruitment process forward. Discussion was had on dates. It was decided that an Executive Session would be held with Prothman at CFD on June 2, 2014 at 1700 hours.

President Branum also brought up the need for an Interim Fire Chief. All Board members were in agreement that an Interim Chief needed to be appointed as soon as possible and agreed to interview interested candidates during their Executive Sessionon June 2, 2014.

The Board also agreed that Chief Kunze should vet out the interested parties and present them with a list of viable candidates on 5/29/14.

A motion was made by Director Buner Ellis III directing Chief Kunze to supply the Board of Directors with a list of Candidates for the position of Acting Fire Chief. The motion was seconded by Director Laura Green and unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Director Buner Ellis III to move the June Board of Directors meeting from June 25, 2014 to June 18, 2014. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.


Professional Services Agreement with Scott Gustafson:

Chief Kunze stated that the Professional Services Agreement with Scott Gustafson was due for review by the Board of Directors. Chief Kunze recommended that the board continue to retain Mr. Gustafson as Canby Fire’s Agent of Record and will work with Scott during the month of June to create a new agreement for presentation at the next Board meeting.

New District Counsel:

Chief Kunze advised the Board to appoint new District Counsel no later than 7/1/14. He will provide recommendations for candidates as well as process.

Addition of 5th Fire Fighter:

Based on the ESCI study and recommendations made by Chief O’Connor in October of 2013, Director Thoroughman recommended action be taken to move forward with hiring a 5th Firefighter per shift. After discussion it was the consensus of the Board that no action was to be taken at this time, but will revisit this topic after 7/1/14.

Political Action Policy:

Director Thoroughman “does not have good language in place” but it is his opinion that employees stay out of politics and “leave it to the elected officials.” He will come back to the subject at a later date when he has a proposal.

Ambulance RFP:

Chief O’Connor stated that he would like to release an RFP and invited Captain Matt Dale to speak to the Board about the findings of the Ambulances Research Committee. Bids have been obtained from three companies.

A motion was made by Director Thoroughman directing staff to release an Ambulance RFP. The motion was seconded by Vice President Buner Ellis III and unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Director Dawn Depner to approve Resolution 2014-02 – A Resolution of Canby Fire District #62, Clackamas County, Oregon, Authorizing the Issuance of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note – Series 2014. The motion was seconded by Buner Ellis III and unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to approve Resolution 2014-03 – A Resolution Authorizing the Approval of Joinder to Trust Agreement for Initial Members; Special Districts Insurance Services Trust. The motion was seconded by Buner Ellis III and unanimously approved.

Financial Procedures:

CFO Fawcett distributed draft finance policies for Board review.


  • The Board meeting for the month of June was moved from June 25th to June 18th.
  • A Special Board meeting was scheduled for June 2nd at 1800 hours to interview candidates interested in the Interim Chief Position and to review candidates for the Fire Chief position.
  • There will be a reception held at Canby Fire on June 16th at 1800 hours for the Fire Chief candidates.
  • Interview panels for the Fire Chief Process will take place on the 17th of June. Chief Gary will arrange the venue.
  • Chief Kunze will provide the Board with a list of recommendations for new District Counsel.
  • CFO Fawcett will place the draft Financial Policies document into Dropbox for Board review.

CITIZEN INPUT (Non-Agenda Items):



  • End of Watch Ceremony will be held for Chief Kunze at Canby Fire District on June 26th at 1900 hours.
  • Vice President Buner Ellis III read a mission statement from the Board of Directors. (See attached)
  • President Aaron Branum thanked the public for their patience during the Fire Chief process and encouraged everyone to attend the End of Watch ceremony.

A motion was made by Vice President Buner Ellis III to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Director Laura Green and unanimously approved.


Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Time: Regular Meeting at 1900 hours

Location: CFD Station 62 Meeting Room

Adjourned from Regular Session at 2102hours.