Iowa Disaster Human Resource Council

Meeting Minutes

January 21st, 2016

The January 21st, 2016 Meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Cataldi.

Roll call was taken.

Present via Webinar or Conference call:

Janna Diehl, Cory Fast, Lisa Gavin, Dutch Geisinger, Gina Hardin, Chris Juett, Jancy LaFollette , Gayle Lundeen, Ron Matthews, Marla Potts, Terri Rosonke, Nichole Sargenfrey, Richard Sego, Joe Solem, Tim Schoh, Linda Von Bank.

Present at the State EOC

Samantha Brear, Trish Burket, Dan Cataldi, Amy DeCastro, Karin Ford, Josh Gaul, Chris Hare, Tiffany Keimig, Roger Kremer, Mark Luckiesh, Larry Olk, Michelle Raymer, Marvin Shultz, Greg Smith, Julie Struck, Margaret Van Ginkel, Rick Wulfekuhle.

Board Members Absent:

Lori Williams (e).

Old Business

Keimig moved to approve the November Minutes

Ford seconded

Motion carried unanimously

As a reminder, all minutes are posted online at: after they have been approved

Agency Spotlight

·  None.

Committee Reports

·  Spiritual/Emotional Care, COAD: Marla Potts and Greg Smith

o  The committee is getting the word out to large groups about the Iowa Praise and Prepare Program. The Methodist Annual Conference will be June 4th-6th. The IDHRC will have a booth at the conference. Karin Ford continues to work with the governmental agencies. Individual letters will also be sent out via email. There are 560 churches just in Des Moines so it is a large undertaking. Samantha Brear highlighted the need to include the emergency managers as part of the project. Larry Olk added the more the emergency managers are involved the better.

·  Volunteer and Donations Management: Samantha Brear and Michelle Raymer

o  No report at this time.

·  Disaster Case Advocacy: Tiffany Keimig and Lori Williams

o  Senate File 492 is still alive this session. There are various advocates working with the legislators to get it passed. The conversations need to be had regarding Disaster Case Management standards and policies if the program passes. Tiffany Keimig brought up the Idea of inviting someone from the Governor’s office to our meetings so that they can be educated further on what the IDHRC does.

·  Unmet Needs: Trish Burket

o  No unmet needs requests at this time.

·  Functional Needs/ESF 6: Dan Cataldi and Karin Ford

o  The committee will meet at 9 a.m. before every ‘in person’ IDHRC meeting. Karin Ford is working on a shelter check list that includes how to establish a shelter and information about accessibility that will be disbursed among public health agencies. Karin will be going out to the regions to educate individuals on the checklist.

o  Gina Hardin wanted to know about the Missouri exercise. Cory Fast from FEMA commented that many FEMA employees are deployed right now due to the flooding but they are continuing to prepare for the exercise. The mid-term planning meeting is in March. Samantha Brear has a discussion with Adrian Walker on January 22nd regarding Iowa’s planning. The State of Iowa are looking at participating on August 24th. The exercise runs from August 22nd-26th.

·  Communications, Marketing, and Training: Larry Olk

o  Larry Olk is working with the Iowa League of Cities and looking at the various ways to get exposure for the IDHRC. He needs approval to participate again this year. It will be here in Des Moines in September. It will cost 45 dollars per person for anyone wanting to attend and work in the booth. The cost of the booth is around $500. The cut off is next week in regards to applying to carry out a seminar. There is nothing that can be compiled by that deadline but a working group is pulling together to think about future seminar opportunities. The league suggested that we could get a city to pilot one of our projects and use that as an example to garner more interest within the Iowa League of Cities.

o  Larry Olk mentioned the Bystander Trauma Care Course that goes back to 1995 and that it could be made into a document from the IDHRC as a resource for groups. Rick W added that you might also want to consider the CERT program. Rick W added that we do not want to do duplicate efforts across the State.

·  Finance: Janna Diehl

o  No report at this time.

·  Treasurer: Margaret Van Ginkel

o  Please see the end of year reports attached to this email. At the end of the 2015 year the IDHRC had a total of 52,789.95, this does not include the donation from the Iowa Workforce Development. They gave the IDHRC a check for $1200.

o  Tiffany Keimig asked if we have a budget. Dan Cataldi mentioned that the IDHRC do not have typical recurring expenses so the IDHRC tend to not have a budget that is set for the year. Funds are approved on a case by case basis.

·  FEMA: Adrian Walker

o  Adrian was not on the call due to other commitments. Please see the information from Cory Fast above under the Functional Needs/ESF6 Committee.

·  Chair Report: Dan Cataldi

o  The Iowa Praise and Prepare Program is going well. The IDHRC have not had to respond to too much recently because of the lack of disasters.

·  Secretary/HSEMD

o  Jeff from the Better Business Bureau contacted Samantha Brear regarding their Disaster Relief Program and how they can be involved with the IDHRC.

Open Discussion

o  Current Disasters: Marvin Schultz stated that the IA Program still have a couple of cases open that are being finalized. The Baptist Association in Iowa are recruiting individuals to go down to Missouri to help with their recovery.

o  Rick W. asked about the contacts for the American Red Cross in Cedar Rapids. Julie Struck mentioned that they are currently recruiting potential candidates for the Disaster Program Manager. Please see the link in the email for more information.

New Business

o  Nominating Committee:

As of March there will be five board member slots open. There have been four nominations so far: Greg Smith, Julie Struck, Josh Gaul and Frank McCrary. Lori Williams term is up but she is eligible and willing to serve another term. Please let Janna Diehl know if you would like to nominate someone. The nominations will be presented in February and voted on in March. A new Treasurer will also be needed and they must be a board member. The bylaws and the policies and procedures are attached to this email for a more depth understanding.

o  Annual meeting in March:

Last year’s meeting Janay from Georgia was here speaking about their Praise and Prepare Program. Discussions need to be had on what the agenda will be this year. There is normally a business meeting, keynote and an educational session. Our goal could be to increase the participation to our current partners. It will be the IDHRC’s 15 year anniversary so perhaps the Governor could attend to do a keynote. The Iowa Praise and Prepare template could be talked about as part of the educational session. A basic template could be used if the word ‘praise’ was taken out so that it could be catered to multiple organizations. The IDHRC could partner with Safeguard Iowa. A planning committee needs to be formed to assist with the preparation of the event.

Old Business

o  None

Agency updates

o  None

Training Opportunities (also located at:

o  Basic Emergency Volunteer Center Training, River of Life Ministries, January 25th, 2016, Cedar Rapids

o  G288 Local Volunteer & Donations Management Course, February 4-5th, 2016, Oskaloosa

o  Iowa Legal Aid Course, February 12th, 2016, Cedar Rapids

Upcoming Conferences

o  National VOAD-Minneapolis–May 22nd-26th.

Upcoming Exercises

o  FEMA Mass Care Exercise, August 22nd-26th, 2016, SEOC, Johnston

Unmet Needs Requests

No unmet needs.

Upcoming IDHRC Meetings:

Webinar: February 18th, 2016

In-Person Annual Meeting: March 17th, 2016

Raymer moved to adjourn at 11:20

Ford seconded the motion

Motion Carries

Respectfully submitted,

Samantha Brear