Newsletter – July 2014

Staffing News

Please join me in saying goodbye to several members of staff this July:

-Miss J Shaw (year 5) and Miss M Taylor (nursery) will both be taking up new positions in other schools

A big thank you to both these members of staff for all their hard work at The Oval School and wishing themgood luck at their new schools

-Miss B Harborne (reception) and Mrs R Wykes (year 3) have both recently started their maternity leave and given birth to their babies

-Miss Ward (year 2) will begin her maternity leave during the summer holidays

-Miss George (year 4) and Mrs Kausar (nursery) will both be starting their maternity leaves at the end of September / beginning of October

Wishing lots of luck and good wishes to these teachers and their families

We will be welcoming the following members of staff to our school in September:

-Miss S Chumber who will be working in year 5

-Miss G McGough who will be working in year 4

-Mr M Shieber who will be working in year 3

-Mrs K Curtis who will be working in year 2

-Miss E Parkes who will be working in year 2

-Mrs T Jones who will be working in reception

-Mr S Sullivan who will be teaching modern foreign languages

-finally, Mr Wilson will be returning to our school from teaching abroad

School’s Website

Please take the time to have a look at school’s website over the summer holidays as it is being updated (

Pupil / Parent Questionnaires

A big thank you for all the questionnaires that have been completed and returned with some very positive comments. Don’t forget that all those returned will be entered into a prize draw!!!

Trips And Visits And Exciting Events!

Year 5 Buddhist Temple Visit

“I thought that it was fun to learn about another religion.” (Toheed in 5S)

“It was interesting to learn about what Buddhism is all about.” (Athsham in 5S)

please turn over. . .

Willesley Residential Visit

“Willesley was amazing because we were free to go around the site. We did incredible activities like archery, climbing and go-karting. It is a fantastic memory from my time at The Oval.”

(Kaine in 6S)

“I liked pot-holing at Willesley because I got a bit lost but my friend helped me find a way out. We learnt teamwork and communication skills. I had an excellent time and would like to go again.”

(Ellie-Mae in 6S)

Sports Days

A big thank you to all parents who attended our new style sports days and it is hoped that you enjoyed them as much as the following pupils:

“Wonderful – better than ever because everyone was doing something.”(Hamza in 6S) “Non stop fun.”(Liam in 6S) “Fun! Unstoppable! Better than usual.”(Sara in 6S) “Amazing because we didn’t have to sit and wait for our turn we got to do loads of activities.”(Teigan in 6S) “It was the best day of my life!” (Tyler in 4O) “I don’t usually like PE but I did today!”

School Council

School council representatives have worked extremely hard this year on several issues. They have helped to decide on the content of school menus as well as new additions to the school grounds. They have talked about keeping safe and who to talk to if they are upset or worried about anything and also worked with other local schools about keeping the area free from rubbish including coming up with the idea of a talking bin to remind people not to drop litter!

Year 3 Visit To Singers Hill Synagogue

The pupils said that “the synagogue was beautiful inside, they liked getting badges and seeing the different Jewish artefacts such as a kippah, torah scrolls and tallit”. The also said that “the stained glass windows were amazing” and that they enjoyed learning that Jewish women gave out sweets during their long services.

Year 2 Visit To Green Lane Mosque

“I enjoyed our trip to the Mosque where Sufian showed us the Quran and Arabic writing.” (Ayman in 2PS) “We learnt about the five pillars of Islam.” (Sophia in 2PS) “I learnt that Muslims pray five times a day.” (Kole in 2W)

Symphony Hall Concert On Thursday 17 July

Members of school’s choir from years 4 and 5 will be performing as part of a 400-strong choir at this world-renowned concert venue where they will be signing six songs and performing choreography too. Tickets are available from the box office in person, by phone or online.

Wishing everyone a happy summer holiday

and looking forwardto welcoming you back to school safely on

Wednesday 3 September 2014 at 8.45am