We Want YOU to contribute to the famous

Wearable Art Show hors d’ oeuvres Spread!

Not only is the Wearable Art Show known for its amazing works of wearable art, its animated models, the music, the lights, the emcees…. You get the idea. It’s ALSO famous for its amazing spread. Did you know we rely on hard working volunteers and donations to pull it off???

Help us make it another delicious year by contributing!!!!

The state regulations have changed- so if you want to help out, here’s how it works!


·  Dishes prepared in a certified kitchen (restaurants, grocery kitchens/bakeries, most churches, etc. We love getting dishes from our favorite Ketchikan restaurants!)

·  Sealed, Pre-packaged Snacks (Chips, Crackers, Cookies, etc.)

·  Pre-made trays from the grocery store (Veggie, cheese, and fruit trays)

·  Frozen delectables- You know, those bags of chicken wings, baby quiches, crème puffs, there’s all sorts of great pre-made frozen delights… make sure they stay completely frozen, and that they get there early enough for our kitchen crew to prepare them! (Wednesday evening is a great drop-off time at TFCC).

·  Home-baked items- Pre-baked cookies, muffins, cupcakes, and breads from your home are all welcome- BUT don’t bring them on the serving tray, bring them packaged up, with your tray! (I know, this is odd, but the rules state that they must be “plated” in the venue kitchen.) If you want to bring a pie or cheesecake, make sure that it stays BELOW 41 degrees F!


·  Food cooked and plated in your own home. Homemade bakery items are okay, but everything else must come from a certified kitchen, or be pre-packaged.

MAKE SURE YOU E-MAIL OUR FOOD COORDINATOR, ANDI, IF YOU WANT TO BRING SOMETHING FOR THE SHOW: ! Let her know what you are bringing, and whether it is for the Thursday, Friday, or one of the Saturday performances. For more information, or to check that your dish is okay, e-mail or call 617-9249. THANK YOU!!!