(1 credit hours: 1 theory)

JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
Faculty of Dentistry
Department ofProsthodontics
Summer Semester
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title / Removable Prosthodontics – (3)
Course Code / Dent 345
Prerequisites / Dent 343, Dent 344.
Course Website /
Instructor / Dr Esam Alem
Office Location / N-A
Office Phone / 23944
Office Hours / N-A
E-mail /
Teaching Assistant(s) / N-A
Course Description
This course will introduce students to the clinical aspects of Removable prosthodontics. The students will carry out various clinical procedures, including patient’s examination, diagnosis, treatment planning, impression making, occlusal assessment and all the laboratory steps that are relevant to the associating clinical steps.
Text Book
Title / Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous patients
Author(s) / G.A Zarb; C.L. Bolender; J.C. Hickey and G.E Carlsson
Publisher / Mosby
Year / 2004
Edition / 12th edition
Book Website / N-A
References / Stewart's Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics
Rodney D. Phoenix, David R. Cagna, Charles F. DeFreest
Quintessence Publishing Co Inc
2008 / Fourth
Additional References
(1) J.U.S.T. Removable Complete & Partial Denture Manuals,
(2) Lecture, Clinic and Laboratory Handouts
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type / N-A
Midterm First Exam / 40%
Second Exam / N-A
Final Exam / 60%
Assignments / N-A
Attendance / N-A
Participation / N-A
Course Objectives / Weights
  • This theoretical course will review the platform of basic knowledge of dental materials, procedures and stepwise methodologies leading to the construction of successful removable complete and partial dentures
  • Relevance and evidence of each methodology is reviewed and expanded along with alternative current practices.
  • The clinical and laboratory demonstrations will help develop basic skills which are incorporated in the denture design.
  • Students are introduced to the e-Learning course which follows the progress of student and allows for a customised learning path based on students’ abilities

Teaching & Learning Methods
  • Class lectures, handouts and presentations are designed to achieve the course objectives
  • Demonstration sessions at the DentalTeachingCenter are an essential part of the course
  • Demonstrations performed by dental technician instructors and dental hygiene professionals are a main component of the teaching methods

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Related Objective(s) / Reference
Get familiarized with the clinical steps of fabrication complete dentures
Get familiarized with the clinical steps of fabrication RPD
Get the basic knowledge for occlusal splint therapy
Be familiar with making appropriate alginate impression for dentate patients
Be familiar with the clinical environment at the dental teaching centre (venue and staff)
Get the knowledge and science of color and shade matching in prosthodontics
Get the knowledge of certain dental materials from clinical prosthodontics aspects
Useful Resources
Clinical Dental Prosthetics, lecture handouts, laboratory training and notes
Course Content
Week / Topics / Chapter in text
1 /
  • Introduction to the course
  • Introduction to clinical Prosthodontics
/ Handout
2 /
  • Infection control in Prosthodontics
  • Review of clinical steps in fabrication of Complete Dentures
/ Handout
3 /
  • Review of clinical steps in fabrication of RPDs (with concentration on bite registration for RPDs)
  • Occlusal splints
/ Handout
4 / Midterm exam
5 /
  • The art of making good alginate impression
  • clinical orientation to the prosthodontic clinics and laboratories at the DTC
/ Handout
6 /
  • clinical orientation to the prosthodontic clinics and laboratories at the DTC
  • Alginate impression demonstration

7 /
  • Alginate impression demonstration
  • Color science and shade matching
/ Handout
8 /
  • Clinical prosthodontic materials (impression materials, gypsum products, waxes)
/ Handout
Additional Notes
Additional Notes
Professionalism / •Professions tend to be autonomous and self-sufficient which means having a high degree of control of own affairs while having freedom to exercise professional judgment.
•As it is a trait, which can be easily enhanced, it is thus subject to self-interest and a continuous process of critical evaluation of ethics and procedure.
•As the students have been part of the university for some considerable time, they would be familiar with general principles about its beliefs on matters such as quality studentship within this environment. We thus expect our students to develop their professionalism even further together with a high morality. Dentistry is a profession based on such Ethical codes.
•Gross violations of these formal codes are governed by University laws, which delineate the procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed/
•This does not mean the list is complete. We encourage students to abide with the more sensitive approach to this by allowing the practice of a high morality, which defines right and wrong by the society, philosophy, religion, and individual conscience.
•Students and their instructors often make ethical choices reflexively. But ethically sensitive situations, where time, emotions and marks are pressured, it becomes all too easy to be blind-sided by temptation. The best antidote to ethical lapses is to commit in advance to a set of ethical principles - your personal ethical code that follows or grows to it.
•Any difficulty or concern during the course should be passed directly to the course coordinator.
Makeup Exams / •Applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse is presented at the appropriate time.
Drop Date / •N/A
Cheating / •Unethical.
•JUST regulations will be applied
Attendance / •It is mandatory for all lectures and demonstration sessions
•Each student will be assigned a seat
•Tardiness up to 15 minutes of the start of class/lab will be allowed.
Absenteeism / •To receive course credit, a student should attend a minimum of 90% of the contact hours of the class; meaning missing only one and a half lecture.
•Absences from class are counted from the day the class meets officially for the first time – not from when the student officially enters.
•If absent from lectures, then the course coordinator will refer to related guidelines set by the university
•Any student who is absent on a test day, will have to demonstrate an acceptable medical or social statement explaining the illness or personal crisis as instructed by their faculty
•Individual instructors may arrange for a make-up test only when a written request is made to and approved by the Dean
Students with Special needs / •Any student who feels that he/she may need accommodation for any type of disability is encouraged to contact the course coordinator who will be happy to help in any way
•Accommodations to the course plan can be tailored to the needs of specific individuals after consultations with the Dean.
Graded Exams / •Multiple choice questions will be computer based
Written questions may include short essay, definition, enumeration and matching questions and fill in the blanks.
•Answers will be discussed in the class
Participation / •All students are highly encouraged to actively participate in the class and demonstration sessions
•Quizzes may be a part of the course.
Individual conferencing and consultations / •The course coordinator is always available to talk with the student when problems arise
•If you have any problems that require the attention of an instructor, do not wait until the problem is insurmountable
•If a student needs to talk with the course coordinator outside office hours, an appointment can be made
Course changes / •Information contained in this course outline is correct at the time of distribution.
•Content of the courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational, employment needs.
•The course coordinator reserves the right to add or delete material from courses and will endeavor to provide notice of changes to students as soon as possible.
•The timetable may also be revised to accommodate unexpected holidays or changes in schedule