Name ______

Chapter 2: Colonies Emerge


  • European exploration and colonization resulted in the redistribution of the world’s population.
  • Exploration and colonization initiated worldwide commercial expansion as agricultural products were exchanged between the Americas and Europe.
  • Colonization led to ideas of representative government and religious toleration that over several centuries would inspire similar transformations in other parts of the world.





John smith

Indentured Servant

John Winthrop

Anne Hutchinson



  1. How did John Rolfe transform the Virginia colony?
  1. What was the major aspect of life that affected the New England colonies?
  1. How can one consider Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson pioneers of Democracy?
  1. What was the main cause of dispute between the colonists and the Native Americans?
  1. List the New England colonies:

The Middle Colonies:

The Southern Colonies:

Fill in the blanks.

Year / Explorer / Place of Landing or Exploration / Country/Group Represented by Explorer
1001 / Leif Ericsson / Newfoundland / Scandinavia
1492 / Christopher Columbus
1493 / John Cabot / Nova Scotia
1499 / Amerigo Vespucci / Spain and then Portugal
1510 / Vasco de Balboa / Pacific Coast of America
1513 / Juan Ponce de Leòn / Florida
1519 / Hernando Cortés / southeastern Mexico
1520 / Ferdinand Megellan / Spain
1524 / Giovanni da Verrazano / search for the Northwest Passage / France
1534 / Jacques Cartier / search for the Northwest Passage
1525 / Francisco Pizarro
1540 / Francisco Vásquez de Coronado / southwestern United States
1540s / Hernando do Soto / Spain
1587 / John White / Roanoke colony
1607 / John Smith


Using the exhibit, choose the letter of the best answer.

____ 1. Which is the northernmost colony represented on the map?

A. Georgia

B. Massachusetts

C. North Carolina

D. New Hampshire

____ 2. Which colonies lie between 30° N and 35° N latitude?

A. South Carolina, Georgia

B. North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey

C. New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island

D. Georgia, Virginia, New Hampshire

____ 3. Approximately how many miles would you have to travel from Wilmington, North Carolina, to

reach Williamsburg, Virginia?

A. 50

B. 200

C. 500

D. 800

____ 4. Which two colonies are the smallest in area?

A. Maryland and Delaware

B. Connecticut and Rhode Island

C. Delaware and Rhode Island

D. New York and Connecticut

____ 5. Which of the Great Lakes lies closest to New York?

A. Lake Ontario

B. Lake Erie

C. Lake Huron

D. All are at an equal distance.

____ 6. Which of the following occupations is not included in the list?

A. blacksmith

B. surgeon

C. lawyer

D. carpenter

____ 7. How many gentlemen were in the first supply group that arrived at Jamestown?

A. 26

B. 28

C. 29

D. 83

____ 8. How many total laborers arrived in Jamestown in the three groups?

A. 11

B. 12

C. 21

D. 44

____ 9. How many different occupations are listed?

A. 18

B. 20

C. 22

D. 24

____ 10. How many different occupations were represented in the original group of settlers?

A. 8

B. 11

C. 12

D. 14