All Saints Gold Book 12.1.18

(R) / Ben Cooke for using such fantastic adjectives to describe different toys. He used his phonics learning to write these down and make brilliant ‘What am I?’ cards.
This week we have been discussing how to be a good friend.Nyah Serrant and Nikolas Markovic are always good friends. They are so polite to everybody and show such care and consideration towards their peers.
(1) / James Moule – James has really enjoyed our learning on 3D shape this week. He has used many of his Maths and English skills to support his learning. When investigating 3D shapes and their faces James showed how resourceful he can be and independently collected and used both 2D and 3D word mats.
Alfie Clark – Alfie completed a tricky phonics challenge this week with confidence and skill. It showed how much he has learnt and how well he can concentrate. Great engagement and resilience Alfie!
Aarna Bansall – Aarna took her learning outside this week. During playtimes Aarna has been looking for and investigating 2D and 3D shapes. IT is great to see her using Maths in real life!
(2) / Emily Durrant for modelling all of Warfield’s learning behaviours this week. Emily has been engaged, answering questions and collaborating with others. Fantastic!
Archie Huntingford for using his historical knowledge to sort pictures of London into past and present accurately showing determination and resourcefulness.
Eliza Earl and Keira Satchell for using their maths knowledge to make links when dividing. Both Eliza and Keira used equipment to share and divide.
Well done!
(3) / Ella Mills + Sienna Wright - Both Mrs Joel and Miss Bennett have been impressed this week with their determination by persevering withcolumn multiplication. Although the girls found this tricky at the beginning of the week they have come on in leaps and bounds. Super work girls!
Ben Hunt - Ben has veryworked hardwith his reading and comprehensionandhas moved up a book band this week! This is clearlyreflected through his writing.Keep up the good work Ben!
Isobel Sweeney - Isobel has amazedall of the adults in Dolphins this week with her interesting facts about theRomans. She has taught each of us something we did not know!
(4) / Jovan Tiwana and Ryan Farrell – Both these boys have impressed the adults in Year 4 with their fantastic attitude towards their learning in all lessons since coming back to school. They are engaged, enthusiastic and taking great care over their work. They have also independently done more research in their own time to find out more about our new topic. Keep it up!
Latiya Masey – For her fantastic maths work this week when looking at multiplication. Latiya worked hard and independently to complete her times tables and then proved her answers using resources. Well done Latiya!
(5) / Daniel Mills - for your fantastic explanations in Maths this week. You have reasoned exceptionally wellwhen talking about multiplication with massive numbers! Keep it up - you are fab!
Evie Curtis - for your determination and bravery when sharing your explanationsand opinions in class. The points you have shared have been very valuable and appreciated by all of Pandas. Keep being amazing!
(6) / Lucy Taylor – this week you have been hugely invested in your learning. You have engaged with lots and lots of new learning and top tips – an excellent, determined attitude. Well done.
Mae Collard – during our learning this week, you have been exceptionally engaged. You have asked lots of insightful questions which has enabled you to move your learning on. A very successful week.