Chapter 4 Regional Project Brochure

You will be required to complete a regional brochure in lieu of taking a Chapter 4 test. You will use the information on the New England, Middle and Southern Colonies that we have been working on in class. On the back of this sheet, you will find the rubric that will be used to grade this project and what is specifically required.

Project Requirements:

  1. You must have a map of the 13 colonies on the front of your brochure.
  2. You must make a tri (3) fold brochure


  • On the first inside flap(left side), you must have the New England Colonies (minimum of 3 pictures)
  • On the middle flap (center), you must have the Middle Colonies (minimum of 3 pictures
  • On the last side (right side), you must have the Southern Colonies (minimum of 3 pictures)
  • On the first fold that will fold into the inside, you must list all 3 colonial regions and their physical features (soil type/weather) and description. (minimum of 2 pictures per region)

****All of these must include pictures. Minimum of 2 for physical features for each region and 3 general pictures for each region.

Students can work on the writing portion of the project at home.

Our class will be going to the computer lab on__Monday September 17th__. The students will be given one class period to find pictures and print them out in black and white. Students can then use their colored pencils to add color.

This project is due Tuesday September 25th. If you turn in the project late you will receive a late grade. This is a test grade so it is very important to get it completed and turned in on time.


Chapter 4 Regional Project Brochure

Requirements / Points / Student Grade / Teacher Grade
Overall creativity, neatness and completeness / 15
All sentences written with proper grammar and are complete sentences / 10
New England Colonial Region
Describe the climate and physical features in New England Colonies / 5
Describe economic activities and natural resources on New England Colony / 5
Identify the significant historical figures for Massachusetts and Connecticut / 5
Identify the religious/social groups that settled in the region / 5
How did the colonists adapt and modify their environment? / 5
Middle Colonial Region
Describe the climate and physical features in Middle Colonies / 5
Describe economic activities and natural resources on Middle Colonies / 5
Identify the significant historical figures for New York & Pennsylvania / 5
Identify the religious/social groups that settled in the region / 5
How did the colonists adapt and modify their environment? / 5
Southern Colonial Region
Describe the climate and physical features in Southern Colonies / 5
Describe economic activities and natural resources on Southern Colonies / 5
Identify the significant historical figures for Virginia & Georgia / 5
Identify the religious/social groups that settled in the region / 5
How did the colonists adapt and modify their environment? / 5