Associated Students of Grand Canyon University

Senate Meeting

October 12, 2015

College of Education, Room 104

Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2015

Call to Order: 6:30pm

Roll Call:

  • All members are present and accounted for except Senator At-Large Matthew Mittelberg.

Approval of the Minutes: (9/28/15)

  • Vote: 6-0-0

Senator Reports:

Senator Akers:

Working on a bill for American Sign Language club and continuing on resolution work for the housing committee.

Senator Rhodes:

Will be presenting a bill regarding the new CrossFit training club.

Senator Dalhberg:

Continuing work on a resolution for ice machines in the dormitories and attending a meeting tomorrow with the safety and healthcare committee.

Senator Deyling:

Cosponsoring the American Sign Language Club with Senator Akers and working on a resolution for recycling.

Senator Livingstone:

Continuing work on a resolution to extend library hours for students.

Senator Mittelberg:

Not in attendance due to previous engagement with Defenders club.

Senator Purvis

Finished Senate and ASGCU training last week and cosponsored the bill for the new CrossFit club with Senator Rhodes. His main focus as the newest addition to the Senate is to focus on commuter students and to make sure that their voice is heard.

Committee Reports:

Futures Committee—Senator Akers

Just had first committee meeting and almost all members were in attendance. Various topics were discussed such as library hours, housing, parking, new items for the rec center, etc. Members also had a chance to learn more about one another.

New Business:

Item #SB013: American Sign Language Club Approval

Motion: Senator Akers

Second: Senator Deyling

Akers: Purpose of the new club would be to help students improve their use of sign language and get GCU more involved in the deaf culture. It would also recognize ASL as a language itself and bring a new component to GCU.

Deyling: Do we have any ASL forces on campus currently?

Akers: There is no current ASL forces.

Approval of American Sign Language Club

Vote: 6-0

Item #SB014: CrossFit Club Approval

Motion: Senator Rhodes

Second: Senator Purvis

Rhodes: CrossFit has been increasingly growing in popularity everywhere and is a great outlet for physical exertion and completion. The club is going to be beginner centered and will not perform any complex moves that could result in major injuries. It would be a great fitness opportunity and breed community that bonds individual’s together and improves both their spiritual and physical life. This club will be meeting every Thursday on the track.

Approval of CrossFit Club

Vote: 6-0

Chief of Staff Report: Acacia Cordova

  • PR: ASGCU Awareness week has been officially postponed.
  • Marketing: ASGCU Awareness Marketing materials have been submitted but are being postponed.
  • Diversity Awareness: Mapping event has been canceled since it was occurring in accordance with ASGCU Awareness week which has been postponed. Director is currently working with Conley on International Education Week.
  • Internal Affairs:
  • Overall contact sheet for all previous ASGCU members has been compiled in order to have an Alumni event.
  • Training manual has also been created for committees.
  • Currently writing application for student housing committee and assigning a senator to co-chair the committee.
  • Working on confirming room/food for November all-ASGCU meeting.
  • Working with Marketing on the ASGCU website.
  • Finished planning and preparing for the ASGCU retreat taking place Saturday (October 17th) in Cottonwood/Sedona.

Administrative Vice President Report: Andrea Hamilton

  • Volunteer GCU:
  • Blood drive was very successful.
  • Will be hosting an on-campus service event on November 14th.
  • FCC:
  • Currently planning a November event for the freshman class exclusively.
  • Doing unplanned bonding and getting into mentorship programs with BIGS.
  • Elections:
  • Working on Elections Manual, which should be presented to the Senate floor sometime soon.

Deyling: Can you just randomly camp on the Hegel Lawn?

Hamilton: No, we had to send in a booking request through Event Services.

Executive Vice President Report: Slate Herman

  • Senate is currently planning for upcoming Senate event on October 21st, which will consist of free haircuts courtesy of Tony & Guy as well as midterm munchies.
  • Released new Rec Center survey that all should share and advertise. Currently, 120 individuals have completed the survey.

President’s Report: Cody Dumas

  • Met with Dr. Deb, Pastor Tim, and President Mueller regarding the possibility for a new GCU worker position for the mental health peer support network. Meeting went well but no final decisions have yet been made. Plan on continuing work with Dr. Rata, who is in charge of expanding the health and wellness center, to come to a final decision.
  • “Embrace” has been chosen as the name for the upcoming Mental Health Awareness campaign.
  • Working with Alicia and Jackson on the ASGCU website whose launch is going to be postponed since ASGCU was postponed.
  • Working with Slate on the proposal/presentation for a new rec center on campus to present to Brian Mueller this week.
  • Special thank you to Senator Akers for her work on the Futures committee. Feedback regarding the first meeting was very positive.

Deyling: Are there any updates on the ASGCU constitution?

Dumas: Constitution approval has been postponed because other things have taken precedence currently but will be presented to the Senate floor soon. Constitution is basically revised, but bi-laws still need to be revised.

Advisor Privilege: Anthony Mann

  • Sincere apologies to senators and other ASGCU members for not responding to e-mails as rapidly as expected. If response is needed immediately because it is urgent, have Slate or director present the problem to Advisor.
  • Special thanks for all those who helped out with Family Weekend. It was very successful. Over 900 people RSVP’d, and they are currently working on calculating the total numbers of those who checked-in.
  • Welcome new Senator Chris Purvis.

Call to Audience:

  • Jed: Who is the president of the new CrossFit club?
  • Senator Rhodes: Grand Senchel


Motion: Senator Rhodes

Second: Senator Deyling

Passed: 6-0-0 Vote