Expectations for Students with Horses Agisted at School

It is the student’s responsibility to care for their horse while it is on school grounds. Each student will be expected to:

  1. Check their horse, water and paddock daily. Feed if necessary. If a student is on leave (boarders) or cannot do this for some reason,they must ensure someone else cares for the horse during their absence.
  2. Keep the train carriage and feed shed tidy and clean.
  3. Pick up their horse’s droppings anywhere on the school grounds out of the paddock. (This includes the arena, round yard and tie up rail, on the roads and any grassed area.)
  4. Do not use other people’s equipment/feed unless they have permission to do so. Always put things back where they belong.
  5. Advise the ASC Equestrian Committee Paddock Co-ordinator if they are taking their horse away for any length of time. Give the Paddock Co-ordinator the date of arrival and departure. (NB: We have a lot of hoses coming and going. Horses may not always be kept in the same paddocks).
  6. The code to the padlock must be considered secure and only shared with people who have a legitimate reason to know it. Any security breaches must be reported to the ASC Equestrian Staff Supervisor.
  7. Any problems or concerns are to be reported directly to the Agriculture teacher.

Riding after school

You must provide written consent from your parents to the Equestrian Staff Supervisor if you wish to ride after school. Boarders must also have permission from the Staff on Duty and inform them when, where and for how long you are riding.

No student may approach or ride another person’s horse without written permission from both sets of parents to be lodged with the Equestrian Staff Supervisor.

Where to ride

On School Grounds

  • The round yard, the arena, the designated area below Britten House.
  • Polocrosse, under the Webbers’ supervision, is on Styles Oval.
  • Please do not ride on the existing sporting pitches.

Off School Grounds

  • This may only occur with clear direction from and knowledge of the Equestrian Staff Supervisor.

The keeping of a horse at school is a privilege and at the discretion of the Head of College. The failure to comply with these expectations by a student may result in the withdrawal of the privilege to keep a horse at school.

Head of College

June 2013