Name: ______

Hour: ______

Daily Unit Questions: Cold War Conclusions

September 5
Labor Day / September 6
I can outline two possible political futures following the Cold War.
SA 1
V 1-3 / September 7
I can outline two possible political futures following the Cold War.
SA 2
V 4-6 / September 8
I can describe the forces of “McWorld”.
SA 2-3
Q 7-13 / September 9
I can analyze the 4 imperatives that make up the dynamic of “McWorld”.
Q 14-18
September 12
I can analyze the 4 imperatives that make up the dynamic of “McWorld”.
Q 19-25 / September 13
I can describe the forces of “Jihad”.
SA 2
Q 26-29 / September 14
I can asses the value or role of nationalism.
Q 30-32 / September 15
I can asses the value or role of nationalism.
Q 30-32 / September 16
I can examine the effects of hyper-disintegration.
Q 33-36
September 19
I can outline future political futures and assess their merits.
SA 6
Q 37-40 / September 20
I can offer an opinion on indigenous democratic impulses.
SA 6
Q 41 / September 21
Cold War Conclusions Unit Review / September 22
Unit Exam/Flex / September 23
Unit Exam/Flex

Please write what you know in sentence form for each of the following:

  1. Nation-State:


  1. Jihad:


  1. McWorld: ______
  2. New Europe:


  1. Soviet Union: ______
  1. Political Sovereignty:


  1. Globalization:


  1. Market Imperative: ______
  2. Resource Imperative:


  1. Information-Technology Imperative:


  1. Ecological Imperative: ______
  2. Nationalism:


  1. Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin:


  1. Parochialism: ______
  2. Isolation:


  1. Fundamentalism:


  1. Political Autonomy:


  1. Glasnost:


  1. Americanization:


  1. Democratic:


  1. Transcultural:


  1. Totalitarian:


  1. Universal Rational Society: ______
  2. Multinational Corporation:


  1. Universal Law: ______
  2. Cold War:


  1. Hot War:


  1. Seperatists:


  1. Tribal State:


  1. ReligiousFundamentalism:


  1. Free Trade:


  1. East German Neuses Forum:


  1. Perestroika:


  1. Tribalism:


  1. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd World:


  1. Anti-Politics


  1. Confederated Representative System:


  1. Participatory Democracy:


  1. Uniformitarian Globalism:


  1. Intolerant Retribalization:


  1. IndigenousDemocraticImpulses:


Short answer questions can be answered through the use of complete sentences, bullet points, thinking maps, or graphic organizers.

  1. The Cold War resulted in two global super powers (US/Soviet Union) to economically, politically, and militarily keep pace with one another. How would the conclusion to that competition impact the globe?
  1. Benjamin Barber believes that the post Cold War world can best be understood through the emergence of “Jihad vs. McWorld”. Compare and contrast these world views.


  1. What four imperatives make up the dynamic of McWorld? Complete the table below, describing and offering an analysis of each.

Imperative / Description / Analysis
Market Imperative / National boundaries will push against eachother in search of markets, which will erode sovereignty in exchange for connected/international corporations. / Good: Promotes and provides stability, peace, efficiency.
Bad: Religious and ethnic practices are forgone.
Resource Imperative
Information-Technology Imperative
Ecological Imperative
  1. Describe nationalism and how it can be both a force of integration and also a divisive force tearing nations apart.
  1. Pick an example offered by Barber and examine “Hyper-Disintegration” (Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Bessarbian Ukraine and the Ukrainian Republic, or Kurdish Independence and the threat to peace in the Middle East).
  1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of our world? Form an opinion, explain and offer one piece of evidence to support your stance.