Date:______Home Phone#______Cell Phone#______
Last Name First Name Middle Initial Preferred Name
Street Address______City______State______Zip______
Patient’s Social Security # ______-_____-______Birthdate___/___/___ Age____ Gender: M / F
Marital Status: __Single __Married __Widowed __Separated __Divorced
Employed by ______Occupation______
Business Address______Work Phone#______
Spouse Name______
Spouse Employed by______Spouse Work Phone#______
Who is responsible for this account?______Relationship to patient______
In case of emergency, who should be notified? ______Phone#______
Whom may we thank for referring you?______
Name of Dental Insurance Company______Group #______
Primary Holder of Insurance______
Primary Insured’s Social Security # _____-___-_____ Primary Insured’s Birthdate ____/____/____
Secondary Dental Insurance Company______Group #______
Name of Insured Person______
Insured’s Social Security # _____-____-_____ Insured’s Birthdate ____/____/____
Although dental personnel primarily treat the area in and around your mouth, your mouth is a part of your entire body. Health problems that you may have, or medications that you may be taking, could have an important interrelationship with the dental care you will receive. Thank you for answering the following questions.
CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ANSWER (Leave blank if you do not understand the question)
- YesNoIs your general health good?
- YesNoHave there been a change in your health within the last year?
- Yes NoHave you ever been hospitalized or had a major operation?
If yes, please explain:______
- YesNoAre you being treated by a physician now? For what?______
Date of last Medical Exam:______Date of last Dental Appt.:______
- Yes NoHave you had problems with prior dental treatment?
- YesNoAre you in pain now?
- YesNoHave you ever had a serious head or neck injury?
- YesNoDo you use tobacco?
- YesNoDo you use controlled substances or recreational drugs? ______
- YesNoAre you taking any medications? Please list: ______
- Are you allergic to any of the following?Check all that apply
□Aspirin □Penicillin □Codeine □Acrylic □Metal □Latex □Local Anesthetics □Other______
- Women: Are you □ Pregnant/Trying to get pregnant? □Nursing □Taking oral contraceptives?
- Have you experienced any of the following?(Check all that apply)
□AIDS/HIV Positive
□Alzheimer’s Disease
□Angina (chest pain)
□Artificial Heart Valve*
□Artificial Joint*
□Asthma or Hay Fever
□Blood Disease
□Blood Transfusion
□Bruise Easily
□Chest Pains
□Cold Sores/FeverBlisters
□Congenital Heart Disorder
□Drug Addiction
□Epilepsy or Seizures
□Excessive Bleeding
□Excessive Thirst
□Fainting Spells/Dizziness
□Frequent Headaches
□Genital Herpes
□Heart Attack/Failure
□Heart Murmur*
□Heart Pace Maker*
□Heart Trouble/Disease
□Hepatitis A
□Hepatitis B or C
□High Blood Pressure
□Irregular Heartbeat
□Kidney Problems
□Liver Disease
□Low Blood Pressure
□Lung Disease
□Mitral Valve Prolapse*
□Pain in Jaw Joints
□Parathyroid Disease
□Psychiatric Care
□Radiation Treatments
□Recent Weight Loss
□Renal Dialysis
□Rheumatic Fever*
□Scarlet Fever
□Sinus Trouble
□Spina Bifida
□Swelling of Limbs
□Thyroid Disease
□Tumors or Growths
□Venereal Disease
*Condition may require medication before dental appointments
- Have you ever had any serious illness not listed above? □Yes□No
If Yes, please explain:______
Reason for your visit ______Date of last visit______
What concerns you most about your teeth?______
YesNoAre you presently in any dental pain?______
YesNoHave you ever experienced any unfavorable reaction to dentistry?______
YesNoHave your wisdom teeth been removed?______
YesNoHave you ever lost or chipped any teeth?______
YesNoHave there been any injuries to face, mouth, or teeth?______
YesNoIs any part of your mouth sensitive to temperature? Where?______
YesNoIs any part of your mouth sensitive to pressure? Where?______
YesNoDo your gums bleed when you brush?______
YesNoDo you have any type of thumb or tongue habit?______
YesNoAre you a mouth breather?______
YesNoDo your teeth or jaws ever feel uncomfortable when you awake in the morning?______
YesNoAre you aware of your jaw clicking or popping?______
YesNoAre you aware of clenching your teeth during the day?______
YesNoHave you ever been told that you grind your teeth?______
Yes No Do you like the appearance of your smile? ______
- We invite you to discuss with us any questions regarding our services. The best dental health services are based on a friendly, mutual understanding between provider and patient.
- PAYMENTS-Our policy requires payment in full for all services rendered at the time of visit, unless other arrangements have been made with the office administrator. We accept cash, checks, credit cards, or you can apply for Care Credit. If account is not paid within 90 days of the date of service and no financial arrangements have been made, you will be responsible for legal fees, collection agency fees, interest charges, and any other expenses incurred in collecting your account.
- INSURANCE – If you believe that your treatment is covered by a dental insurance policy, we will be happy to assist you in completing the necessary forms. Please understand that while this is done for your convenience, we consider each patient to be responsible for their entire balance regardless of their insurance coverage. If your insurance carrier will reimburse you directly, we ask that your account with our office be paid in full when treatment is rendered. If you request the insurance carrier to reimburse our dental office, we ask that the patient portion of the fee be paid at time of service.
- I authorize the staff to perform any necessary services needed during diagnosis and treatment. I also authorize the provider to release any information required to process insurance claims.
- I understand the above information and guarantee this form was completed correctly to the best of my knowledge and understand it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes to the information I have provided.
□Adult Patient □Parent or Guardian □Spouse