Name: ______
Hour: ______
Daily Unit Questions: Cold War Conclusions
September 5Labor Day / September 6
I can outline two possible political futures following the Cold War.
SA 1
V 1-3 / September 7
I can outline two possible political futures following the Cold War.
SA 2
V 4-6 / September 8
I can describe the forces of “McWorld”.
SA 2-3
Q 7-13 / September 9
I can analyze the 4 imperatives that make up the dynamic of “McWorld”.
Q 14-18
September 12
I can analyze the 4 imperatives that make up the dynamic of “McWorld”.
Q 19-25 / September 13
I can describe the forces of “Jihad”.
SA 2
Q 26-29 / September 14
I can asses the value or role of nationalism.
Q 30-32 / September 15
I can asses the value or role of nationalism.
Q 30-32 / September 16
I can examine the effects of hyper-disintegration.
Q 33-36
September 19
I can outline future political futures and assess their merits.
SA 6
Q 37-40 / September 20
I can offer an opinion on indigenous democratic impulses.
SA 6
Q 41 / September 21
Cold War Conclusions Unit Review / September 22
Unit Exam/Flex / September 23
Unit Exam/Flex
Please write what you know in sentence form for each of the following:
- Nation-State:
- Jihad:
- McWorld: ______
- New Europe:
- Soviet Union: ______
- Political Sovereignty:
- Globalization:
- Market Imperative: ______
- Resource Imperative:
- Information-Technology Imperative:
- Ecological Imperative: ______
- Nationalism:
- Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin:
- Parochialism: ______
- Isolation:
- Fundamentalism:
- Political Autonomy:
- Glasnost:
- Americanization:
- Democratic:
- Transcultural:
- Totalitarian:
- Universal Rational Society: ______
- Multinational Corporation:
- Universal Law: ______
- Cold War:
- Hot War:
- Seperatists:
- Tribal State:
- ReligiousFundamentalism:
- Free Trade:
- East German Neuses Forum:
- Perestroika:
- Tribalism:
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd World:
- Anti-Politics
- Confederated Representative System:
- Participatory Democracy:
- Uniformitarian Globalism:
- Intolerant Retribalization:
- IndigenousDemocraticImpulses:
Short answer questions can be answered through the use of complete sentences, bullet points, thinking maps, or graphic organizers.
- The Cold War resulted in two global super powers (US/Soviet Union) to economically, politically, and militarily keep pace with one another. How would the conclusion to that competition impact the globe?
- Benjamin Barber believes that the post Cold War world can best be understood through the emergence of “Jihad vs. McWorld”. Compare and contrast these world views.
- What four imperatives make up the dynamic of McWorld? Complete the table below, describing and offering an analysis of each.
Imperative / Description / Analysis
Market Imperative / National boundaries will push against eachother in search of markets, which will erode sovereignty in exchange for connected/international corporations. / Good: Promotes and provides stability, peace, efficiency.
Bad: Religious and ethnic practices are forgone.
Resource Imperative
Information-Technology Imperative
Ecological Imperative
- Describe nationalism and how it can be both a force of integration and also a divisive force tearing nations apart.
- Pick an example offered by Barber and examine “Hyper-Disintegration” (Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Bessarbian Ukraine and the Ukrainian Republic, or Kurdish Independence and the threat to peace in the Middle East).
- Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of our world? Form an opinion, explain and offer one piece of evidence to support your stance.