Test of Competence - Evidence of Practice Questionnaire

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All chiropractors who wish to practise in the United Kingdom must first of all register with the General Chiropractic Council (GCC). However, before we can register you, you will need to show us that you meet the standards set out in our Code of Practice and Standard of Proficiency (CoP and SoP). (http://www.gcc-uk.org/UserFiles/Docs/COPSOP_2010.pdf)

Why are you asking me to fill in this questionnaire?

We will check the information you provide on this Evidence of Practice Questionnaire, along with the contents of your qualification to inform the test interview. This is so that you can show us how you meet the same standards as those chiropractors who have a qualification that we recognise.

As the applicant it is your responsibility to send us the information that we ask you for, we will not be seeking it on your behalf.

This questionnaire forms a key part of your application and will be considered by the TOC assessment panel along with the content of your chiropractic education before the test. You may also be asked questions about it during the TOC interview.

Before filling in the questionnaire, you should make yourself very familiar with the GCC’s Code of Practice and Standard of Proficiency (CoP and SoP). This is because we will need to make sure you meet the standards in the CoP and SoP before the Registrar grants you registration. Also, these are the standards you must maintain all the time you are on the Register.

How do I fill in this questionnaire?

The questionnaire is split into 8 sections, in sections 1 – 7 you are asked to give details on your practise as a chiropractor. There are text boxes for each response which you can click on and then type in.

In sections with check boxes, you can simply click on the check box to select it.

In this questionnaire we ask you to demonstrate your understanding of our CoP and SoP by linking aspects of your practice to the standards in it. You are also likely to be asked about the CoP and SoP during the Test of Competence interview.

The questionnaire focuses on your practice. You are asked to provide specific examples of what you have done – this should be where you have taken clinical responsibility for a case. You must complete the questionnaire yourself and without help.

What evidence must I send to back up the answers I give on the questionnaire?

Where real clinical cases or examples are asked for, we expect you to normally use cases or examples within the last 24 months. You must send copies of the actual clinical records of the cases.

You must protect patient confidentiality by anonymising any patient information. If you do not do this, we will have concerns that you are not able to meet the duty of confidentiality set out in our COP.

Please note that anonymised patient records will be used for the sole purpose of the Test of Competence. The GCC will not use them for any other purpose nor share the records with any third parties.

Please note that the patient records are crucial supporting evidence in your application to take the Test of Competence. It is in your best interest to provide complete, anonymised patient records including case histories. If you are unable to do this, then greater reliance will need to be placed on the evidence you present during the interview.

The maximum word counts given in each section of the questionnaire are mandatory. We are interested in the quality of your response not its quantity. We will not consider any words beyond the maximum word count.

What if I’m an educationist and don’t directly treat patients myself?

You can use the clinical cases of chiropractic students that you have supervised rather than ones you have assessed or cared for directly. But make sure your role and the actions you took in relation to the patient are made clear.

What if I’m not unable to obtain and anonymise real patient records for some reason?

We recommend that you obtain real anonymised patient records where possible. If you are a recent graduate you may use patient notes taken as part of your supervised practical sessions within your course. You may create case notes based on real or hypothetical cases if you have exhausted all other options of obtaining real records; however, please ensure that you make explicit on your application that you have not provided real patient records and also be aware that you may be subject to a longer, more intensive, interview process to ensure that you meet the standards. If you have queries in regards to patient records, please contact the GCC for guidance either on 020 7713 5115, or email us at

What happens when you receive my application and questionnaire?

When we receive your completed questionnaire, a member of the GCC staff will check that you have completed all of the section and provided all required information and kept within the word count. If you have, then your application will be passed to the assessment panel.

It is in your own interest to check the questionnaire before you send it to us, this is because your application will be delayed if we need to contact you for further information or ask you to resubmit the questionnaire.

The TOC assessment panel will then consider your responses in this questionnaire before you take the assessment interview. They will look at the questionnaire to see how you have demonstrated to us your understanding of the CoP and SoP.

What about the interview itself?

The TOC assessment interview will focus on:

·  your responses to the questionnaire

·  requirements set out in the CoP and SoP, specifically where we have identified differences in content between our standards and those of other chiropractic regulatory authorities across the world.

Also remember…

·  the questionnaire must be completed in English and typed. Hand written questionnaires will be returned.

·  to tell us the meaning of any abbreviations you use

·  to clearly labelled any diagrams or charts you include in your response .

Standards of behaviour we expect from applicants

Our Student Fitness to Practise guidance (http://www.gcc-uk.org/UserFiles/Docs/FtPGuidanceforStudents.pdf) sets out the standards of behaviour that we require of chiropractic students and prospective registrants. It outlines the seriousness of behaviours such as plagiarism. If we find an applicant has submitted evidence that it is not their own work, this will raise serious questions about their fitness to register with us.

When you have filled in this questionnaire, please send it, together with your evidence, to:

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Section 1: profile of your caseload

This section is designed to give us an insight into:

·  the scope and breadth of your clinical practice

·  a profile of the patients you have provided chiropractic assessment and care to; and

·  how you collect and analyse data about your professional practice.

We would like you to identify 10 patients in your caseload and then fill in the information in the table below about each of those patients. When identifying the patients’ health needs, remember we are interested in the individual’s main health needs which helped you to maintain your knowledge, skills and competence, information you will be asked to give at the end of this section.

Patient / Gender / Age / Occupation / Health needs /
1. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
2. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
3. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
4. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
5. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
6. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
7. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
8. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
9. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
10. / Choose an item. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Describe here how the above group of 10 patients you have selected and their health needs have helped you to maintain your clinical and professional knowledge, skills and competence. Link this to our CoP and SoP. (Maximum total number of words - 600)
Click here to enter text.
Word count (max 600) = Click here to enter text.
Explain here how you identify your patients’ health needs (Maximum total number of words - 200)
Click here to enter text.
Word count (max 200) = Click here to enter text.

Section 2: a neuromusculoskeletal case presentation

Describe a case in which a patient presented with neurological symptoms and where you suspected or found neurological involvement as a result of musculoskeletal dysfunction. This can be one of the patients you included in section 1 or another patient.
You must respond to all aspects of this section from a – k, using a maximum number of 2,000 words for this whole section.
You must attach an anonymised copy of the complete patient record.
a)  the case history including the patient profile, presenting complaint, and relevant medical, family and social history
Click here to enter text.
b)  the methods you used to physically examine the patient and why you chose these methods
Click here to enter text.
c)  if you obtained further information or carried out further investigations (eg clinical imaging, laboratory tests) on the patient and why you did this
Click here to enter text.
d)  your evaluation of the patient’s health and health needs, including any relevant physiological, psychological, and social factors
Click here to enter text.
e)  your differential diagnosis / rationale for care
Click here to enter text.
f)  whether the case was:
i. suitable for chiropractic treatment, and if so your treatment and management plan based upon your working diagnosis / rationale for care, the patient, and the likely effects and/or risks of treatment
ii.  not suitable for chiropractic treatment and the steps you took to ensure ongoing care for the patient
Click here to enter text.
g)  what you told the patient about the risks of the treatment and the management plan
Click here to enter text.
h)  how you involved the patient in making informed decisions about their care
Click here to enter text.
i)  your ongoing management of the patient, including the frequency and duration of care, the frequency of patient review / re-evaluation, the evidence for the care used, any outcome measures you used, whether you changed your treatment approach through the course of the treatment and the reasons for this
Click here to enter text.
j)  how you applied chiropractic principles and concepts in the assessment and care of the patient
Click here to enter text.
k)  Which specific, relevant sections of the CoP and SoP does this refer to?
Click here to enter text.
Total word count (max 2,000) = Click here to enter text.

Section 3: a case presentation in which the patient was considered unsuitable for chiropractic treatment and/ or was referred to another healthcare practitioner

Describe a recent case in which, after clinical evaluation, you concluded that the patient was either unsuitable for chiropractic care or you referred them to another healthcare professional for co-management. This can be one of the patients you included in section 1 or another patient. It should be a different case to the ones you used in sections 2 and 4 of this questionnaire. (If you are unable to identify a patient where you have taken this action, then please develop an example of such a case making clear in your response that this is a scenario not a real example.)
You must respond to all aspects of this section from a – l, using a maximum number of 2,000 words for this whole section.
You must attach an anonymised copy of the complete patient record.
a)  the case history including the patient profile, presenting complaint, and relevant medical, family and social history
Click here to enter text.
b)  the methods you used to physically examine the patient and why you chose these methods
Click here to enter text.
c)  if you obtained further information or carried out further investigations (eg clinical imaging, laboratory tests) on the patient and why you did this
Click here to enter text.
d)  your evaluation of the patient’s health and health needs, including any relevant physiological, psychological, and social factors
Click here to enter text.
e)  your differential diagnosis / rationale for care
Click here to enter text.
f)  why you concluded that the case:
a.  was not suitable for chiropractic treatment
b.  required referral to another healthcare professional and how this would benefit the patient
Click here to enter text.
g)  the actions that you took and your role in the patient’s ongoing care
Click here to enter text.
h)  how you involved the patient in making this decision and gained their consent
Click here to enter text.
i)  the mechanism you used for referring the patient – supply a copy with your questionnaire
Click here to enter text.
j)  the outcome of the referral and any ensuing modification of your treatment and management plan
Click here to enter text.
k)  the evidence that informed your practice
Click here to enter text.
L)Which specific, relevant sections of the CoP and SoP does this refer to?.
Click here to enter text.
Total word count (max 2,000) = Click here to enter text.

Section 4: a case presentation in which you concluded that certain techniques were unsuitable