October14, 2010 9:00 a.m.
First City Bank
President: The meeting will now come to order.
Please turn your cell phones off or to silent. I would like to introduce our special guest, (name). (Name) is our National Junior Auxiliary Chapter Support Coordinator. We are so honored to have you here today (name). She will have a few words to say later in the meeting.
Also, I would like to remind you that only Active members have a voice or vote in our meetings.
President: Please stand and read the Junior Auxiliary Prayer in unison.
Send us, O God, as Thy messengers to the hearts without a home, to the lives without love, to the crowds without a guide. Send us to the children whom none have blessed, to the famished whom none have visited, to the fallen whom none have lifted, to the bereaved whom none have comforted. Kindle thy flame on the alters of our hearts, that others may be warmed thereby; cause Thy light to shine in our souls, that others may see the way, keep our sympathies and insight ready, our wills keen, our hands quick to help others in their need. Grant us clear vision, true judgment, with great daring as we seek to right the wrong; and so endow us with cheerful love that we may minister to the suffering and forlorn even as Thou wouldst. May the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, rest upon us and upon all our work. May He give us light to guide us, courage to support us, and love to unite us now and forever more. Amen.
President: Will the Recording Secretary please call the roll?
Recording Secretary:
Sandra Bescaredofherpresent
Shawna Cardsenderpresent
Caroline Crosspresent
Rhonda Felts
Sadie Francispresent
Melanie Gala present
Harriet Headhonchopresent
Jane Kellypresent
Leslie Legalitypresent
Emily Likestoeatpresent
Julie Morris
Barbara Noseitallpresent
Patty Partygirlpresent
Laura Pope
Sissy Smartypantspresent
Suzie Q Serverpresent
Bernice Showitoffpresent
Jennifer Teenloverpresent
Mitzi Tightwadpresent
Kim Writesitdownpresent
Lee Williamspresent
President: The minutes of the September meeting were posted on our website and should have been read prior to our meeting.
Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes?
Patty Partygirl: (stand from the audience) Madame President
President:Yes Patty
Patty:The date for Charity Ball was recorded as January 18– the correct date is February 18.
President:So noted. Are there any other additions or corrections? Pause. If not, they stand approved as corrected.
President: We will now have officer reports.
A. Treasurer
1.Treasurer: We have the following amounts in these accounts:
First City Bank checking / $ 5,000.00American Bank checking / 2,500.00
Reserve Account CD @ First City Bank / 15,000.00
2. You should have picked up a copy of our current financial statement on the table. If anyone has any questions on the financials I will be happy to address them. (Pause) I also have the bank statements and if anyone would like to review them – please see me during the break. And…I have the checkbook with me for those of you needing reimbursement today.
President: Are there any questions? (Silence) These reports will be on file.
B. President: Corresponding Secretary
Corresponding Secretary:
1. I mailed the following cards:
a. Suzie Q – encouragement/prayer
b. Rhonda Felts – congratulations on new baby
c. Fat City & Movie Store – thank you for help with a project
2. The following correspondence was received:
Thank you from Women’s Crisis Center
C.President: 2nd Vice President
2nd Vice President: Our Provisional Training is under way. Our six Provisionals have met and decided when the Provisional meetings will be held. We will be touringService Projects on November 10 and 17. We are discussing our Provisional project and have several great ideas.
D.President:1st Vice President
1st Vice President:
1. Hour sheets & committee hour sheets are due today and no later than the make-up meeting. If you are having trouble with hours, please call me.
2. The Projects meeting went well. The committees have their year’s activities planned and are beginning to get started. No problems have been noted!
1. The next Board Meeting will be Wednesday, November 3, at 6:00 p.m. at the United Way office.
2. We are all off to a great start this year. Planning for Charity Ball is going well and our projects are all up and running! Thanks for your wonderful attitudes in all that you do for Junior Auxiliary.
3.We will now hear a few words from our Chapter Support Coordinator.
President: We will now have STANDING COMMITTEE reports:
A.Projects Report
1st Vice President: Will the project committee chairmen step to the podium to make your report as I call your project. Please have an index card with detailed report information to give to the Recording Secretary. Each Chairman’s reportshouldinclude any meeting dates as well as their budget and amount spent to date.
(calls first chair)Apple Seed
Apple Seed Chairman: We will be tutoring on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. All of our committee members have signed the schedule though December. We will have 10 children in Apple Seed this year. Our budget is $200 and we have spent $75.
1st Vice President: Girls Enrichment
Girls Enrichment Chairman: We have 25 young ladies chosen by the counselors at the Jr. Highs to participate in Girls Enrichment. Our meeting night is the 3rd Tuesday of each month. This month we will have dinner and take them to the movie. Our budget is $750 and we have spent $75 this year.
1st Vice President: City Youth
City Youth Chairman: We will have approximately 150 children on Tuesday nights to feed. Dinners will be provided by several local businesses. Please e-mail if you need to sign the schedule. Our budget is $2000 and we have spent $100 this year.
B.President: Projects Research & Restructure Committee
Projects Research & Restructure Chairman: (standing from the audience) No Report
C.President: Finance Committee
Finance Chairman: (stand) No Report
D.President: Public RelationsCommittee
Public Relations Chairman:
1. Our Bulletin Board for the month was prepared by Laura Pope. Please be sure and check out the great PR we had last month.
2. Please let me know if you did not receive your copy of the Crownlet.
3. Our Public Relations committee schedule is posted on our web-site. If you need help with public relations this month – check that for contact information.
E.President: Constitution Committee
Constitution Chairman:
1.The Constitution Committee met September 30, 2010 to discuss any changes needed in our Constitution. We proposed one change to the Executive Board. I will now read Article XII regarding Amendments:
This constitution and bylaws may be amended at any regular meting in the following manner: such changes signed by five Active members may be presented in writing to the Chairman of the Constitution Committee, or may be proposed orally by a member of the committee itself or by the Executive Board. The Constitution Committee shall present the proposed changes to the Executive Board. If the Executive Board approves the proposed changes, they shall then be presented to the Chapter at large at the meeting previous to the one at which they shall be voted upon. A simple majority of the voting membership present shall be required to adopt such changes.
2. The Board approved the following changes to the Bylaws last night. According to our Constitution, the membership must also approve these after the second reading. We will now have the first reading. The proposed changes are:
Under Article VII – OFFICERS, add
If necessary, the president may appoint an Assistant Provisional Trainer to conduct night provisional training meetings. This position will be identical to the 2nd Vice President position in terms of hour requirements and committee assignments.
And under Article VIII – Executive Board, Section 4. Additional Appointed Offices, add
Assistant Provisional Trainer. The Assistant Provisional Trainer shall be responsible for conducting night provisional training meetings and/or assisting the 2nd Vice President as necessary. This position will be reviewed annually by the Board and filled only when needed.
The vote will be taken at the next Chapter meeting.
- President: Hospitality Committee
Hospitality Chairman: Our annual Provisional Welcome Potluck is being set up to follow the meeting today. Thank you for all the fantastic looking dishes. I appreciate everyone preparing their favorite recipes, from the NAJA cookbook of course, in honor of our new Provisionals.
- President: Finance Project Committee
Finance Project Chairman:
1. The Finance Project Committee chairmen will meet October 13th at The Coffee Break at 10:30. If you are unable to attend, please send your co-chair or e-mail me a brief progress report to date.
2. I am so excited to announce Lee Williams as our new Corporate Donations Chairman. She has been so gracious to step into that position which was vacated by Stephanie Paul, who moved out of state.
3. We will now have our Charity Ball Committee Chairmen reports. If you have a report, please come to the podium when I call your committee name– also, please hand the Recording Secretary a copy of your report on an index card. (Proceeds to call on her chairs)
a. Corporate Donations
Corporate Donations chairman: Letters have been mailed to local Corporations. I am passing a list of the businesses that have already been contacted. If you know of someone else – please write their name at the bottom or let me know within the next week.
b.Invitations & Brochures
Invitations & Brochures chairman: I need everyone toplease check our website for a current list of names and addresses for our invitations. If you have an addition or correction, please e-mail a committee member as soon as possible.
H. President: Education Committee
Education Chairman: Our area meeting was so informative. Fifteen members attended and were really glad they had made the effort. The speaker, Dr. Debby, was certainly inspiring to us all. I also want to make sure that you have the dates for AEC 2011 on your calendar – April 29-May 1. Our CSC has already inspired us to be in Memphis, TN and I want us to have a large showing this year. Our Chapter will pay the registration fee for any member that wishes to attend - so be making your plans now!
President: Is there any unfinished business?(silence)
President: Under New Business
A. The board voted to set the Hospitality Social Assessment at $15 for the 2010-2011 year. This is due no later than the November make-up meeting.
B. The board also accepted a resignation from Stephanie Paul, who has moved out of town.
A. The next Chapter Meeting will be Thursday, November11, at 9:00 a.m. at First City Bank.
B. The November make-up meeting will be Thursday, November18th, at 5:30pm at the United Way office.
C.Recording Secretary will announce the names of those she has recorded as absent.
Recording Secretary:Rhonda Felts
Julie Morris
Laura Pope
9. President:Is there any further business? (Pause)
10. President:Are there any Good News Announcements
(Raise their hands and are called on by the President from the audience (standing):
Jane: My daughter has the lead in the High School play!
Barbara: We are expecting our 3rd child next April!
11. President:Thank you for sharing your exciting news with us. The meeting is adjourned. You may count 1 hour under Education/Chapter Meeting.
Harriet Headhoncho