Write the correct possessive adjective or pronoun for these sentences.

1.  Whose coat is this? Is it ______? (you)

2.  Excuse me! Those are ______seats. (we)

3.  Is it ______bag or ______? (you/he)

4.  Has the cat eaten ______food? (it)

5.  It isn’t ______bicycle, it’s ______. (he/she)

6.  ______house is bigger than ______. (they/ we)

7.  The decision is ______.(they)

8.  Have you got ______ruler, or would you like to borrow ______? (you/I)

9.  ______kitchen is smaller than ______(we / they)

10.  They are not ______shoes - they are ______. (I/she)

11.  Aylin and her brother are at the cafe with ______friends.

12.  The drawing of the ship is ______. I did it last year.

13.  It’s my mothers birthday tomorrow. I haven’t bought ______anything yet.

14.  A: Why are you wearing ______old Tshirt? B: ______new Tshirt is dirty.

Reflexive pronouns + each other

15.  You and your sister shouldn’t blame ______. The accident was not your fault.

16.  Is he crazy? Why is he talking to ______?

17.  I need you and you need me. We need ______.

18.  We walked all day and made ______very tired.

19.  My best friend and I don’t see ______very often.

20.  How long has she and Tim know ______?

21.  They looked at ______in the mirror.

Write the correct possessive adjective or pronoun for these sentences.

Laura looked at ______in the mirror, combed her hair and turned to John. They smiled at ______and laughed. Lauara asked John, “Do you remember when we met ______at the concert?”. “Of course, I do” said John. “When I saw you, I thought you were talking to ______but you were talking on your mobile phone!”

1.  We introduced ______to the new neighbours.

2.  Her grandparents wrote to ______before they got married.

3.  This isn’t your jacket. ______is black.

4.  My baby brother and sister can’t dress ______.

5.  Let’s go to IKEA and buy a wardrobe. We can build it ______.

6.  Dad is going to Trabzon and I’m going with ______.

7.  My children are very independent. They can take care of ______.

8.  Can we use your camera? ______is broken.

9.  I can’t use my mobile phone. If you can give it to me, I want to use ______.

10.  Sam and Robert don’ like ______. They always fight.

11.  They wrote emails to ______during the holiday.

12.  This is not Ayse’s umbrella. ______umbrella is yellow.

13.  A: Does your brother have a brown jacket?

B: Yes, he does.

A: I think this jacket is ______.

Choose the best answer.

1. My uncle’s at home. I talked to ______a few minutes ago.

a. him b. himself c. myself

2 I haven’t seen Sırma for years and to tell you the truth, I miss ______a lot.

a. herself b. her c. she

3. Look at her finger! She cut ______really badly!

a. itself b. herself c. us

4. My boss introduced ______to her brother.

a. ourselves b. herself c. us

5. We don’t have to turn our new Smart TV off. It will turn off by ______in twenty minutes.

a. yourself b. myself c. itself

6. Children, I’m not helping you do your homework. Do it ______!

a. yourselves b. yourself c. myself

7. Tolgahan sat on his laptop and broke ______.

a. themselves b. it c. himself

8 Selman, try to find the answer by ______.

a. itself b. herself c. yourself

9. She can look after ______! She’s not a baby anymore.

a. hers b. herself c. her

10. Tim called me ______and invited me to the party.

a. myself b. him c. himself

Naz alıştırma – Quantifiers

such as / Like / including / too
little / also
also / For example
For example / many
few / a few / a lot of / much

1.  Our grandparents ate fresh vegetables, ______leek, celery and garlic. They ______had fresh fruits. ______, they ate apples and bananas.

2.  Some of our grandparents ______had ______animals which they kept for milk.

3.  Our grandparents didn’t eat ______fast food ______hamburgers and pizza.

4.  There weren’t ______people who ate food from other countries. ______, they didn’t eat mango or kiwi.

5.  Slowly, our eating habits changed. At first, ______people tried new food but it became popular later.

6.  Today people, including children and teenagers, have ______time to cook meals, so ______people prefer to eat fast food.

7.  Fast food is fast. It is cheap, ______, but they are not healthy, so some people prefer to eat ______fast food.

8.  Generally American teenagers eat ______fast food ______cheseburgers and pizza and they get obese.

A. Ask and answer the questions using the past passive form of the verbs.

1.  When / telephone / invent ?


2.  Who / telephone / invent?


3.  What / break / the boys / yesterday afternoon?


4.  Who / the house / clean / last week?


5.  When / the medicine / buy ?


6.  the room / clean / your mother / two hours ago ?


A. Ask and answer the questions using the present passive form of the verbs.

1.  Who / the house / clean / every week?


2.  Why / the money / give / to the man / every month?


3.  your bike / often / clean / your mother ?


4.  the email / send / to the customers / every day?


B. Circle the correct answer.

1.  Most electronic gadgets made / are made in Taiwan.

2.  French and English speak / are spoken in Canada.

3.  She studied / was studied German for five years at school.

4.  We didn’t spend / weren’t spent a lot of money on clothes.

5.  The new drug made / is made in Holland.

6.  The window broke / was broken by the children playing in the street.

7.  A new shopping mall built / was built in Ankara.

8.  Many accidents cause / are caused by dangerous driving.

9.  Students drink / are drunk over 1500 bottles of cola every week.

10.  The boy saved / was saved by the rescue team.

11.  Did / Was the new hospital open / opened last week?

12.  This medicine gives / is given to babies.

13.  The mother gave / was given the medicine to the baby.

14.  He took / was taken to hospital last night.

15.  They brought / were brought some flowers to me yesterday.

16.  Doctors pay / are paid a lot of money for operations.

4 Put the verbs in the active or passive and in the correct tense.

1 The doctor (give) ______me some medicine yesterday.

2 All the new students (give) ______a vaccination when they start a course here.

3 My bag (take) ______by someone while I was doing P.E.

4 When I had a headache, I (take) ______a painkiller.

5 Did you know that over 1000 bottles of cola (drink) ______in our school every week?

6 I know one of you (drink) ______my bottle of water this morning.


Enterprise 2 unit 6


Longman Grammar practice for elementary students