FCH 885

Course Department, Number & Title: FCH 885, Medical Spanish

Course credit or length: 2 Weeks

Course director and contact information (office phone and e-mail): John B. Walden, M.D., 304.691.1199,

Course Coordinator and contact information: Glenna Michael, 304.691.1191,

LOCATION: Marshall University Family Medicine Center, Lewis Technology Learning Center

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Medical Spanish is designed as an independent learning course to develop a student's competence in interviewing, taking medical histories, examining, diagnosing, and treating Spanish-speaking patients. This course will offer elementary-level instruction in Spanish language and culture, all oriented to the practice of medicine with Spanish-speaking patients.

Instruction focuses on basic grammar and vocabulary fundamentals, combined with medical terms, medically related phrasing and idioms, language for specific clinical situations (admissions, emergencies, etc.) and health-related cultural information. Students will be provided with opportunities to practice applying Spanish in mock medical settings. Cultural studies include readings, presentations by clinicians working with Spanish-speaking populations, case studies, and role-playing exercises. Focus will be on dialogues on taking patient medical history, history of medication, and family and social history. No prior knowledge of Spanish is required although the course will be tailored for those students with varying levels of fluency in Spanish.

Institutional Objective

Patient Care - Students must demonstrate the ability to provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health.

Course Objective

Students will obtain a working knowledge of basic Spanish for use in health care settings.

Outcome Measure

Students will be observed by faculty practicing and basic applying Spanish in mock settings.

At the end of this level, the faculty will observe the students

§  Requesting basic personal information from a patient.

§  Identifying basic body parts

§  Knowing days and months of the year

§  Counting

§  Using questions words such as What?, How many?, Who?, Where?, When?

§  Using useful medical expressions

Institutional Objective

Interpersonal and Communication Skills - Students must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and health professionals.

Course Objective

Students will feel confident in brief, basic conversation in Spanish using medical and health-care related expressions and terminology. Students will also be able to articulate and respond to patient concerns appropriate to their skill level.

Outcome Measure

The faculty will observe the student’s comfort level in conducting brief, basic conversations in Spanish using medical and health-care related expressions and terminology. The faculty will also observe the student’s ability to articulate and respond to basic patient concerns appropriate to their skill level.

Institutional Objective

Professionalism- Students must demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles.

Course Objective

Students will learn of differing cultural values and spiritual beliefs and of the impact that cultural and of the social factors that influence the practitioner-patient communication with Hispanic peoples and immigrants to the U.S.

Outcome Measure

Students will participate in cultural studies and spiritual beliefs that include readings, case studies, role-playing exercises, and student-initiated activities and projects. Clinicians who work with Spanish-speaking populations may also present.

Self-Directed Learning

As a medical student, you are encouraged to use any unstructured time as a time to read about your patients, research questions that arise during the day, prepare for case conferences, and prepare for student-faculty rounds. Preceptors have been specifically asked to look for evidence that you have read articles and books between clinic sessions. Use this time to build your knowledge of medicine and learn from your patients.


EVALUATION AND GRADING POLICY: Due to the nature of the class, the emphasis on oral participations, class discussion and the pace of the course, students must attend at least eight sessions to pass the course. One makeup session may be scheduled. The makeup session may be a longer class on a designated date or be at a later date. The course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.


Students are responsible for making sure they are aware and understand updated University policies with respect to attendance and academic integrity. These policies are available for review through the medical school web site.

MUJCESOM Policies: All medical students taking this course will comply with School of Medicine policies given at

Individual policies can be found at the following websites:

Student Infectious Material Exposure:

MS-IV Attendance:

Academic Dishonesty Policy:

Academic Standards Policy:

Policy for Students with Disabilities:

University Computing Services’ Acceptable Use Policy:

Affirmative Action Policy:

pp. 16-17

Inclement Weather Policy:

Notification of delays and cancellations of classes are posted on the Medical Education Home Page when Marshall University Main Campus is not in session

Required Reading/Recommended Material: This independent learning course will use a compact Medical Spanish phrase book that can be obtained through the Department of Family Medicine. Cassettes/CD and other audio equipment that incorporates key vocabulary, phrases, and dialogues that reflect the situations typically encountered by physicians may also be used.