“The Landlady” by Roald Dahl


1. The narrator emphasizes the speed with which the landlady appears at the door. This may foreshadow the following that the landlady is up to something, or planning something. Billy senses that something is strange. The speed with which the landlady answers the door may also foreshadow that the landlady might control the upcoming situations in which the two (the Landlady and Billy) interact. (Foreshadowing) (page 74)

2. The landlady’s speech hints at some future events when she stresses “this stage” which suggests that she plans to break the law at some later stage. (Foreshadowing) (page 76)

3. After settling in, Billy goes downstairs and sees a fire going in the living room with the dog curled up sleeping. These clues hint that something is strange because the little dog is still soundly sleeping. The dog has not moved since Billy’s initial arrival. (Foreshadowing) (page 76)

4. Suspense rises as the climax approaches. Billy almost remembers something about Christopher Mulholland, but the landlady interrupts the first thought by asking if he wants milk and sugar in his tea.

She interrupts a second time when she corrects him about Mr. Mulholland. These two interruptions increase suspense about what will happen next. Will Billy eventually finish his thought and remember that the two guests disappeared? Will he share their fate if he doesn’t remember? (Suspense) (page 78)

5. Billy caught a “whiff of a peculiar smell that seemed to emanate directly from her person.” This peculiar smell suggests that the landlady may have something to do with a hospital; she might preserve or pickle things; she has ether or formaldehyde hidden somewhere. (Foreshadowing) (page 79)

6. When Billy realizes that the landlady stuffs animals, the reader could predict that hemight finally figure out how sinister the landlady is and he may leave. Secondly, he may be intrigued by this new development. (Predict) (page 80)

7. The landlady says, “I stuff all of my little pets myself when they pass away. Will you have another cup of tea?”This statement suggests that she may stuff Billy as one of her “little pets.” (Foreshadowing) (page 80)