Name ______

Project ______

Differentiated Learning Analysis Rubric

Understanding of Main Character

Exceeds (4) Character is described in detail. Shows excellent understanding of physical descriptions as well as personality and motivations. Includes examples to illustrate for detail.

Meets (3) Shows good understanding of physical description, personality, and motivations. Details are relevant to the story.

Approaching (2) Shows minimal understanding of main character. Details are supplied, but may be irrelevant or off topic.

Not at

Standard (1) Shows incomplete understanding of main character. May focus only on physical descriptions rather than personality and motivations. Details are off topic, non-existent, or irrelevant.

Score ______


Exceeds (4) The project contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the audience’s enjoyment. The student has really used his/her imagination.

Meets (3) The project contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the audience’s enjoyment. The student has used his imagination.

Approaching (2) The project contains a few creative details and/or descriptions. The student has tried to use his/her imagination.

Not at

Standard (1) There is little evidence of creativity in the project. The student does not seem to have used much imagination.

Score ______


Exceeds (4) Demonstrates a complete understanding of the setting as it relates to the story. Uses numerous specific examples from the novel to demonstrate a complete understanding of the setting as a key element.

Meets (3) Some understanding of the setting as it relates to the story is demonstrated. Information related to the setting is fairly accurate. Some examples from the novel demonstrate an understanding of the setting as a key element.

Approaching (2) Little understanding of the setting as a key element in the novel is given. Few examples to demonstrate an understanding of the setting as a key element are included. Factual errors regarding the setting can be found. Examples given are either vague or unimportant.

Not at Complete lack of understanding of the setting as it relates to the novel. Little or no

Standard (1) solid examples to demonstrate an understanding of the setting can be found.

Evidence can not be found. Filled with factual errors.

Score ______

Accuracy of Facts

Exceeds (4) All information presented in the project is accurate.

Meets (3) Almost all information presented in the project is accurate.

Approaching (2) Most information presented in the project is accurate (70%).

Not at

Standard (1) There are several factual errors in the project.

Score ______

Evidence to Support the Plot

Exceeds (4) Demonstrates a deep understanding of the plot. Uses some general and specific evidence from the novel to support the main events in the novel.

Meets (3) Some understanding of the plot is demonstrated. Uses general ideas from the novel to support the main events of the novel.

Approaching (2) Little understanding of the plot is demonstrated. Evidence is vague, irrelevant, or confusing. Events given do not directly relate to the main plot points in the novel.

Not at

Standard (1) Understanding of the plot is not demonstrated. Evidence is absent.

Score ______

Oral Presentation

Exceeds (4) Clearly aware of intended audience. Rehearsal is evident. Good pacing, volume, expression, and eye contact.

Meets (3) Generally aware of intended audience. Some evidence of rehearsal. Appropriate volume and some eye contact.

Approaching (2) Rarely takes audience into consideration. Little evidence of rehearsal. Inadequately prepared.

Not at

Standard (1) Unaware of audience. No evidence of rehearsal. Not prepared.

Score ______


Exceeds (4) Student fully answered all the required questions, addressing all necessary information.

Meets (3) Student mostly answered all questions, addressing most of the necessary information.

Approaching (2) Student attempted to answer the necessary questions, but did not address the necessary information.

Not at

Standard (1) Student rarely attempted to answer the necessary questions, and did not address the necessary information.

Score ______

Overall Physical Presentation

Exceeds (4) Logical and coherent. Appealing to the audience. Extremely neat, organized, and well-thought out. Contains very few grammar/spelling errors.

Meets (3) Mostly logical and coherent. Somewhat appealing to the audience. Few lapses with regard to neatness and organization. Overall presentation contains some grammar and spelling errors.

Approaching (2) Lacking in coherency. Lack of effort given to making presentation appealing. Many lapses with regard to neatness and organization. Overall presentation contains several grammar and spelling errors.

Not at

Standard (1) No coherency. Complete lack of effort and disregard for making presentation appealing. Sloppy and completely unorganized. Overall presentation contains a tremendous amount of grammar and spelling errors.

Score ______

Final Score ______