Lansing Jaycees Board of Directors Meeting
June 21, 2016
I. Call to Order at: 6:09pm Angela Clock
II. Roll Call Angela Clock
Angela Clock – Present / Jessi Wortley Adler - Present / Ryan Kiernicki – Excused / Colin Fitzgerald – PresentMichael Leeds - Present / Jason Larsen - Present / Michael Castelein – Present / Michelle BeBeau- Present
III. Pledge of Allegiance led by: Skipped
IV. Additions & Deletions to the Agenda Motion to approve: Jessi Seconded: Michael. Motion approved.
a. Amended Agenda
V. Consent Agenda Motion to approve: Collin Seconded: Jessi. Motion passed.
a. Minutes – not everything was available.
Approve Preliminary PMGs (if needed)
b. Approve Final CPGs:
d. Appointments/Resignations
i. Appointment: Michelle BeBeau - Secretary
VII. Board Reports (include short term and long term goal updates)
a. President’s Report Angela Clock
i. Mid Year Retreat: A four hour/ half day retreat. Team building exercises. $22/person.
ii. Membership and Engagement: 8 new members. Second quarter: 11 renewals.
Possible membership engagement- Blue Star Mothers (sending troops packages) If you plan an event we would like 4-6 weeks’ notice.
iii. Monthly Meeting Location: Our July meeting is being held at the park. However we need a new location starting in August since Trippers has closed. A few spots were mentioned; Olgas, Old Chicago, Champs, Spartan Café Hall of Fame and the Pizza House. Angela will call to these locations and have an update by next meeting.
b. COB Report Michael Leeds
c. Treasurer Report
Savings: $5,255.96
Checking’s: $4,083.29
CD: $5,023.78 Ryan Kiernicki
i. Fundraising Committee Report: Golf Outing
d. Secretary’s Report
a. Outstanding PMG Review: Easter Egg Hunt- Approved.
e. Vice President Report Jessi Wortley Adler, Jason Larsen
· Jessi mentioned Stuff the Bus- the subject of the gifts were brought up. We had complaints in previous years because we tend to have to return items that people picked out. What changes could we make? STB details needed by October. (Reach out to Walmart about the grant). Possible chair for this year: Lauren.
· Jason mentioned the idea of a membership director? Someone who recruits people to the Jaycees.
f. Director Reports Colin Fitzgerald, Michael Castelein
· 24/hr gaming event.
· The idea of sitting in on a City Council meeting. Future PMG.
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
· Summer Picnic: $585 needed (Supplies/food/pavilion). Move to approve: Collin. Passed.
IX. Calendar Review & Additions
X. Round Table Comments
XI. COB Closing Comments Michael Leeds
XII. President’s Closing Comments Angela Clock
· Future Board Meeting dates: July 19th, Aug 16th and Sept 13th
XIII. Adjournment at: 8:20pm
Jaycees Creed
We believe,
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;
That government should be of laws rather than of men;
That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality;
And that service to humanity is the best work of life.
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