
List the section and subsection that describes where the law is given and defined.

Ex. Which section and subsection of Chapter 89 states that education programs at Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) will be monitored by the Texas Education Agency (TEA)? 89.1001 (b)

Which section defines/states ------

1.  visual impairment?

2.  eligibility as a student with deaf-blindness?

3.  the requirement that the student is provided details of available resources.

4.  students with visual or auditory impairments receive a free, appropriate, public education from birth?

5.  the definition of asstistive technology?

6.  functionally blind?

7.  an eligible student receiving special education services who is 21 years of age on September 1 of a school year shall be eligible for services through the end of that school year or until graduation with a regular high school diploma?

8.  the requirement to provide appropriate instructional materials?

9.  the requirements of an LMA?

10.  the permission to operate special education services in a cooperative or shared services arrangement?

11.  the definition of extended school year services?

12.  what must be considered for the IEP/IFSP of a student with VI?

13.  “who” is responsible for transportation when a student is placed at TSBVI?

14.  what a doctor should include on the eye report?

Which section, subsection------

15. how goals should be measurable and that they should be part of the general curriculum?

16. requires the state to provide instructional materials to a

teacher with a visual impairment?

17. required measurements in a FVE?

18. addresses acceptance of gifts of instructional materials?

19. how the information from the FVE/LMA is to be used?

From the MOU or framework – (give me the page and document if it from the MOU section)

20. definition what an O&M is and who certifies them.

21. who is responsible for the delivery of services to individuals 0-2 who have visual impairments?

22. quota funds?

23. what is the referral process for a child who is 0-2 and is suspected of having a visual impairment?

24. how often/frequently do you need to do a functional on a student 0-2?

25. what must be documented in an IFSP meeting that is for a child with a visual impairment?

26. do all children 0-2 with a visual impairment get an O&M eval?