Submitted for whatever value it may be

Crime information – searches show recent events

Generates maps with selected details

Financial "Crash Course".

The movie I.O.U.S.A.:

Numbers for USdebt

Federal debt in perspective

Whatif the government took ALL wealth

America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship

Per the Federal Reserve (2009) private net worth was $53.4 trillion while debt and unfunded liabilities totaled at least$120 trillion or 225% of the citizens' net worth.

Survivalist video and documents by a chiropractor.

Survivalistswitha long term community view

User submitted prepper type articles.

LOTS of low-tech ideas.

Scientific study information:

Planning for a long-emergency

Open source technology / ecology

Medical supply thoughts:

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness "Basic Med. Kit for aShelter"

Ten Essential OTC Medications to Stockpile by Dr. Koelker

General information on preparation...

Weapons manuals

Survival & Self Reliance Studies Institute's Home Page, a significant source

of fairly well organized survival/self reliance information.

Contains a number of planning articles for financial and physical dangers.

Become a producer in a nation of consumers... feed your neighbors?

Amaranth to Zai Holes - Gardening under difficult conditions.

Echo has excerpted the "above ground" portions, now

Health related books, written to be applicable in a primitive village

Collection of herbal and alternative medicine


Homestead materials.

Practical Action is focused small-scale appropriate technology aimed at

improving access to infrastructure and enterprise development for people

living in poverty.

Plants for a Future points out that "Just twenty plants provide the majority

of food eaten, yet there are thousands of other useful plants which have not

reached mainstream attention. You can find details of many of them here."

Leaf for Life indicates, "Over 1000 species of plants bear leaves that are

eaten, to some extent by humans. We've chosen 16 of these as "our favorites"

and 50 others as "honorable mention." Our favorites are plants that we feel

have, by virtue of their botany and history, shown great potential for

providing food for humans in a sustainable way..."

The Univeristy of Arizona provides the complete, online text of the Master

Gardener Manual - " essential reference for gardening in the desert

southwest." If you are in a different climate, check with your state

agriculture officials for the local version of this manual.

It might be of value to have topographical maps of your home, the

surrounding area, as well as any likely "relocation" spot you select and the

route there. Such are available free to download from the USGS.

Select the map locator option, and follow the instructions on the right.

For a wide variety of books, available online for free download, see:

The site can be a real nuisance, but it contains a lot of fiction, and more

importantly factual manuals, for example "Emergency War Surgery".

If you have decided to organize your "vital information", and you are looking

for organization hints, check the site:

In particular:

Books/pamphlets & more.

As of June 2, 2011, all PDF versions of books published by the National

Academies Press (NAP) will be downloadable free of charge to anyone. This

includes a current catalog of more than 4,000 books plus future reports

published by NAP.*

Just sign-up, and you get to download I believe 5 books per month.

Merck Veterinary Manual online

Old Knowledge index page

Nuclear war stuff:

'The Good News About Nuclear Destruction'

'What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent'


Their catalog, free to download, is(was?) a valuable info source on how togo


Food in your front yard?

How long does food store?

The closest thing I've seen to a chance to maintain a long-term high energy

use human civilization. Fusion.