Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Goals and Replacement Public Housing Development Pipeline

Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Goals:

Provide 1:1 replacement of existing 100 Sunset Terrace public housing units, 200 new affordable housing units and new market-rate housing to create a new integrated mixed-income, mixed-use Sunset Terrace community that includes the Sunset Terrace property and nearby RHA and/or City-owned sites. Act as a catalyst for improvements and investments in the Sunset Area community.

Current Projected Sunset Terrace Replacement Public Housing (RPH) Development Pipeline :

1)Glennwood Townhomes – 8 four-bedroom RPH units (under construction)

2)Providence John Gabriel House – potentially 20 RPH one-bedroom units (remaining 50 units affordable housing; partially funded)

3)Kirkland Avenue Townhomes – 18 two-and three-bedroom RPH units

4)Sunset Terrace Townhomes – 23 two-and three-bedroom RPH units

5)Sunset Terrace “Building 5” – 15 two- and three- bedroom RPH units (30% of 50 unit project; remaining 35 units affordable housing)

6)Edmonds Phase l and, if necessary, Phase ll – balance of units (16 – 36 RPH units in one or two phases, or potentially as much as 32% - 36% of the 50 unit phase l or 100 units for both phases – depending on whether or how many replacement public housing units are included in the Providence project; remaining 64 to 84 units affordable housing)

The above projects (as currently envisioned) would provide 100 replacement public housing units and 169 affordable housing units. Approximately 200 -300 market rate housing units are also projected to be built by a for-profit developer.

If one RHA replacement housing project is funded every other year, it would take RHA about fifteen years to complete the above pipeline projects. If some of the pipeline projects are combined and/or the projects are funded over a shorter period of time, the above pipeline would be completed earlier.


The City’s Sunset Court Park property is not currently on the list since RHA does not yet control the site. However, this site could provide alternative replacement housing units for item 5 and/or 6 above.

The Rolling Hills Townhomes are also not included. However, if RHA purchases the property, some of the 15 units could potentially be used for Sunset Terrace replacement public housing.

RHA will continue to explore other opportunities and partnerships to best meet the Sunset Terrace replacement public housing and new affordable housing development goals.