ESB Entry Level Award in ESOL Skills for Life

(Speaking and Listening) (Entry3)(QCF)

Task 1 – Mohamoud

Please go to the corresponding video.

Criteria / Mohamoud
2.1 Use clear pronunciation to convey intended meaning /  / Mohamoud spoke clearly enough to be understood. His stress, pace and intonation generally aided comprehension.
3.1 Present information using an appropriate structure for a given purpose / x / He responded to his partner and the assessor using logically sequenced facts. He did not use a range of connectives but his answers were organised into a comprehensive sequence.
3.2 Provide a verbal account of relevant information for a given audience /  / He used a range of grammar appropriate to his level. Inaccuracies did not impede communication.
3.3 Convey relevant detail during verbal communication / x / His vocabulary was simple for the level. He did not demonstrate a wide enough range of language. He has another opportunity to achieve this criterion in Task 2.
4.3 Obtain relevant information from others /  / He used a range of question forms appropriate for his level including past, present and future tenses.
Inaccuracies did not impede understanding.

Task 2

Please go to for the corresponding video.

Criteria / Marie Therese
1.3 Follow the gist of straightforward verbal communications / N/A / Marie Therese’s questions to her partner are not shown on this clip.
2.2 Use appropriate language in context according to formality (register) /  / Marie Therese used the appropriate register for an informal talk.
2.1 Use clear pronunciation to convey intended meaning / x / She did not speak clearly enough to be understood. There were parts of her talk which could not be understood and her stress, pace and intonation did not aid comprehension.
3.1 Present info using an appropriate structure for a given purpose (logical sequence, connectives) / x / The talk was difficult to follow. Marie Therese needed to include more connectives and time markers in order to sequence the information appropriately.
3.2 Provide a verbal account of relevant info for a given audience / x / Her syntax was muddled. She does not use a range of grammar appropriate to the level, e.g. future tenses and modal verbs.
She confuses pronouns throughout the talk and uses plurals incorrectly
Her inaccuracies made her talk difficult to understand.
3.3. Convey relevant detail during verbal communication / x / Vocabulary is limited for this level, she uses some adjectives but overall there is a lack of range for her level.
4.2 Express views constructively during verbal communication on straightforward topics . / x / She expressed her views simply and her inaccuracies impeded understanding.
4.4 Obtain relevant information from others / N/A / Her questions after her partner’s talk are not shown on this clip.

Task 3

Please go to for the corresponding video.

Criteria / Marie Therese
Obtain relevant detail from straightforward verbal communication /  / Marie Therese gave detailed answers to her partner’s questions demonstrating that she understood the questions by providing relevant information.
Follow straightforward verbal instructions correctly for a given purpose /  / Marie Therese reported her lost bag, described the contents and agreed on a plan of action.
4.1 Contribute constructively to discussion on straight forward topics /  / She contributed to the discussion. She answered questions appropriately, describing her bag and describing the situation.
2.2 Use appropriate language in context according to formality /  / Marie Therese was informal but polite.
4.3 Plan action with others for a given task /  / She agreed with her partner and offered her partner information on which to base their plan
4.4 Obtain relevant information from others / x / Marie Therese did not ask a range of questions. She has two more opportunities to achieve this assessment criterion –in tasks one and two