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Take Home Chordata Unit Exam

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1.. Due to their shape the scales of a shark are considered modified

A) scales B) teeth C) Cycloids D) Gills

2. Ampullae of Lorenzini are used by Sharks to detect ______in the water

A) Electrical Impulses B) Movement C) Sounds D) Blood

3. Jawless fish have no jaws or _____.

A) tongues B) scales C) muscles D) gills

Use the above diagram for questions 4-7

Match the letter to the corresponding part based on the diagram above

4. ______Dorsal Fin 5.______Claspers

6. ______Pectoral fin 7. ______Cadual Fin

8. Countershading on a shark will result in the ______side being darker to blend into the substrate

and the ______side being lighter to blend into the surface.

A) Lateral , Pectoral B) Ventral, Dorsal C) Dorsal, Ventral D) Posterior, Anterior

9. The most primitive fish whose charateristics include lacking paired fins, jaws or scales

are the ______fish

A) Bony B) Cartilaginous C) Jawless D) Invertebrate

10. Bony fish regulate buoyancy with the use of a(n) ______

A) Terminal Mouth B) Swim Bladder C) Operculum D) Fin Rays

11. Sharks and Rays have flatten bodies perfect for their demersal lifestyle

Also have their mouth on their ______side

A) Ventral B) Dorsal C) Caudal D) Lateral

12. Sharks and fish both use their ______fin for propulsion

A) Dorsal B) Ventral C) Pectoral D) Caudal

13. ______are oviparous and have fleshly tails with small fins. Their egg cases are common on beaches here in the northeast.

A) Rays B) Sharks C) Skates D) Bony fish

14. Organisms which have live births are considered

A) Oviparous B) Ovoviviparous C) Hermaphroditic D) Viviparous

15. Organisms in which the egg is formed but is kept inside of the mother during development is considered

A) Oviparous B) Ovoviviparous C) Hermaphroditic D) Viviparous

16. Organisms which lay eggs or egg cases are considered

A) Oviparous B) Ovoviviparous C) Hermaphroditic D) Viviparous

17. The lateral line which is common to both cartilaginous fish and bony fish is used to detect

A) Electrical Impulses B) Movement C) Sounds D) Blood

18. The olfactory bulbs which make up two thirds of the brain, in the shark, are devoted to the sense of

A) Electrical Impulses B) Sight C) Sounds D) Smell

19. Sharks can detect the presence of blood from ______a mile away

A) ¼ B) ½ C) 1 D) 2/3

20. The shape of shark scale is

A) Cycloid B) Placoid C) Denticloid D) Cencloid

21. ______allow sharks to pump water through their gills when there mouth is engaged

A) Scales B) Nostrils C) Spiracles D) Gill Arches

22. The supporting structures for gills are the

A) Lamellae B) Gill Rakers C) Gill Arches D) Gill Bones

23. In Sharks ______evolved from the support structures of the pharyngeal gills slits.

A) Jaws B) Gills C) Spines D) Condocranium

24. The Sharks jaw is attached to the chondrocranium with

A) Tendons B) Ligaments C) Muscles D) Bone tissue

58. Sharks have ______suspension of jaw

A) Stylistic B) Triploblastic C) Amphistylic D) Pinneped

25.______make up 98% of all fish

A) Agnatha B) Chondrichthyes C) Osteichthyes D) Cetaceans

26. Which is NOT a trait of Osteichthyes

A) terminal mouth B) Oviparous C) Swim Bladder D) Operculum

27. Flap which covers the gills of the Osteichthyes

A) Operculum B) Lamellae C) Claspers D) Swim Bladder

28. Blood and water move ______in the bony fish gill structure

A) Co-current B) Counter current C) concurrent D) divergently

29. The gas which is transferred into the fishes bloodstream at the gills is

A) Nitrogen B) Oxygen C) Carbon Dioxide D) Ammonia

30. The process by which gases pass across the membrane into the bloodstream is

A) Osmosis B) Diffusion C) Active Transport D) Membrane Transferance

For questions 31- 33 use the following choices

A) Gill Filaments B) Gill Rakers C) Gill Arches D) Lamellae

34. Many top level predators such as tuna, shark and barracuda maintain body temperature higher than their environment which classify them as

A) Ectothermic B) Endothermic C) Hypothermic D) Icthothermic

35. Jawless fish such as the Lamprey and the Hagfish are in the Phylum chordata and the class

A) Agnatha B) Chondrichthyes C) Osteichthyes D) Chordata

36.Bony fish such as the Tuna and the Trout are in the Phylum chordata and the class

A) Agnatha B) Chondrichthyes C) Osteichthyes D) Chordata

37. Which is NOT a trait found in all Chordata

A) Post Anal Tail B) Notochord C) Vertebrate D) Pharyngeal gill slits

38. The nerve chord on a Lancelet is found on its ______side

A) Dorsal B) Ventral C) Lateral D) Posterior

39. Tunicates (Sea Squirts) are

A) Urochordates B) Cephalochordates C) Vertebrates D) none of these

40.. Lancelets are ______Compressed (flattened).

A) Dorsal Ventrally B) Laterally C) Posteriorly D) Pectorally

41. There are ______classes of Vertebrates

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 2

42. Smell receptorsfound on the mouth, lips, skin and fins of bony fish are called

A) Chromatophores B) Denticles C) Ampullae of Lorenzini D) Chemoreceptors

43. For Buoyancy Sharks have a large ______oil filled ______

A) 2 lobed, Kidney B) 3 chambered, Heart C) 3 lobed, Liver D) 2 Chambered, Liver

44. Sailfish can swim at a maximum speed of ______MPH

A) 40 B) 25 C) 70 D) 45

45. The Largest bony fish is the

A) Whale Shark B) Blue Whale C) Moonfish D) Sunfish

46. The false eye is an example of

A) Bioluminescence B) Camouflage C) Cryptic Coloration D) Countershading

A)Ctenoid B) Placoid C) Cycloid D) Ganoid

47_____ 48. ______49. ______

50. What type of caudal is seen in these yellowfin tuna

A) Heterocercal B) Homocercal C) Intracecal D) Lunate

Short Answer: Explain why the counter current flow of water and blood in the gill structure is more efficient than it running concurrently. Make sure you include the role of diffusion and a state of equilibrium in your answer.







