Kearsarge Road – P.O. Box 300 – North Conway, NH03847

***** *****

Membership Application 2015-2016

I’m applying for: Individual Membership ______Race Membership ______

(INDIVIDUAL FEES: Annual - $450, Application Fee - $5, Refundable key deposit - $25)

(RACE FEES: Annual - $75)

NAME: ______Home Tel. ( ) ______

ADDRESS: ______Cell: ( ) ______

CITY: ______STATE: _____ ZIP: ______

EMAIL: ______DATE OR BIRTH: ______

Check one: Single _____ Engaged _____ Married _____ Divorced _____ Widow (er) _____

  1. Ski/board experience: Years ___ Beginner ___ Novice ___ Intermediate ___ Expert ___
  2. Have you ever Raced? _____ Where? ______Class _____ Nastar handicap _____
  3. Have you ever belonged to another ski club? _____ If so, which one? ______
  4. Do you know anyone in the Ski Bees? _____ If so, who? ______Is he/she your sponsor? ____ How did you hear about the club? ______

SPONSOR SECTION: I’m a member of the Ski Bees and hereby sponsor this person as the type of member who could be an asset to our club.

Sponsor’s signature: ______Date: ______

======Do you have access to a: Computer _____ FAX _____ Internet _____

Please check any skills that you may possess: Writing _____ Photography _____ Art _____ Ski/snowboard instruction _____ Internet _____ Carpentry _____ Plumbing _____ Electrical _____ Medical _____

Please Number in order of preference at least 3 committees you would like to work on:

HOUSE (Lodge Ops) _____ Building & Land _____ Social Activities _____ Banquets _____ Membership _____ Newsletter _____ EICSL (Ski League) _____ X-Country _____ Constitution/By-laws _____ Race _____ Senior Dinner _____ Internet _____

Audit-Finance_____Recruiting ______Fundraising ______

Please list three references whom the Membership Committee may contact, one should be a current member of the Ski Bees:




What type of hobbies or activities (other than skiing/boarding) do you enjoy? ______


I understand that before I can be accepted as a member of the Ski Bees, I must attend a minimum of three (3) Ski Bee functions, two of which should be at organized weekends at the Ski Bee Lodge in North Conway, NH. The third can be at one of our general meetings, which are usually held the 4th Monday of the month September through April (except December & February) in Waltham, MA.

I understand that if not being sponsored by a Ski Bee member; the Membership Committee will submit my application to the Board of Directors for approval.

I understand that all members shall be required to read the Constitution & By-laws, Lodge & Membership Rules, all materials in the membership packet, and thereafter shall be bound by these and all Regulations adopted by the Executive Committee.

Signature: ______Date: ______


Your application will not be

Voted on without your photo

And a $5.00 application fee.

Make checks payable to:

Ski-Bees, Inc.

Mail application to:

Mike Lanigan

105 Blackstone St.

Mendon, MA 01756

Tel: 508-473-1139



Application Rec’d Date: ______

Application Fee Rec’d: ______

1st Weekend @ Lodge: ______

2nd Weekend @ Lodge: ______

3rd Event Attended: ______

Applicant Approved Date: ______

Applicant Notified Date: ______

Dues Rec’d Date: ______

Corr. Secretary Notified: ______

Roster Updated: ______

House Notified: ______

New Member Packet Delivered: ______

Key Deposit: ______Key #: ______

Review/Comments: ______