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The Saint Paul’s Baptist Church
Belt Campus
Spring Semester 2016
(April 10 to May 29)
Small Groups (Meet At Least Twice a Month)
/ Group Name / Type / Description / Day / Start Time / End Time / Room /1. / Co Ed Small Group-Sunday Special / Affinity / Bible Study and discussion based on the Sunday sermon for adults. / Sundays / 11:45am / 12:45 pm / Admin Bldg 201
2. / Men’s Group on Mondays / Affinity / A small group that meets for Bible Study, fellowship, and community. / Mondays / 6:30pm / 8pm / Admin Conf Room
3. / Joy Choir / Fine Arts / Children’s Choir for who are in the age range from Preschool to 5th grade. / Mondays / 6:30pm / 7pm / Choir Suite
4. / Youth Choir / Fine Arts / Choir for youth who are in the age range of 6th grade to high school. / Mondays / 7pm / 8pm / Choir Suite
5. / Women of Worship Group on Tuesdays / Affinity / A small women’s group that meets for Bible Study, fellowship, and community. / Tuesdays / 12:15pm / 1:45pm / Admin Conf Room
6. / Boys to Men Middle School Boys Mentoring Group / Life Stage / Youth mentoring group for middle school aged boys (10-14 years old) emphasizing self and team development, life skills, group discussions, guest speakers, outings and Bible study. / Tuesdays / 7:00pm / 8:30pm / Admin Bldg 205
7. / Mime / Fine Arts / Mime group for males and females ages 12 years old and above. / Tuesdays / 7pm / 8pm / Upstairs Room in the Gym or Sanctuary
8. / Ensemble Rehearsal / Fine Arts / Choir for those who are gifted in music / Wednesdays / 6pm / 7pm / Choir Suite
9. / Choir Rehearsal / Fine Arts / Choir for all who desire to sing for the Lord. / Wednesdays / 7pm / 8:30pm / Choir Suite
10. / Girl Scouts,
(Grades K-12) / Life Stage / Group for Girls, ages K-12, where they learn team work, support, and Biblical principles. / Saturdays / Noon / 1:30pm / Admin Bldg
11. / Middle School Girls Mentoring Group / Life Stage / Youth mentoring group for middle school aged boys (10-14 years old) emphasizing self and team development, life skills, group discussions, guest speakers, outings and Bible study. / 2nd & 4th Saturdays / 1:30pm / 4:30pm / Admin Bldg 205
Large Groups (Meet Monthly)
Group Name / Type / Description / Day / Start Time / End Time / Room12. / Caring Hearts (Nurses) / Hospitality / Group for medical professionals that assist members and guests during service. / 1st Sundays / 11:30am / 12:30pm / Admin Conf Room
13. / Shepherd’s Staff / Diaconate/S.S. / Group for ministers that provides instruction, insight, coaching, and leadership. / 2nd Sundays / 11:30am / 12:30pm / Admin Conf Room
14. / New Member Experience / Hospitality / Group for people who want to welcome people into the church, love people and wants to assist those who are considering accepting Jesus Christ. / 5th Sundays / 11:30am / 1pm / 2nd Floor Room in Sanctuary.
15. / Ushers / Hospitality / Serve as doorkeepers with Christ-like attitudes, willing spirits and loving hearts. / 2nd Saturdays / 11am / Noon / Admin. Conf. Room.
16. / Security / Hospitality / Group provides safety for the entire congregation and campus. / 3rd Saturdays / Noon / 1pm / Admin Conf Room
17. / Hospitality/Greeters / Hospitality / Greet people with a warm smile, handshake and a pleasant as they enter our doors for worship. / 1st Saturdays / Noon / 2pm / Admin Conf. Room
For more information, email or call 232-5693. Updated May 3, 2016