Sample: <Organisation/club name>Alcohol Management Policy
As a Cancer Council Healthy Sports Club we recognise the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
In Australia approximately one third of cancer cases each year are preventable by not smoking, avoiding harmful UV radiation, maintaining a healthy weight,moderating alcohol consumption, cutting down on red and processed meat, eating more fruit and vegetables and being physically active.
Alcohol can increase the risk of 7 different types of cancer including mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, bowel, liver and breast.Approximately 2.8% of all cases of cancer diagnosed each year can be attributed to alcohol consumption.
While <Organisation/club name>does/doesnot sell alcohol we acknowledge that alcohol may be consumed at club related events including after games or training, end of season presentations, functions and other fundraising events.
As influential organisations in the NSW community, cricket clubs can help encouragehealthier alcohol consumption behaviours in the club environment. This policy supports<Organisation/club name>,to create a club philosophy that supports healthier alcohol consumption/ does not encourage alcohol consumption
This policy aims to ensure all players, officials and spectators are encouraged to make healthier choices related to alcohol consumption and to avoid alcohol consumption when children under the age of 18 are present.
<Organisation/club name>has a duty of care to provide a safe environment for everyone involved in our activities, including encouraging players, officials and spectators to make healthy choices.
<Organisation/club name>also recognises that role-modelling can have a significant impact on junior club members and is committed to role-modelling positive behaviours.
As part of our commitment toalcohol management, players, officials and spectators will be encouraged to support the following:
- Alcohol free junior cricket games
Committing to an alcohol-free policy at all junior cricket games and training to limit junior player’s exposure to those who may be consuming alcohol. Alcohol will not be available and is discouraged at all junior cricket events.
2. Responsible service of alcohol at functions
- the event will be conducted consistent with liquor licensing legislation
- For people who choose to drink alcohol, (outside of junior events) they will be encouraged to follow the recommendations from the Commonwealth Department of Health. These include:
-drinking no more than 2 standard drinks on any day to reduce long term harm
-drinking no more than four standard drinks on a single occasion to reduce alcohol related injury
- Consider alcohol free events if children under the age of 18 are present
4. Encouragement of water
Tap water is provided free of charge andwill be encouraged and promoted.
5. Promoting information and Policy:
•TheAlcohol Management Policy will be regularly communicated to club officials, coaches, trainers and members of the club via the club’s usual communication channels (e.g. member packs, newsletters, website, social media and notice boards).
•Players and their families will be informed about the Alcohol Management Policy when they apply for membership.
•Where possible, information about Alcohol Management will be communicated to the club community through briefings or training sessions, newsletters, notice boards, online communications, enrolment and announcements during games.
6. Role modelling:
All officials, coaches, trainers and adult members of the club are encouraged to act as positive role models for younger members by, if they choose to drink alcohol,drinking in line with Department of Health recommendations, abstaining from drinkingat junior cricket events and not drinking alcohol at events where children will be present..
7. Review
Club authorities will regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of the Alcohol Management policy to ensure it remains relevant and current.
Signed (by designated authorities)